University of Virginia Library



Tell you a story,” my beautiful dear,
“Of nixies, and pixies, and fairies with wings?”
Well, curl up close in the corner here,
And I'll show you more astonishing things!
I give you this small white packet to hold.
“It rustles,” you say. Both the ends are sealed.
Patience a moment, and you shall be told
Of the hundreds of captives that lie concealed
In this little paper. “What, living things?”
Yes, full of life. “Won't I take one out?”
Yes, only be careful,—they have no wings,
But your lightest breathing will blow them about.
There, one in your warm pink palm I lay:
You hardly can see it! “Does anything hide
In that wee atom of dust?” you say.
Yes, wonderful glory is folded inside!
Robes, my dear, that are fit for kings;
Scarlet splendor that dazzles the eyes;
Buds, flowers, leaves, stalks,—so many things!
You look in my face with doubting surprise,


And ask, “Is it really, truly true?”
No fairy story at all this time!
Don't you remember the poppy that grew
At the foot of the trellis where sweet peas climb,
Last summer, close to the doorstep, where
You and I loved to sit in the sun,
And see the butterflies float in the air
When the long bright day was almost done?
Don't you remember what joy we had
Watching that poppy grow high and higher,
In its lovely gray-green garments clad,
Till the buds one evening showed streaks of fire,
And next day—oh! it was all ablaze;
Three or four flowers at once outburst
In the early sun's low, golden rays—
And you were down at the doorstep first—
And what magnificence met our sight!
What a heavenly time we had, we two,
Just adoring it, lost in delight!
For the gray-green leaves were spangled with dew,
And the flowers, like banners of silken flame
Unfurled, stood each on its slender stem,
While the soft breeze over them went and came,
Lightly and tenderly rocking them.


Dearest, don't you remember it all?
How still it was! Not a whisper of sound,
Till a bird sang out from the garden wall,
And you slid from the step and stood on the ground,
And the poppy was higher than your bright head!
Gently downward one flower you bent
To see in the midst of its burning red
The delicate greens in a glory blent.
Bronze-green pollen on glowing rays
From a centre of palest emerald light
In a brilliant halo beneath our gaze,—
You have n't forgotten that exquisite sight?
No, indeed! I was sure of it! Well,
All that perfection of shape and hue,
That wealth of beauty no tongue can tell,
Lies hid in this seed I have given to you.
Just such a speck in the friendly ground
I planted last May by the doorstep wide;
The selfsame marvel that then we found
This atom of dust holds shut inside.
You can't believe it? But all are there,—
Leaves, roots, flowers, stalks, color, and glow;
Tell me a story that can compare
With this for a wonder, if any you know!