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a story of the Goth

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Page I.

1. I.

When the eyes of the stunned and suffering Amri
were opened to the light, he found himself in the chamber
of the beautiful Urraca. She had been, and was
still, busy in attendance upon him. Her hand had
dressed his wound, which was rather severe than dangerous;
she had administered the cooling beverage,
and her attentions had been unrelaxing, like those of the
fondest and most devoted wife. The gladness which
shone in her eyes as she beheld his unclosing, was a
rebuke to his spirit, which he understood, if he did not

“How is it with thee now, Amri?” she demanded of
him, in a voice of the utmost tenderness, very different
from that aroused and sternly passionate tone which we
have heard her employing to the same person in a preceding
interview. He answered her in a voice of studied
fondness, and with words fitly calculated to gloss over
his falsehood and conceal his indifference.

“Ah, dearest Urraca, how much do I owe to thy
care and watchfulness! Thou hast saved my life, I
know, and I owe it to thee now if I had not willed it to
thee before. Thou hast been to me all—henceforward
I will be all to thee.”

The hypocrite played his part successfully; and, willing


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to confide, where confidence was happiness, the
dependant Urraca paused not calmly to analyze or inquire
into the truth of his declarations. She took them
upon trust. She did not look to see if the eye of Amri
met hers with unblenching earnestness as he addressed
her; she did not remark that the voice was schooled
into effort, and was unbroken and even while he was
uttering words of passionate gratitude and warm affection.
It was enough for her that the sense which they
conveyed was sweet; she did not ask—perhaps she
feared to ask—if they were the words of truth. Alas!
how commonly do we forego the true for the sweet;
how readily do we suffer ourselves to be beguiled by the
one into a disregard and forgetfulness of the other;
and how bitterly do we pay, in after days, for the sad
error of such beguiling moments! She replied to him
with all the fondness of a love which the show of a
proper feeling in him had pleased and satisfied.

“Ah, Amri, thy words are sweet—sweeter to me
than all the gifts and all the worship of the proudest
Goth that ever humbled himself in my train. How glad
would I be to believe thee, Amri. Dost thou not deceive
me, dearest? Art thou not glozing, that I may
not see or suspect thy falsehood? I fear me thou dost
play me false, and thy words are those of the serpent,
words of guile and of untruth. Yet, be it so, Amri—be
it so. Speak to me falsely, but sweetly—and, if thou
dost me wrong in thy heart, Amri, let the secret be withheld
from my ears, and I forgive thee the wrong.”

“Sweet Urraca, thou knowest that I wrong thee not.
How could I wrong a love true, and sweet, and devoted
as is thine? Were I moved to wrong thee, wanting in
the natural passion which should respond to thine, thy
truth would counsel me that I should do thee justice,
and pay homage to the affection which I yet might never
feel. I should feign the love for thee which thou deservest,
even though my cold heart entertained it not.”


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“But thou dost not feign—thou dost feel, my Amri?”
cried the woman, hastily, and with some symptoms of
apprehension. He put his hand upon his bosom, and
invoked the God of Israel to approve his sincerity.

“Thy God—my God! They have both heard thee,
Amri!” she exclaimed, laying her hand upon his arm,
and looking for a moment inquiringly into his face;
then, with a fond smile, throwing herself upon his bosom,
she cried, passionately and aloud, the satisfaction which
she felt.

“I must—I will believe thee, Amri. I dare not
doubt thee longer, Amri, though many are the doubts
which have come to chide me with the confidence I
have given thee; and often, even when thou didst seem
most loving and most true, was there something that
whispered in my heart, telling me to believe thee not—
to heed none of thy professions. I will not hear to this
evil tempter—I will believe that thou dost love me.”

“I do—I do love thee, Urraca. Thou must believe,
and confide to me always.”

“I will—I must—even as thou sayest, Amri!” she
responded; but with one of those sudden and passionate
transitions which marked her ungovernable and ill-schooled
spirit, her tone changed, even as she said
these words; and with a fiery glance of the eye, and an
uplifted finger, starting at the same time away from his
embrace, she looked upon him threateningly, while she
spoke the very doubts which she had determined to dismiss.

