University of Virginia Library


On the other side, some dissatisfaction
with the new policy has
been expressed, notably by alumni.
Old Wahoo Randolph Beverley
Carter Byrd V of Richmond
told The Cavalier Daily, "Ah'm
shocked that ouah fine University
could have done such a thing."

Asked to elaborate, Col. Byrd
was more than willing. "What
kind of women do you think this
will attract? Fine Southern ladies?
No suh, they'll all go to some of
ouah fine girl's institutions. Within
a yeah's time ouah hallowed
Grounds will be overrun — overrun
ah say — with loose women
spreading their seditious notions
of equal rights and free love,
leading ouah fine young students
away from their work. Harrumph."

Other University officials were
more reserved in their comments.
Dean of the University B. F. D.
Runk, reached at his farm in
Fluvanna County, said yesterday,
"Officially, I have no comment. I
really have no particular opinion
on the matter because by next
year I'm going to be out of this
office anyway, and I won't have
to bother with it. But don't quote