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Now all of the days one day were met
With sober and anxious mien,
To choose which one they owed the debt
Of crowning it king or queen.
Then New Year shouted, “I always led
The column, and always will;
Give me the crown for my gallant head!”
But all of the days were still.
Then Easter spoke—the beautiful child—
And told her gentle will;
They tenderly looked at her and smiled,
But all of them yet were still.
Victoria's natal day was there,
Hedged round with martial skill,
And a glorious reign without compare;
But all of the days were still.
July had come with its ordnance-tone
The world of the West to thrill;
And far was the birth of a nation known!
But all of the days were still.
Thanksgiving lifted her thanks on high,
And winsomely ate her fill;
The days looked up to the distant sky,
But all of them yet were still.
Now Christmas came, divinely fair,
Her eyes as a star-beam bright;


The gold of the sun was in her hair—
Her form was a ray of light.
She held in the world's delighted gaze
Good gifts for living and dead;
She smiled at all of her sister-days,
But never a word she said.
All knew that the friendly strife was done,
And never a word said they;
But knelt and crowned the beautiful one,
As Queen for ever and aye.