“Yet, if thou shouldst deceive me—if—oh, Amri, I
could have slain thee with my own hands but the last
night, when I looked upon thee and esteemed thee a
traitor to my love. My hand was upon this dagger”—
and, while she spoke, she drew it from her bosom and
held it on high—“and, but that thy words were quick,
and warmed with a devotion which was sweet to my
heart, I had driven its biting blade into the very warmest
parts of thine!”


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“Urraca!” was the only word which the lips of
Amri uttered in reply to this passionate exhortation.
She turned a fond woman-glance once more upon him,
while she flung the dagger from her to a distant corner
of the chamber.

“I will not trust myself to hold it again in my hands,
for fear that it should be too ready, in some sad hour,
obedient to my wilful heart. Fear me not, Amri; I do
now believe thee—I will wrong thee never again.”

But he did fear her. He knew too well how tumultuously
the storm of passion in her soul bore along with
it every consideration, every stay of reason, every obstacle
which prudence and a calm thought might will to
oppose against feverish impatience and the phrensy of a
jealous mood.

“I do fear thee,” he said to himself, even while she
embraced him and while he embraced her—“I do fear
thee, and I were a fool not to provide against this fear.
I will not fear thee long.”

Such were the shadows of his thought, passing cloudily
over his mind, and intimating the commission of
other and greater crimes as necessary to his extrication
from the past. But neither by word nor look did he
convey to her mind a solitary suspicion of that which
was passing through his own. He played the part of
the adoring lover—the confiding, fond husband—one
having happiness, and free from disquiet or discontent.
Little did she dream while believing, and happy to believe,
that in his thought he had already, with felon spirit,
resolved to penetrate the sanctuary of her life—to throw
down and trample into dust and darkness the sacred and
sweet, though perhaps impure, fires which were burning
upon its altars.


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2. II.

That night the happiness of Urraca was perfect, if
there can be any perfect happiness for the spirit which
is impure. The sickness of Amri, making him for the
time a dependant upon her, had imposed upon him the
necessity of conciliation to a far greater degree than had
been his wont to show for a long period previously.
With the artfulness of that narrow sagacity which is cunning,
and must always result in vice, he could imitate
the virtue which he yet had not the courage to feel or to
desire; and the eyes of love and confidence never looked
more natural and true than did those of the dishonourable
Amri. Willing to believe, where belief was itself
so great a pleasure, the fond Urraca was readily imposed
upon. She lay in his arms, and the fountains of
her eyes were opened, and joyous tears, flowing freely
from their deepest sources, relieved her labouring bosom,
and soothed a spirit too easily roused to wrath and suspicion
to remain soothed long. Vicious still, and pursuing
still the indulgences of vice, the feelings of Urraca
were, nevertheless, more truly innocent at this moment
than they had ever been at any which she had known
since the hapless hour when, in her maiden fondness
and confiding youth, she had been beguiled from the innocent
hope of girlhood, and the quiet dwelling of her
father among the hills of Guadarrama. The child of a
decayed noble, she dwelt amid seclusion, and her eyes
were accustomed to behold no object in the shape of
man more attractive than the surrounding goatherds,
clad in skins as rough and more unsightly than those of
the animals they tended. But, one day, wandering
among those hills, there came a gallant cavalier—a
Gothic noble—who had fled thither for shelter, seeking
safety from the avenger of blood. Her eyes were dazzled


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by his glances and gay apparel, and her heart was
soon enslaved by the sweet persuasion of his beguiling
words. She became his victim; and when he left her,
as not long afterward he did, she stole away from the
innocent home in which she was no longer innocent, and
sought her despoiler and her future abiding-place in the
dangerous proximity of the court. The transitions of
vice to greater vice are rapid, though perhaps insensible
in their progress, and not often apt to offend, however
they may be to startle; and the beautiful Urraca sank,
after no very long period, and with little effort at resistance,
into the thing we find her. She became accustomed
to her degraded calling, and soon grew comparatively
callous, in an atmosphere so generally vicious as
that of the city, to the debasing shame of her indulgences.
Yet were there moments when the memory of the
past, of the quiet, humble, happy home of her sire among
the mountains of Guadarrama, came over her heart with
irresistible power, filling her bosom with sorrow and her
eyes with tears—when the feeling of self-abasement
shook her form as with the convulsions of a spasmodic
agony, and when she felt how much holier was that humble
home which she had given up for ever, than all the
gaudy trappings and dearly-bought splendours which lust
had accumulated around her.

