University of Virginia Library

Honor Statement

In an eight-hour trial held Sunday, March
8, an Honor Committee composed of nine
school officers found a student guilty of
taking an indeterminate number of cokes
from an open drink machine in the
dormitory area.

After much deliberation, and
consideration of student sentiment
generated by the case, the Honor
Committee proper (consisting of the
Presidents of the ten Schools of the
University and the Vice-President of the
College) has decided to declare a null verdict
in this particular case. While such behavior
might well be construed as dishonest, the
Honor Committee feels that the current
student generation does not consider this
act so reprehensible as to warrant
permanent dismissal from the University.
After full consideration of all facts and
circumstances related to this specific case,
the Honor Committee does not believe that
this student's behavior can fall within the
jurisdiction of the Honor System as it now

The Honor Committee is convinced that
the accusation was brought in good faith.