University of Virginia Library

Police Upset

"They get very upset," he said, referring to
the local police. During the picketing on
Wednesday, Charlottesville police chief C.O.
Durham inspected the situation to make sure all
was orderly. Two FBI agents assigned to central
Virginia remained close by.

"It's really disgusting how this government
doesn't seem to know how to get out of this
war," Mr. Squire continued. "As Rennie Davis
said, 'It's about time we woke up the good
Germans.' "

The demonstrators passed out leaflets
condemning the war and the draft. One of the
leaflets apologized for the Washington
demonstrations, stating, "The frustration and
annoyance you feel toward those breaking the
law is, of course, understandable."

"You may not agree with the tactics being
used and you may not agree with the points of
view of the participants," it continued. "But we
ask that you consider with us the horror and
the death continuing daily in Vietnam." The
leaflet gives figures showing total battle deaths
on all sides now amount to 1.26 million and
total wounded now reach 4.6 million.

Also distributed were copies of a
commentary by Nicholas von Hoffman of the
Washington Post entitled "The Selective Slavery
System." Picketing will continue today at 2 p.m.

Mr. Squire said that two major issues are
influencing the Draft Resistance League's
future plans. He stated, "The League has to
decide where their energies will be most
effective, in Washington or here in