Such now were her thoughts and feelings, even while
she lay upon the bosom of Amri; and suddenly, amid
her tears, she exclaimed aloud, as if to herself in musing—

“The old home—the quiet home among the hills—
the peace—the peace!”

“What home, Urraca?” was the inquiry of Amri, as
he heard the exclamation.

“The home of my childhood—of my innocence—of
my peace! My father's home and mine, Amri. Would
we were there, Amri—would we both were there!”

“Wherefore the wish, dearest Urraca? Art thou not


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happy here—here, in my arms—secure, as thou now art,
of the love of thy own Amri?”

“Happy—oh yes, very happy, Amri—but yet not at
peace! Give me peace. I would rest now—I would
sleep. I have been striving long, and I feel that a
dreadful fever has been preying upon my heart. I feel
—I fear, Amri—that I have not long to live! Something
seems to whisper it to all my senses. I hear it—
I see it—I feel it.”

“And I wish it!” was the thought of Amri; but he
gave utterance to a far different sentiment.

“Thou art dreaming, Urraca—and thy dream is no
less idle to thee than it is painful to me. Forbear such
thoughts, and let thy fancy no longer trifle with thee
thus, torturing us both without profit. Now is the season
for our mutual happiness—now, when thou doubtest
me no longer; and now, when I am assured that the
Jew is no longer despised of the woman he adores.
Give over thy weeping, sweet one, and look the bright
smile from thine eyes which is their natural and becoming

She tried to smile while thus he strove artfully to
sooth her; but her lips murmured fitfully for some moments
after, as if beyond all her power of prevention—

“The old home—the brown hills—my father's home
and mine. The peace, the sweet peace and quiet of
that home!”

“Think not of it, Urraca. This is now thy home, as
dear to thee as any which thou hast ever known before.”

“As dear to me! Yes, dearer—much dearer, Amri
—for here thou lovest me; and there—there are none
left now who would, or should, love the outcast Urraca.
This home is dearer than all, Amri; but oh, it wants the
quiet of those brown hills and those suddenly-sinking
valleys. Would we were there, my Amri!—there is
peace among those hills which I would give this wealth,


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these pomps, the world, every thing, dear Amri, but thee,
once more to find—once more to recover!”

“Sleep, dear Urraca—give thyself up to sleep upon
my bosom, and the peace will surely return to thee
which thou hast lost before, and which thou desirest

“Never—never, while here!” was her energetic response
to all his entreaties. “I feel that there is no
peace for me in Cordova! No peace anywhere for
Urraca but among those hills of her innocent girlhood.
It was there that I ceased to be innocent. It is there
only that I can be innocent again, and happy! Wilt
thou not go with me there, Amri? Wilt thou not?
Thou lovest me—so thou hast sworn to me! If thou
dost, thou wilt not refuse. Go with me to the mountains
of Guadarrama. Let us seek out the valley of
my father. He is no longer there to meet me with his
frown! He is no longer living to curse me with his
dying breath! The old halls in which he dwelt are silent;
and if they have no words of sympathy to sooth,
they at least have no language of reproach with which
to chide me. Thither let us fly—there let us live—
there, at least, dear Amri—I implore thee as for my life
—there, at least, let me die!”

The spirit of Urraca was again in tumult. Her mind
was ill at ease. It was in vain that Amri strove to silence
her complainings, and convince her that her griefs
were idle and imaginary.

“Wherefore dost thou talk of death, my beloved?
What hast thou to fear? Thou art young—thou art
beautiful—thou art beloved! Thou hast wealth—thou
livest in luxury—thou hast no want which thou mayst
not gratify.”

“Yes—there is one! There is one sad, sweet want
which here I may not gratify. There only—there, in

“What is that want, Urraca? I will—”


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“Peace—I would have peace—I would sleep—and
I feel, Amri, that I shall never sleep at peace till I reach
those mountains. I feel that I am soon to die—”

“No more of that, dearest,” said he, interrupting her
with a well-affected fondness of entreaty.

