University of Virginia Library

Strong Exception

"The American Council on
Education takes strong exception
to the position taken by the Director
of the Selective Service
System in his letter of October
26, 1967 to all members of his
system. The language of the letter
is imprecise, but the intent
seems clear: to urge local boards
to declare as delinquents under
the Selective Service Act students
who engage in 'illegal demonstrations'
that interfere with recruiting
for the armed forces.

"Our civil government has the
right and the duty to prosecute
and establish the illegality of acts
committed by all citizens, including
students. Depending on
action taken by the courts, a
citizen's classification under Selective
Service may be affected.

"The net effect of the October
26 letter will be to set up procedures
that bypass or supersede
due process that is at the very
heart of the governance of our
institutions and of the nation.