University of Virginia Library



Behold that New Jerusalem!
Her streets are paved with gold;
Twelve stately gates, are set with pearls,
And yet the half's not told.
Great walls of rich and precious stones,
Surround that city fair;
Sweet music from that heavenly clime,
Swells out upon the air.
Within those walls so beautiful,
The heaven immortals dwell;
What peace and comfort they enjoy,
No mortal tongue can tell.
The sun within those walls that shine,
Is He who's glorifed;
Splendor and glory's all combine,
In Him for nations died.
And all those gates of pearl and gold,
Forever stand ajar;
To welcome strangers passing by,
Where nothing can debar.


There shall my weary soul find rest,
Where blissful joys abound;
Around His throne so pure and blest,
I'll lay my trophies down.