University of Virginia Library

Students Collect Bail

Police Chief Houchens said yesterday that
the arrest was made at the request of the City
Sergeant and the Corporation Court.

Mr. Gardner said that today a group of
students, possibly under the auspices of the
newly-founded Union of University Students,
will be collecting bail for Mr. Doran at tables
set up near Cabell Hall and in Newcomb Hall.

Mr. Williams said that the authority he used
to bar Mr. Doran from the Grounds was not
provided by the new rules and sanctions
recently passed by the Board of Visitors.

Apparently, any person who is not a student
can be barred from the Grounds.

Although not a student, Mr. Doran was
actively involved in the strike activities last
May. Mr. Gardner, among others, has claimed
that the University refused to re-admit Mr.
Doran as a student this year because of his
political activities during the strike and before.

Officials at the city jail or the Corporation
Court could not be reached for comment.