“I feel it—I fear it. I cannot help the thought—the
fear! It comes to me unbidden! It looks at me—it
whispers in my ears—and I shut it out from one sense
only to have it force its way into another. But whether
it be true or false—whether it be idle or substantial—I
feel that I would rather fly once more to that old home,
if thou, dearest Amri, wilt go thither with me. I am
sick of this life in Cordova. I am sick of the vile associates
who seek me. Wherefore should I remain longer?
I have wealth, as thou sayest, in abundance. I would
leave the path, and, if possible, the practices, of the vice
by which I live. Go with me to those quiet hills, dearest
Amri, and let me live, if live I may, in peace, and
for thee! Wilt thou go with me, Amri?”

She raised her head from his bosom, where all this
while it had lain, as she put this question, and her dark
eyes looked down penetratingly and imploringly into his
face. He paused for a few seconds, until he saw, from
the changing colour in her cheeks, that a prompt and affirmative
reply would be the best policy. He gave the
desired assent, and she then threw herself again upon
his bosom, her arms clasping his neck; and there she
wept freely, until exhausted nature sank down finally into
the arms of a refreshing slumber.

3. III.

It was the lost peace of mind—it was the sleep of a
reproving and feverish conscience, for which the unhappy
woman prayed; but this she did not herself so well understand.
It was a fond and natural desire which she


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felt to return to her home of infancy, and the thought
was no less natural to one in her situation, that there
only could she recover the innocence which she had
there lost. With the purely innocent the heart is never
from its home. The sweet hopes, the pleasant joys, the
cheering affections attend it ever, and cluster around its
steps, and hallow all its emotions. Amri gave Urraca
the promise which she sought, and she was, for the moment,
satisfied. He gave it unwillingly, however, and
without the most distant intention of its fulfilment. He
could do no less than promise. He feared once more
to provoke the paroxysm of her passion, the consequences
and character of which he well knew, and which he
had long since learned how to dread. And even had he
not this fear, a common show of gratitude would have
called for the concession. To have denied her at such
a moment would have been ungracious in the extreme.
Her fond nursing and gentle cares had recovered him
from the stunning, but not serious, injury which he had
received from the blow given by Pelayo; and, bending
over her as she lay sleeping upon his arm, he half reproached
himself, at intervals, with the base selfishness
of his own spirit, that would not allow him to estimate as
it deserved the willing devotedness of hers. But these
moods were only momentary—of little strength, and of
no duration. Other thoughts soon filled his mind, and
a succession of dark and criminal purposes expelled from
his bosom the better impulses. These purposes were
many, yet not various in their character. They all bore
the same family likeness, shadowed from his own vile
and malignant soul. At one moment he meditated the
destruction of Melchior, whom he had half sold already
to the mercenary Edacer. A strange feeling of kindred
—strange in him, though natural enough to others—
alone made him hesitate; and when, at the next moment,
he thought of Thyrza, his scruples and hesitation
could not but increase. The thought of the Jewish


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maiden soon usurped the place of all other images; and
as, through the aid of his active imagination, her perfect
and sweetly beautiful features rose before his mind's eye,
he turned away, with instinctive aversion, from the contemplation
of the face of her who lay sleeping beside
him. She too was beautiful; but oh! how different her
loveliness from the loveliness of Thyrza! Where was
that angel purity, that heavenly grace, that sanctified
look, in which no expression ever made its appearance
inconsistent with a heart full of holiness, and a hope full
of innocence and truth? The face of Urraca, beautiful
though it might appear, was like some rich and decorated
casket, in which lay concealed the elements of evil
and of terror—wild, fierce passions, unholy desires, and
any thing but innocence, and every thing but truth! It
is in the sovereignty of virtue to command even the admiration
of that vice which yet does not sufficiently admire
to seek to emulate it; and the thought of Thyrza
in the mind of Amri, and the comparison, or rather contrast,
between herself and Urraca which that thought
forced upon him, moved him to detach his arm from the
neck about which it had been wound so fondly ere she
slept, and to withdraw the close embrace, in the seemingly
fond folds of which the unhappy woman had given
herself up to a pleasing unconsciousness. His eyes
now looked upon the closed orbs of Urraca as earnestly
as they might ever have done before, but, certainly, with
no such feeling shining within them as had once possessed
his heart, and spoken for it through them. Hate,
scorn, contempt, hostility, now formed the expression of
that look, which, but a little while before, was all love
and adoration! His mind revolted as he gazed; and,
rising with the utmost caution from the couch where he
had lain, he resumed the dress which, in part only, had
been thrown aside before. A busy and a black thought
in his mind prompted him to rapidity in his movements;
and, when he had resumed his habit, he went to a recess


