University of Virginia Library


[President's "Financial Budget", referred to on Page 212.]

Estimated Resources, available for Current Expenses, for Session 1907-'8.



From Balance Surplus from 1906-1907,  $ 2,000 00 
From Annuity, State Appropriations,  75,000 00 
From Corcoran Endowment,  6,000 00 
From Miller Endowment,  6,000 00 
From Linden Kent Endowment,  3,048 00 
From Observatory Endowment,  4,345 00 
From Curry Memorial Endowment,  4,950 00 
From Thos. Jefferson Endowment, (Jos. Bryan, Treas.)  5,000 00 
From Library Endowment, (Madison & Gordon)  456 00 
From Library Endowment, (Alfred Henry Byrd)  460 00 
From Library Endowment, (D'Arcy Paul)  32 00 
From Fellowship and Scholarship Endowments, (Jno. Y. Mason)  210 00 
From (Valentine Birely)  200 00 
From (J. Thompson Brown)  90 00 
From (H. C. Cabell)  72 00 
From John W. Scott Memorial Endowment,  200 00 
From Charles R. Crane Donation,  250 00 
From G. F. & C. J. Peabody Donation,  550 00 
From James C. Carter Donation,  300 00 
From General Education Board Donation,  3,000 00 
From Peter W. Rouss Donation,  3,000 00 
From Wm. A. Clark, Jr. Donation,  500 00 
From Austin Estate Trustees, (Estimated)  8,000 00 
From Interest on Bank Balances, (Estimated)  850 00 
From Rents, from Residents on Grounds  1,500 00 
From Lights, from Residents on Grounds  750 00 
From Steam Heat, from Residents on Grounds  150 00 
From Students, on Time Notes and Deferred Payments on Tuition  1,250 00 
From Students, Fees, Tuition, Rents, Lights, etc. (825 @ $93.50
per cap.) 
77,137 00 
Total Estimated Resources,  $205,300 00 

Estimated Expenditures.

