University of Virginia Library

Virginia Progressive Party

The Virginia Progressive Party last
night nominated four students, Kevin
Mannix, Tony Sherman, Buzzy Waitzkin,
and Ken Lewis for Student Council and
three candidates, Steve Baskin, Bob
White, and Jim Basl for Judiciary

In preparation for only its second
election campaign in the party's history,
over fifty VPP members gathered in
Gilmer Hall. They listened to the
speeches of six candidates for Student
Council and decisively chose the four
candidates to represent the party in the
election, which will be held December 9
and 10.

In the vote for Student Council, Mr.
Mannix, a third-yearman who is currently
finishing his first term as a Council
representative, led the field with 35 votes in his
bid for re-election.

The second finisher, Mr. Sherman, is also an
incumbent representative. Mr. Sherman polled
33 votes, while Mr. Waitzkin drew 30 votes and
Mr. Lewis 29 votes.

Messrs. Waitzkin and Lewis both are seeking
their first terms, although Mr. Waitzkin did run
in last spring's election and lost by a small

The basic theme of the nominating speeches
of the candidates seemed to be an affirmation
of faith in the job of the present College
members of the Council. In last spring's
election, the VPP elected four candidates to the
Council from the College.

Mr. Mannix summed up the
accomplishments of the Council when he listed
curriculum reform, coeducation, student
control of parietal rules, first-year Council
representation, and a popularly-elected
President and Vice-President as issues that he
had promised to work for.

All of these, he said, had either been made
into law or have been included in the proposed
new Council constitution.

The three candidates for Judiciary Council
were nominated by acclamation.