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The Board of Visitors resumed its meeting as a full Board, in Open Session, at 2:08 p.m. All Members were present save Mrs. Holland and Mr. Robertson.

The Board adopted the following motions to enable it to meet in Executive Session:

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to consult with General Counsel on the present disposition of pending litigation and further litigation strategy, and to discuss with Counsel a copyright matter, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (7) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to review the performance and present and future assignments of senior University administrators, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A)(1) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to discuss with Counsel and consider the status and terms of a proposed gift of property to the University, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (7) and (8) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Educational Policy Committee of the Board of Visitors go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters pertaining to the appointment, assignment, reappointment, promotion, performance, compensation, discipline, separation and resignation of specific faculty members of the University of Virginia, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia.

The Board went into Executive Session at 2:10 p.m., resumed in Open Session at 4:00 p.m., and recessed to continue its meeting in the Dome Room of the Rotunda.