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There is a land of grief and woe,
A land far across the ocean wave,
Where heathen nations know not God,
Nor seek to find the blessed way.
This is the way the nations have gone,
Since in darkness they were born;


The way of God they have not known,
They bow to idols of wood and stone.
They walk in darkness with great delight,
They seek the road to keen despair;
Thousands are travelling without the light,
Thousands have made their journey there.
It was for them that Jesus died,
But His name they have not known;
The Shepherd here has given the 'larm,
But unto them he has not gone.
The voice of God is calling now,
For soldiers strong and bold;
To carry the gospel to them there,
That Jesus' name there may be told.
Oh, that we could hear some one say,
“Lord here am I, send me!
I'll take the gospel and carry it there,
That they may know salvation's free.”
If you cannot go, you can give your means,
To help to send the gospel there;
That the heathen may know the name of God,
And for judgment day make some prepare.
If you cannot give the rich man's sum,
You can give a penny or a shilling;
If you cannot pay the preacher's full fare,
You can show to the Lord that you're willing.