University of Virginia Library

New Hours

One of the major changes that will be made
is an increase in the hours that the Glass Hat
and the Castle will be open, Mr. Flock said. The
Castle will be opened from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. on Saturdays, and both the Castle and the
Glass Hat will be opened at 7:30 a.m. on
weekday mornings. During the increased
morning hours self-service items in the nature
of a continental breakfast will be served.

Mr. Fontana has stipulated that the new
hours will be added as soon as people can be
found to fill the three new shifts that will be
necessary to keep the Castle and the Hat open
these extra hours.

About eighteen students who are wiling to
fill the jobs for the rest of the year are needed.
Anyone who is interested should contact Mrs.
Grace Ordel on the fourth floor of Newcomb

Several improvements will also be made as
far as the types of food offered by Food
Services, Mr. Flock said. Submarine sandwiches
will be served at least on a monthly "specialty"
basis, and perhaps roast beef sandwiches will be
offered on a daily basis.