University of Virginia Library

Superiority Myths

As it stands now, many U.Va. undergraduates
are free to develop or retain unchallenged
myths of male superiority. This pleasant
but false security blanket is sometimes woven
to hide from unconscious fears that women
may really be stronger (equally mythical) but it
is usually constructed to bolster the normal
male doubts about his competence before he
tests himself in the world of work. Success as
an adult male is tied closely to job success and
college is "make believe" preparation.

The fear of a woman's power of acceptance
or rejection is not without foundation during
this phase of male development. Many U.Va.
men were largely raised by women and largely
taught by women. As children they heard the
message that this is a man's world, but women
seemed to be in charge of everything in their
world (including sex).