I. Instruction:- (a) Professors and Adjunct Professors in
Academic and Engineering Dep'ts.











Edwin A. Alderman,  President of the University,  5,000 00 
William M. Fontaine,  Professor Nat. Hist. & Geol.  3,000 00 
Ormond Stone,  Professor of Astronomy,  3,000 00 
Francis P. Dunnington,  Professor Analytical Chem.  3,000 00 
John W. Mallet,  Professor of Chemistry,  3,000 00 
Milton W. Humphreys,  Professor of Greek,  3,000 00 
James A. Harrison,  Professor Teutonic Languages  3,000 00 
Richard H. Wilson,  Professor Romanic Languages  3,000 00 
Thomas Fitz-Hugh,  Professor of Latin,  3,000 00 
William H. Echols,  Professor of Mathematics  3,000 00 
James Morris Page,  Professor of Mathematics  3,000 00 
Charles W. Kent,  Professor English Literature,  3,000 00 
Richard H. Dabney,  Professor of History,  3,000 00 
Albert H. Tuttle,  Professor of Biol. & Agric.  3,000 00 
Albert Lefevre,  Professor of Philosophy,  3,000 00 
Bruce R. Payne,  Prof. Secondary Education,  2,750 00 
William H. Heck,  Prof. of Education,  2,500 00 
Thomas W. Page,  Prof. Political Economy,  3,000 00 
Thomas S. Watson,  Prof. Economic Geology,  2,800 00 
Robert M. Bird,  Collegiate Prof. of Chem.  2,500 00 
Wm. H. Faulkner,  Adj.-Prof. Teutonic Lang.  600 00 
Llewellyn G. Hoxton,  Adj.-Prof. Nat. Philosophy  1,500 00 
Adj.-Prof. Nat. Philosophy  1,200 00 
E. Preston Dargan,  Adj.-Prof. Romanic Lang.  1,000 00 
Wm. M. Thornton,  Prof. Applied Mathematics  3,000 00 
L. L. Holladay,  Adj.-Prof. Applied Mathematics  1,500 00 
C. M. McKergow,  Adj.-Prof. Mech. Eng'r.  1,500 00 
J. L. Newcomb,  Adj.-Prof. Civil Eng'r.  1,500 00 
72,350 00 
(b.) Instructors, Assistants, and Fellows in Academic and
Engineering Dep'ts.
Albert S. Bolling,  Instructor in Latin,  600 00 
Weldon T. Myers,  Instructor in Latin,  400 00 
J. S. McLemore,  Instructor in Latin,  300 00 
Otis B. Sears, (H M )  Instructor in Greek,  450 00 
Wm. B. Stone,  Instructor in Math.  300 00 
J. N. Michie,  Instructor in Math.  300 00 
T. McN. Simpson,  Instructor in Math.  300 00 
John J. Luck,  Instructor in Math. (spl.)  90 00 
W Leipsner,  Instructor Collegiate Chem.  1,000 00 
T. D. Sloan,  Instructor Analytical Chem.  500 00 
W. W. S. Butler,  Instructor Natural Philos.  420 00 
Forward,  $ 77,010 00 
Brought forward,  77,010 00 
S. Reeves  Instructor in Nat. Philos.  300 00 
J. Puryear  Instructor in Nat. Philos.  100 00 
(1)  Instructor in Philosophy  300 00 
(1)  Instructor in Philosophy  450 00 
J. W. Wayland,  Instructor in History,  500 00 
J. C. Hipp,  Instructor in Economics,  300 00 
W. A. Kepner,  Instructor in Biology,  900 00 
(1)  in English Literature  300 00 
(1)  in English Literature  300 00 
(1)  in English Literature  300 00 
(1) M. H. Arnold,  in English Literature  300 00 
(1)  Ass't. Inst. in English Literature  200 00 
(1)  Instructor in Journalism,  500 00 
81,760 00 
(1) J. M. Gallalee,  Ass't. Inst. in Engineering,  200 00 
(1) G. F. R. Jackson,  Ass't. Inst. in Engineering,  200 00 
(1)  Instructor in Engineering,  700 00 
(1)  Instructor in Engineering,  700 00 
(1)  Instructor in Geology,  500 00 
H. H. Lannigan,  Associate Director of Athletics,  300 00 
(1)  Instructor in Physical Culture,  100 00 
(1) Chas. W. Paul, 900  Instructor in Public Speaking  800 00 
85,260 00 
(c) Professors in Department of Law
William M. Lile,  Prof. Law. of Persons, etc.  1,500 00 
Charles A. Graves,  Prof. Law. of Contracts, etc.  3,000 00 
Raleigh C. Minor,  Prof. Law. of Real Property, etc.  3,000 00 
Armistead M. Dobie,  1,500 00 
C. M. Chichester,  Instructor in Law,  750 00 
A. S. Robertson,  Instructor in Law,  750 00 
95,760 00 
(d) Professors, Adjunct Professors, and Instructors in Department
of Medicine,
Paul B. Barringer,  Prof. Therapeutics & Pharm.  3,000 00 
John Staige Davis,  Prof. Prac. of Med. & Pediatrics  3,000 00 
Wm. A. Lambeth,  Prof. of Hygiene,  2,500 00 
Richard H. Whitehead,  Prof. of Anatomy,  3,000 00 
Charles H. Bunting,  Prof. of Pathology, etc.  3,000 00 
Theodore Hough,  Prof. of Physiology,  3,000 00 
W. D. Macon,  Prof. of Obstetrics,  1,000 00 
S. H. Watts,  Prof. of Surgery,  3,000 00 
Adj.-Prof. of Surgery,  1,250 00 
J. C. Flippin,  Adj.-Prof. of Clinical Medicine  1,500 00 
120,010 00 
C. M. Byrnes,  Adj.-Prof. of Anatomy,  1,100 00 
H. E. Jordan,  Adj.-Prof. Anat. Histol. & Emb.  1,250 00 
BB Brown C. R. Meloy,  Instructor in Pathology  1,000 00 
J. A. Norford,  Instructor in Anatomy,  400 00 
(1)  Instructor in Physiology,  600 00  124,360 00 
Forward,  124,360 00  124,360 00 
124,360 00  124,360 00 

