University of Virginia Library


Police listed ten arrests during the day in
connection with the rally, but most of those
arrested were released almost immediately on
$10 cognizance bond.

Militant protesters, who had threatened to
lay siege on the Capitol, made little disturbance
during the weekend.

Mr. Kerry, the naval veteran who spoke to
the protesters, appeared before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday
during hearings on various proposals concerning
the war.

"How do you ask a man to be the last to die
in Vietnam?" asked Mr. Kerry during his
testimony. "How do you ask a man to be the
last to die for a mistake?"

He said that angry GIs in Vietnam are
turning search and destroy missions into
"search and avoid" missions, and that some
soldiers were flatly refusing to obey orders for
hazardous duty.


Clown Joins Saturday Demonstration

Diverse Groups Marched Down Pennsylvania Avenue To Capitol

Former soldiers lying mutilated in veterans
hospitals are victims of "the indifference of a
country that really doesn't care," Mr. Kerry

A demonstration similar to the one in
Washington took place in San Francisco
Saturday, attended by more than 150,000

The crowd, including many servicemen, was
led by a Vietnam veteran in a wheelchair.

In Paris, spokesmen for the North
Vietnamese and the Viet Cong hailed the
antiwar demonstrations in Washington and
issued appeals of support for the "courageous

Xuan Thuy, delegate to the Paris peace talks
from North Vietnam, and the Viet Cong's Mme.
Nguyen Thi Binh expressed the hope that
President Nixon would "listen to the voice of
the American People."