University of Virginia Library

Would Have Been Passed

Mr. Huyett, who
represented Council at last
week's City Council meeting
on the widening issue, said that
the proposal to widen
University Avenue would have
been passed "if not for the
objections of University
students and faculty."

Council also approved the
establishment of an "ad hoe
committee to look into the
functioning of Newcomb Hall
as a student union and to
include use of transportation
facilities into this study."

The resolution arose from
complaints that non-students
are disrupting studying, eating
and transportation at
Newcomb Hall and other areas
of the Grounds. Since the
problem is broad, the study
will encompass only two major
problems at present.

The first is the noise and
bother created in Newcomb
Hall by classes that are part of
the University School of
Continuing Education. The
second was these non-students
have been issued temporary
parking spaces at University
Hall and bus service to the