II. Administration:- (a) Salaries of Officers and Assistants,-





I. K. Moran,  Bursar,  1,500 00 
R. Marshall Price,  Secretary  1,100 00 
Howard Winston,  Registrar,  850 00 
James M. Page,  Dean,  300 00 
Richard H. Whitehead,  Dean of Med. Faculty  250 00 
William A. Lambeth,  Sup't. Buildings & Grounds,  750 00 
John S. Patton,  Librarian,  1,200 00 
Anna S. Tuttle,  Assistant Librarian,  530 00 
John W. Wayland,  Assistant in Library,  100 00 
James G. Johnson,  Assistant in Library,  200 00 
Virginia E. Moran,  Assistant to Bursar,  300 00 
Samuel B. Woods,  Commissioner of Accounts,  150 00 
Secretary,  Board of Visitors,  100 00 
Messenger,  For Secretary's Office,  240 00 
Stenographer,  For Executive Offices,  660 00  8230 00 
132590 00 
(b) Wages of Employèes, Janitors, and Laborers,- 
1 Chief Mechanic  1,000 00 
1 Engineer for Lighting Plant,  600 00 
1 Engineer for Heating Plant, (9 months)  495 00 
1 Fireman for Heating Plant, (9 months)  405 00 
1 Night Police and Watchman,  420 00 
1 Foreman of Labor,  540 00 
8 Laborers on Grounds,  @ 25$ per month  2,400 00 
2 Janitors, Library & Rotunda,  @ 25$ per month  600 00 
1 Janitor, Dissecting Hall,  @ 25$ per month  300 00 
1 Janitor, Museum,  @ 15$ per month  180 00 
1 Janitor, Mechanical Lab'y, &c.  @ 20$ per month  240 00 
1 Janitor, Dispensary,  @ 8$ per month  96 00 
1 Janitor, Administration B'ld'g.  @ 7$ per month  84 00 
2 Janitor, -s, General, on Grounds & Buildings,  @ 18$  432 00 
1 Janitor, Chemical Laboratory,  @ 15$ for 9 months  135 00 
1 Janitor, Medical Hall,  @ 15$ for 9 months  135 00 
1 Janitor, Physical Laboratory,  @ 15$ for 9 months  135 00 
1 Janitor, Academic Building,  @ 15$ for 9 months  135 00 
1 Janitor, Randall Building,  @ 15$ for 9 months  135 00 
1 Janitor, Randall Building,  @ 20$ for 9 months  180 00 
1 Janitor, Alumni Hall, (Dr.Green)  @ 3$ for 9 months  27 00 
1 Janitor, New Chemical Laboratory;  @ 25$ for 9 months  225 00 
1 Janitor, Gymnasium,  @ 25$ for 9 months  225 00 
1 Janitor, Geological Laboratory,  @ 25$ for 9 months  225 00 
1 Janitor, -s, Students' Dormitories,  @ 15$ for 9 months  1,890 00  11,239 00 
Forward,  143,829 00  143,829 00 

III. Fellowships and Scholarships,-





3 Vanderbilt, (Observatory), @ 350$  1,050 00 
1 John Y. Mason, (J. J. Luck) @  210 00 
1 Wm. C. Rives, (Hist. & Econ.) J. W. Wayland,  @  200 00 
1 Board of Visitors, (Eng. Lit.) M H Arnold  @  200 00 
1 Board of Visitors, (Teut. Lang.) W. H   @  200 00 
1 Board of Visitors, (Rom. Lang.) E P gan  @  200 00 
3 Miller Board Scholarships, @ 250$  750 00 
1 J. Thompson Brown, Scholarship, C S   @  90 00 
1 Valentine Birely, Scholarship, U S R  @  210 00 
1 Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship, I R wpp  @  72 00 
High Schools,  @  100 00  3282 00 
147,111 00 
IV. Laboratories, Libraries, Advertising, Catalogue, etc. 
Anatomical Laboratory,  750 00 
Astronomical Laboratory, (McCormick Observatory)  405 00 
Biological Laboratory,  450 00 
Chemical Laboratory, (General and Analytical)  450 00 
Chemical Laboratory, (Physiological 
Chemical Laboratory, (Collegiate) 
Bacteriology & Pathological Laboratory,  600 00 
Histological Laboratory,  350 00 
Physical Laboratory,  1,000 00 
Mechanical Laboratory, (Eng'r. Dep't.)  500 00 
Geol. & Zool. Laboratory, (Brooks Museum)  xx xx 
Dispensary,  200 00 
Gymnasium, (Equipment, etc.)  450 00 
Hospital, (operating)  6,500 00 
158,766 00 
Library, (Law Dep't.)  1,300 00 
Library, (from 4 Endowment Funds)  948 00 
Library, -general- (special app. for Development)  1,500 00 
Library, School of Economics-(special app. for Development)  150 00 
Library, Linden Kent School- (special app. for Development)  48 00 
Advertising,  3,000 00 
Alumni Bulletin,  1,200 00 
Catalogue,  1,500 00  21301 00 
168,412 00 
V. Fuel & Lights—Repairs & Improvements:- 
Fuel for Heating & Lighting,  3,500 00 
Electric Lighting Department, (Supplies, etc.)  500 00 
Gas, for special Lighting & Laboratory Work,  600 00 
Repairs,  5,000 00 
Improvements,  2,500 00 
Special Improvements,-(1) Laboratory in Geol. (Equip't.)  3,000 00 
(2) Anatomical Laboratory(Equip't.)  145 00 
(3) Interior of Chapel-  275 00  16,620 00 
Forward,  183,932 00  183,932 00 


