University of Virginia Library

SDS Replies

Henry Chase, speaking for
SDS, replied that local chapters
were not at all bound to the
national constitution or policy.

"It is implicit in applying for
approval," explained Frank
Homer, attending his last meeting
of a 3-year council career,
"that a group is thereby agreeing
to follow the established
rules of conduct."

By a 12-4 vote, approval was
then denied with Councilmen
Jenkins, Schenkkan, McMillan,
and Homer dissenting.

See SDS Reply, P. 4

"Council will rue this night,"
predicted Mr. Homer as he attempted
unsuccessfully to have
passed a motion which would
have allowed SDS to use University
facilities in organizing.

After other business, Alan
Rudlin reintroduced consideration
of SDS to allow the once
defeated minority to finish its
argument, which a calling of the
question had cut off on the first