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in the chamber which was hidden from all eyes by the
falling folds of a curtain, and there, undoing the sash
which usually bound his middle, he drew from a little
pocket artfully concealed in its foldings a small envelope
of parchment, which he transferred from its former
place to one more convenient of reach in his bosom.
This done, he girded himself with the sash hastily; then
re-entering the chamber, he approached the couch where
Urraca lay, still wrapped in the deepest, though most unquiet,
slumbers. She murmured and sighed in her
sleep, and the tears, even then, hung upon the long,
black, and folded eyelashes of her large and lovely
eyes. He gave her but a single glance as still she
slept, and in that glance the murderous design in his bosom
was fully apparent. Cautiously then he stole away
from the apartment, and seeking an adjoining chamber,
he summoned one of the female attendants who usually
waited upon the person of Urraca. The intimacy of the
Hebrew with this woman seemed to have been of a nature
which rendered much formality unnecessary between
them. He spoke to her as if she had been his creature,
and one whom he could most certainly command.

“Zitta, she sleeps. Thou hast so far well performed,
and here is thy reward.”

He gave her money, which she readily received.

“Thou hast promised me, and the time is at length
come when thou must do as thou hast promised. She
will not free thee. She has resolved. Thou must free
thyself—and me! I have striven for thee until I have
angered her, and she has resolved, more firmly than
ever, to keep thee in her bondage. She has sworn it.
There is but one course for thee. Art thou ready to do
every thing for thy self-mastery—for the tie which is between
us—and remembering and desiring what I shall
do for thee in Merida when thou shalt be free to go

The woman promised him, and he then took from his


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vest the parchment envelope which he had there hidden
after withdrawing it from his sash. This he placed in
her hands, with these words—

“For the wine she drinks! It is fatal—but it gives
thee freedom. It gives us both freedom; and when
thou hast that, I will do for thee, and be to thee, all that
I have promised. Thou wilt do it—thou hast sworn?”

“I have sworn—I will swear again, Amri,” responded
the woman.

“'Tis well!”

“Thou sayest, Amri, that she has denied you—”

“Utterly, and with anger in her words and looks.”

“Yet once she promised that I should be free to seek
my mother in Merida? 'Twas thus thou saidst.”

“She did—but revoked the promise in her evil mood.
She is now resolved to hold thee with life.”

“With life!” exclaimed the woman, bitterly. “And
this,” she continued, holding up the packet, “this is fatal
to life, Amri, thou sayest?”

“It is,” was the reply. “Drugged with it, the wine-cup
which she drinks is death.”

“Then she keeps me not long. Hold it done, Amri,
as I have promised thee before. Again I promise thee.”

She extended her hand as she spoke, which he pressed
with a pleasurable grasp. Then, giving her some directions
touching the manner of using the deadly potion with
which he had provided her, he bade her take heed of the
proper moment to administer it. This done, he left her
to proceed to other and not less evil projects.

4. IV.

With the restlessness of a guilty spirit, Amri hurried
away, when his conference with the woman was ended,
to the prosecution of his various purposes. It was necessary
that he should regain lost time; and, as it was


