University of Virginia Library

No Commitment

"I have never made a commitment to
appoint students to the Boards of Visitors," the
governor stated.

About student dissent, Mr. Holton said "I
think most students understand that this is
where the line is: you can't break up any
furniture, and you can't step on somebody
else's toes."

Mr. Holton criticized students who would
not allow others to speak. He pointed to an
incident at the University last year when
Deputy Attorney General Richard Kleindienst
was interrupted several times by members of
the University audience.

Without directly saying so, Mr. Holton
expressed his displeasure with the campaigning
techniques used by Vice President Spiro
Agnew. Mr. Holton also said, "A lot of people
criticized us for running a (senatorial) candidate
this year. They were people interested in
electing Harry Byrd. Well they elected Harry
Byrd. We ran a candidate to preserve the
integrity of the Republican Party."