University of Virginia Library

Probable Nominees

Council members Phil Chabot, Alan
Botsford, and Tom Collier had been considered
the most probable nominees of the two parties
for the presidency post. At last word late last
night, the VPP and JP conventions were still
discussing the question of whether to put
candidates up against the incumbent. If they
each decide to do so, Mr. Botsford will
probably be selected by the JP and Mr. Collier
appears to be most likely to head the VPP

Of the three front runners, only Mr. Chabot,
the likely loser, said that he had thought that
Mr. Mannix would seek to keep his post. Mr.
Chabot defended Mr. Mannix's right to run for
president again, although he added that he
thinks the Council Presidency should be taken
over by a younger College student who is not
tied down by past policies or commitments.

Mr. Botsford would make no comment
before the conventions last night other than to
admit he was "shocked by his announcement. I
will have to re-evaluate my own plans for the