University of Virginia Library

'Urban Crisis'

The third panel's topic is "The
University and the Urban Crisis." It
will ponder the state university's
responsibility in the urban crisis
and what these institutions should
do to help alleviate the current
social problems. It too will be held
in Wilson Hall, room 308.

The chairmen of the panels will
be Monrad G. Paulsen, Dean of the
School of Law: Thomas H. Hunter,
Chancellor for Medical Affairs; and
Lorin A. Thompson, Chancellor,
George Mason College respectively.

In other activities of the day,
Edgar F. Shannon, President of the
University, will present the Thomas
Jefferson Award to an outstanding
member of the University community
at ceremonies in Cabell Hall.
Last year's award went to Gordon
Thomas Whyburn, Alumni Professor
of Mathematics.

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Foundation award in architecture
will be presented Monday to John
Burchard. This award which
carries a $5,000 prize went to
Marcel Breurer last year. Both men
are internationally known architects.