University of Virginia Library

Additional Power

Charles Majors said he thought
that the additional power the
officers would have if popularly
elected would put them above the
rest of the Council representatives
and "factionalize" that body.

Bud Ogle, speaking for the
popular election of the president
and vice president, said that the
issue was whether the Council
wanted to gain more authority or
remain as it is. In answer to Mr.
Angle, he pointed out that the
decision to include the popular
election of the two Council officers
was made by the Constitutional
Revision Committee long before
the Student Coalition began its

Walker Chandler, who is a
representative of the College, said
he did not think a candidate from a
large school would have an
advantage over one from a smaller
school. "If a hick runs from one of
the outlying schools," he said, "all
the hicks in the college will still
vote for's as simple as
that." He did agree with Mr.
Doggerell's statement that a person
from the College would probably
have more "friends."

After the debate had continued
for some time, Mr. Ogle suggested
that the constitution be sent back
to committee to see if they could
work out the problem. His plan was

In other business, Ron Hickman
announced that the Board of
Visitors will be holding their annual
meeting at Mary Washington
College this weekend and that he
and Vice President Jim Roebuck
had been invited to attend the
meeting of the Student Affairs and
Athletics Committee of the Board.
He said that Student Council
motions dealing with student representation
on the Board and coeducation
would be presented at that

Later on at the meeting a
motion was passed that directed
Messrs. Hickman and Roebuck to
ask Chase Stuart Wheatley his views
on "massive resistance in accordance
with a motion that was passed at
the Council's last meeting.