University of Virginia Library

Other Requests

The other requests he put within
the realm of the administration of
the University for action. As to the
statement on Mr. Wheatley, he said,
"I appointed him because I thought
he would make an excellent Board
member. His views are consistent
with what's good for higher education."

Speaking further on higher education,
Mr. Godwin said, "Virginia
during this administration has made
a solid commitment to education
for every high school graduate who
can profit from the experience,
regardless of his race, color, origin,
or on which side of the tracks his
house is located . . . . We have not
tried to put integration before
education by establishing racial
balance or achieving any formula
for racial mix at our colleges and
universities. What we have tried to
do is to offer every young person
an opportunity for education to the
limit of his abilities and within his