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essential to his projects that he should not for a moment
lose sight of the movements of Melchior, he was now
solicitous to discover what had been the course of the
outlawed Hebrew during the period in which he had
been confined by his bruises to the dwelling of Urraca.
A day and night had elapsed since his unsuccessful assault
upon the person of the maiden Thyrza. Of her
rescue he could remember little. Upon receiving the
blow of Pelayo his senses had left him, and he saw and
knew nothing after, until he opened his eyes upon the
couch in Urraca's chamber. From her he obtained but
little information; for, ignorant himself that she had
been his companion in the affray, and feeling, as he did,
the dangerous delicacy of the subject in connexion with
her, he had ventured to ask her no questions, and was
compelled to rest content with the limited information
which she was willing to unfold. This was unimportant.
She had her reasons for concealing from him her
own agency in his rescue, and he was forced to resort
to the attendant of Edacer, from whom he obtained little
intelligence that was more satisfactory than that given
by Urraca—by whom, indeed, the soldier had been
schooled into silence. The Hebrew youth could only
learn from their united testimony what he already, in
great part, knew, or could conjecture, namely—that the
page had been taken from his grasp at the moment when
his possession of her might have been considered certain;
but by whom remained to him utterly unknown.
One error crept into the soldier's statement; but whether
in consequence of the instructions of Urraca, or from his
own head, in apologizing and accounting for his imbecility
during the affray, it does not rest with us to determine.
According to his account, the rescue of Thyrza
had been effected, not by one man, but by a dozen, all
“good men and true”—“men in buckram.” A little
bewildered to account for the appearance of so many
persons so opportunely, and all so well armed, at the


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proper moment, Amri was not, however, disposed to
forego his purposes in reference to the maiden thus taken
from his clutches. The privation only added a new
stimulant to his always active passions, and he was now
resolute to obtain her at every hazard. The slight hurt
which he had received had the effect of determining him
to sacrifice Melchior without further scruple; as, in resolving
the doubts which came to his mind on the subject
of Thyrza's rescue, he arrived at the conclusion that
the persons by whom it had been effected were the myrmidons
of the outlaw. Acquainted now with the existence
of a conspiracy, and conscious that Melchior was
at the bottom of it, he was at no loss to ascribe to the
direct agency of the latter the injury which he had received;
and he now set forth, resolute not only to effect
his object with the daughter, but—dismissing all further
scruples which he might have had, and did have, in sacrificing
one of his tribe—also to deliver up to the mercenary
Edacer, and to the penal terrors of the law, the
person of her venerable father. Thus sharpened in his
resolves, he hurried home with early dawn. The absence
of Adoniakim from home gave him, in some respects,
a freer opportunity for prosecuting his designs.
Passing into a secret chamber of his father, which he
was enabled to do by means of a master key which he
had some time previously secured, he opened a massive
safe of iron in which Adoniakim sometimes kept his
treasure; but, to the annoyance and disappointment of
Amri, there was little in its keeping—too little to permit
of his abstracting any of its contents without detection.
But, as if to compensate him for this disappointment, a
small desk, which lay open upon a table before him, was
covered with papers, over which the eye of Amri, glancing
casually, became suddenly fixed in curiosity. He
read with greedy pleasure their contents. They spoke
of various matters connected with the conspiracy, and
the mind of the youth became suddenly wonderfully enlightened


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on the subject of an affair, the importance of
which he had never before conjectured. While he read
he muttered to himself aloud, with a pleasure which he
did not seek to suppress or conceal—

“By the beard of Samuel, but it is all here! This is
treasure enough, and I sorrow not that the safe is empty.
Thou hast been secret, Adoniakim—Abraham bless
thee, for thou hast slept one moment—Abraham be
blessed, for that moment I awakened. This is a prize
which gives me every thing. I have thy secret, Melchior—I
have thee, too, and Thyrza in my clutches.
Thou shalt buy thyself, and I will buy her with thee. It
is good—it is great, this plan. He cannot help but
yield—he will—he must consent. I have his life in my
hands—the life of Adoniakim—the lives of one half the
tribe, and all of its treasure. Let him deny me if he
dare. I have him—I have her. The lovely Thyrza is

The youth paced the apartment in his exultation,
speaking to himself all the while as he did so in a vein
similar to that which we have recorded.

“They cannot deny,” he continued; “and if they do,
it is written. That”—and he pointed to the writing in
various places as he spoke—“that is the character of
Adoniakim—that of Melchior; and it speaks of arms
and warriors, gathering and to gather, under the lead of
Abimelech. Abimelech, too—I am glad to find him
here set down. I like him not, and he keeps not hidden
the scorn which he holds for me. He, too, is in my
power. Thyrza alone shall buy them free; and I am
fain to think that Abimelech should be except from this
safety. Why should I yield so freely? 'Tis enough I
give not up their secret—'tis enough that I spare Melchior
and the rest. I must punish the high-browed and
insolent Abimelech for his scorn of me. He shall not
be safe, though I keep terms and make composition with
the rest. It must be as I say. Melchior shall hear a


Page 21
word as haughty as his own. He shall prescribe no
longer to Adoniakim—he shall no longer deny me. I
am master of his fate—what hinders that I be master of
my own?”

