University of Virginia Library

OSAGE, (Wa-sa-see.)

  • 1 Tchong-tas-sab-bee—The Black Dog.—An Osage
    Chief—Blind in the left eye—Head shaved and
    ornamented with the crest of the Deer's tail.

  • 2 Tal-lee.—An Osage Warrior of distinction, with
    shield, bow and quiver.

  • 3 Mun-ne-pus-kee—He who is not afraid.

  • 4 Ko-ha-tunk-a—The Big Crow.

  • 5 Nah-com-e-she—Man of the bed.

  • 6 Cler-mont.—First Chief of the tribe, with his war
    club in his hand.

  • 7 Moi-een-e-shee—The Constant Walker.

  • 8 Wa-mash-ee-sheek—He who takes away.

  • 9 Wa-chesh-uk—War.

  • 10 Mink-chesk.—A famous young Warrior.

  • 11 Wah-ho-beck-ee—A brave.

  • 12 Wah-chee-tee—Woman and Child, wife of Clair-

  • 13 Tcha-to-ga.—Mad Buffalo.—This man was tried
    and convicted of the murder of two white men,
    under Adam's administration, and was afterwards
    pardoned, but is held in disgrace in his tribe.

  • 14 Wash-im-pe-shee—Mad Man. A distinguished

  • 15 Pa-hu-sha—(The Younger.) White hair.

  • 16 Shin-ga-was-sa—The handsome Bird.

  • 17 Cah-he-ga-shing-a—The little Chief.