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A history of Virginia

from its discovery and settlement by Europeans to the present time
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Virginia was the earliest settlement made by men of the
Anglo-Saxon race upon the soil of America. Her infancy
was attended by events which have imparted to her all the
interest that the Romance of Real Life can afford. In her
very childhood she presented a model of those republican
governments, which have since yielded happiness to millions
in the Western Hemisphere. And in more mature
years she has powerfully contributed, by her statesmen,
her precepts, and her example, to give character to the
great confederacy of which she is a member. The virtues
and the faults, the glory and the shame of the "Old Dominion,"
have never been without influence upon the whole
American Republic.

Her history then deserves to be studied. Several writers
have devoted attention to her progress, and some of their
works possess merit which ought to have introduced them


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to general notice. But they have been read by the few
and neglected by the many. The Histories of Smith,
Beverley, Keith, Stith, Burk, and Campbell, are either
entirely out of print, or so nearly so, that they cannot be
obtained without much difficulty, and "the young men of
Virginia remain more ignorant of the career of their own
state, than of that of Greece or Rome."

The author of the volume now offered to the public, was
induced, by a sense of his own ignorance, to turn his
thoughts to the sources from which might be drawn knowledge
concerning his native state. He formed the plan of
writing her history in four parts—

Part I. To embrace the period from the Discovery and
Settlement of Virginia by Europeans, to the Dissolution of
the London Company, in 1624.

Part II. From 1624, to the Peace of Paris, in 1763.

Part III. From 1763 to the Adoption, by Virginia, of
the Federal Constitution, in 1788.

Part IV. From 1788 to the present time.

The volume completed, contains the first and second
parts, under this arrangement. It is believed that the history
of our Revolutionary struggle will most naturally
begin with the measures of the English Parliament which
were adopted immediately after the Peace of Paris. The
remainder of the work may be embraced in another volume,
but when it can be completed is, at present, uncertain.

In writing the Colonial History, the author has endeavoured


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to draw from the purest fountains of light the rays
which he has sought to shed upon his subject. Convinced
that truth should be the first object of the historian, he has
laboured with earnestness in examining, sifting, and comparing
the evidence, printed and in manuscript, upon which
he has relied. Every material statement of fact has been
verified by a reference to the original authority, in order
to guide those who may wish to test the accuracy of the

In deducing inferences from facts, he has used all freedom,
and has depended solely upon his own judgment. To
err is human,—nor can the author flatter himself with the
hope either that he has avoided error, or that he will escape
censure: but conscious of no desire save that of giving an
impartial delineation of his subject, he is tempted to hope
that candour will find at least as much to approve, as prejudice
will seek to condemn.

In preparing this volume, he has been aided by several
gentlemen, who have placed within his reach rare books
and treasures in manuscript, which were indispensable to
his purpose. To these friends he need not now do more
than render his thanks. It will not be necessary to name
them, inasmuch as, should they read these lines, they will
at once recognise his object, and accept his gratitude. To
Gen. William H. Richardson, Librarian of Virginia, he is
under obligations which he cannot refuse to acknowledge.
This gentleman has given him access to the Library of the


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State, and has permitted him to consult the works there
found, as freely as he could have desired. The office of
the General Court has also been open to him, and its records
have in many cases proved valuable guides in his search
for truth.