University of Virginia Library

Saunier Cooperative

Mrs. Worrall stated that Mr.
Saunier had been most cooperative
in investigating grievances
and taking action to correct discriminatory
situations where they
were found to exist. However,
she added, "pressures are mounting
within the community and
within the University. The University
must take action with regard
to remaining grievances

Another group to deal with
complaints against University employment
practices has formed
in the Law School under the
leadership of Bob Williams. Mr.
Williams also blames these complaints
for the possibility of riots
next summer as described in the
recent Riot Commission report.

He further stated. "President
Shannon should follow the lead
set by the Student Council and
issue a statement similar to their
resolution in support of open occupancy
and equal employment
in the Charlottesville community.
President Shannon should also
take action to prevent administration
use of segregated facilities."

Mrs. Worral expressed her
agreement with Mr. William's