University of Virginia Library



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Dr. Phillip M. Allen as Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology, for three years,
effective 1 November 1964, at a salary of $14,550.

Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz as Visiting Professor of Law, for one semester, effective
1 February 1965, at a salary of $7,900.

Dr. Robert V. DeVito as Associate Professor of Surgery, effective 1 March 1965, at a
salary of $30,000.

Mrs. Catherine A. Jones as Junior Instructor in French, one-fifth time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,140.

Dr. George E. Lipscomb as Instructor in Radiology, for one year, effective 1 July 1965.

Mr. Louis J. Morin as Instructor in French, for one year, effective 21 October 1964, at
a session salary of $6,500.

Mr. William F. O'Dell as Lecturer in Commerce, for one semester, effective 1 February 1965,
at a salary of $1,000.

Mr. Donald R. Paul as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, for one year, effective
1 September 1965, at a session salary of $8,400.

Mr. Kurt H. Quasebarth as Lecturer in Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 November 1964,
at a session salary of $7,100, plus 20 per cent for summer duties and $880 for administrative
duties, or a total salary of $9,400.

Mr. Henry W. Spiegel as Visiting Professor of Economics, two-thirds time, for one semester,
effective 1 February 1965, at a salary of $5,000.