University of Virginia Library

'We Don't Do Much'

The need is important, Mr.
Morgan stated, because liberals
have blundered through guilt, and
because the poor Negro is explainable
while the poor white is
not-into allowing poverty programs
to be associated with the
Negroes. "And we don't do much
for Negroes."

There must be, Mr. Morgan
said, a change in the dominant
white community. If not, he asked,
"what will become of the Negro
who finally becomes useless?"

"All sorts of strange things,"
was the answer.

Mr. Morgan stressed the
conclusions he reached as a result
of the recent Levy case, in
which he represented a doctor
court martialed for refusing to
train "special forces aid personnel."

He argued that the military,
which he claimed, is becoming
vital to American life through its
economic importance and through
the influence of the numbers of
persons associated with it, represents
a threat to its ideals, 25
million Americans are veterans,
Mr. Morgan stated. He quoted
army training sessions:

"What's the lesson of hand-to-hand?"


"What does that make you?"
