University of Virginia Library


The Coalition will lead a motorcade
to Richmond and hope to
have large student support. Mr. Cass
reported that he believed they
already had 20 cars which would
definitely be going and hoped to
have as many as one hundred, with
a bus for the press. They will meet
at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday morning
at the University Hall and proceed
from there to the Capitol.

The Coalition hopes to be able
to address the students in a
peaceful rally from the steps of the
State Capitol, if it is legal, in the
same fashion as the recent addresses
from the Rotunda steps.

It is hoped that when the
Coalition representatives have completed
their conference with the
Governor they will be able to tell
all those who have come down
what transpired during the meeting
and what action will be taken on
the proposals. There are hopes that
the Governor himself will be able to
address the Coalition supporters.

Councilman Paul Hurdle, who is
also a co-chairman of Student
Council's Employment Committee,
said yesterday: "These plans offer
me and other students the opportunity
to unite in expressing our
goals to the Governor in a reasonable
and responsible manner. My
only hope and concern is that
Student Council is officially represented."