VI. Commutation of Rents:

183,932 00  183,932 00 
President,  1,200 00 
Prof. N. K. Davis, (special)  400 00 
Dr. Barringer,  300 00 
Dr. Whitehead,  300 00 
Dr. Davis,  300 00 
Prof. Dabney,  300 00 
Prof. Dunnington,  300 00 
Prof. Fontaine,  300 00 
Prof. Humphreys,  300 00 
Prof. Page,  300 00 
Prof. Wilson,  300 00  4,300 00 
188,232 00 
Dr Bag  $ 300 00 

VII. Interest, Sinking Fund & Insurance,-



Interest on Bonded Debt,  8,000 00 
Sinking Fund for Bonded Debt,  2,000 00 
Insurance Renewals,  635 00  10,635 00 
198,867 00 
VIII. Miscellaneous:- 
Contingent Fund,  3,500 00 
Diplomas,  200 00 
Printing,  400 00 
Reception to Graduates at Finals  150 00 
Alumni Entertainment at Finals  150 00 
Literary Societies,  100 00 
Development School of Education (Trav. Exp. Prof. Payne)  500 00 
Barbour-Page Lecture Fund,  320 00 
Legal Counsel, (Special Retainer)  100 00 
Reservoir and Water Line,  330 00 
Madison Hall, (for heating and lighting)  200 00 
Organist,  300 00 
Summer School, (Summer 1907)  1,500 00 
Literary Society - (B. of V. Debater's Medal)-  50 00 
Temporary Subsidy to Dining Hall,  600 00  8,400 00 
207,267 00  207,267 00 
Forward  $207,267 00  207,267 00 
Brought forward,  $207,267 00  207,267 00 
Total Estimated Expenditures,  207,267 00 
Total Estimated Resources,  205,300 00 
Balance Estimated Deficit,  $ 1,967 00 


Condensed Statement of the foregoing Estimate and Appropriations,
for Session 1907-1908.



Balance Surplus 1906-'7, (Deficit $341 72)  2,000 00 
Annuity from State,  75,000 00 
Interest on Endowments, etc.,  33,013 00 
Austin Estate,  8,000 00 
P. W. Rouss Donation,  3,000 00 
W. A. Clark Donation,  500 00 
General Education Board,  3,000 00 
Rents, Heating, Lights, etc.  2,400 00 
Students' Notes,  1,250 00 
Students' Fees, 825 @ $93.50  77,137 00  205,300 00 
I. Instruction,  800 00 
123,560 00 
II. Administration, (@) Salaries of Officers,  8,230 00 
(b) Wages of Employees, Janitors & Laborers  11,239 00 
III. Fellowships & Scholarships,  3,282 00 
IV. Laboratories, Libraries, Advertising, Catalogue, &c.  21,301 00 
V. Fuel, Lights, Repairs, and Improvements,  15,520 00 
VI. Commutation of Rents,  4,300 00 
VII. Interest, Sinking Fund, Insurance,  10,635 00 
VIII. Miscellaneous,  8,400 00  207,267 00 
Balance Deficit,  $ 1,967 00 
Balance deficit as above  $ 1,967 00 
salau additional added at meetings  3,004 00 
Special improvements  2,550 00 
Insurance on new Buildings  750 00 
Balance estimated surplus 1906-7 - unrealized -  2,000 00 
Balance real deficit for 1906-7 - Bu Report  341 72 
Students fees (difference an account of 825)  4,207 50 
20 22 
Dr Barringer's Salary off  3,000 00 
11,820 22