University of Virginia Library


My pants are becoming,
Beyond the least doubt,
But then I'm a little
Ashamed to go out.
I wonder if people
Will stare when they see;
I'm certain Frank Harris
Will make fun of me.
Well, Frank, if he chooses,
May giggle and stare,
He 'd like it, I'm certain,
If he had a pair.
To-morrow at school, though,
They'll just hoot outright;
But the first boy that touches me
Gets in a fight.


I 'd like it much better
To feel the least bit
As if these new trousers
Were more of a fit.
It certainly is n't
A thing to amuse,
This singular flapping
I have round my shoes.
But, pshaw! by to-morrow
They won't seem the same;
I'll quite have recovered
From any false shame.
My last pants were nothing
But poor little halves;
How odd if I did n't
Feel loose in the calves!