University of Virginia Library

Union Contract

The Union had signed a contract to rent
University Hall for the night of Nov. 21 for Mr.
Newton's speech. Assistant Director of
Athletics Evan J. Male, who manages University
Hall, refused to allow The Virginia Weekly to
assume the contract although the Union was
agreeable to this arrangement.

When asked who had the final authority
over the use of the building the Weekly
representatives were referred to Paul Saunier,
director of University relations. Mr. Saunier
indicated that D. Alan Williams, Vice-President
for Student Affairs, would be the one to give
the official word on any building's use if the
matter were in contention.

Mr. Williams has firmly stated that the
University will not allow the frisking procedure
which the Panthers require the audience to be
subject to.

The second Panther demand, that the only
form of security be the Panther guards, has
been modified to a possible coordination of
Panther security with University security. The
Panther guards will not be bearing arms.