While thus he freely soliloquized upon the hopes with
which his discovery of the papers of the conspirator had
filled his heart, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps;
and, hastily possessing himself of the important
documents, he thrust them into the folds of his bosom.
Then, passing into the adjoining apartment, in which
once before we found him slumbering, he closed the secret
panel in time to meet the intruder, who proved to
be Mahlon, one in the service of Adoniakim, but one
who was the entire creature of the son.

“How now, Mahlon—what brings thee?” demanded
the youth.

“Thy father, Adoniakim, approaches,” was the reply.

“Ha! that is well. Comes he alone?” was the further

“Melchior comes with him,” said Mahlon.

“That is better—that is well—I may soon prophesy
for others since I have so well spoken for myself. Away,
Mahlon, and give them entrance; and say not, if thou
canst help it, that I am here.”

The slave retired, as he was bidden, to give admission
to the new-comers; while Amri, remaining where he
was, prepared his thoughts for their reception according
to the plan which his discovery of the conspiracy had
already suggested to his mind. The reckless and vicious
youth was delighted in the last degree at their approach.
He drew a favourable omen from their coming so opportunely
to hear the secret which he had happened upon,
and while his own resolves respecting it were fresh in
his reflection; and his exultation, which he could not,
and perhaps did not desire to restrain, found its way to
his lips in language of corresponding delight.

“By the beard of Samuel!” he exclaimed, “but this


Page 22
is fortunate. We shall lose but little time. They come
opportunely to my wish; and if Melchior be not utterly
desperate, and madly prone to his own destruction and
the defeat of all his schemes of insurrection, the lovely
Thyrza shall be mine before the sunset. It is written.
I have her securely—I have her here!” he exclaimed,
striking his bosom joyously where the papers of the conspirators
were concealed—“I have her here! Melchior
can only remove and possess himself of these—which
contain his life, his fortune, and his hope, all at my mercy
—by placing his lovely daughter in their stead. Beard
of Samuel! How the day brightens!”

The hum of their approaching voices, and soon the
sound of their footsteps, reached his ears at the entrance
of the chamber. He threw himself back carelessly upon
a long cushion as he heard them, and his insolent eyes
were fixed upon the door through which they were to
enter. As the door opened, and the person of Melchior,
in advance of that of his companion, met the
glance of Amri, his face immediately put on an expression
and look of lively indifference almost amounting to
contempt, and he made no effort to rise and salute, as
was customary, the venerable man. His father, seeing
this, rebuked him with his neglect. The son then rose
and made way upon the cushion, to which he motioned
Melchior; but the latter did not seem to heed the motion.
Adoniakim then pressed him to rest himself upon
the cushion which Amri had so ungraciously tendered;
but Melchior, with much gravity of manner, declined the
courtesy, and begged him that they should proceed to
the business upon which they came as soon and earnestly
as possible. It was then that Adoniakim signified
to Amri his desire that he should leave them together
in the possession of the chamber. This he did
in the gentlest language, saying to him, at the same
time, that the business was private and particular, for the
transaction of which Melchior and himself had come.


Page 23
But Amri, who exulted in the possession of the secret
which he had so dishonourably obtained, was not willing
to delay to a remote period the utterance of his desires,
and the exhibition and exercise of his newly-acquired
sources of power. Without moving from the place
which he had occupied before, he simply replied as follows:

“And why should I not remain, and share with thee
this business, my father?”

“Because it concerns thee not, my son,” responded
the old man, quietly.

“But it concerns thee, Adoniakim, and thy interest is
my interest, unless, under the friendly guidance of Melchior,
thou art bent to make thy son a stranger, and to
yield to strangers the place in thy regards and confidence
which nature and justice alike require should be given
to thy own flesh and blood.”

Adoniakim was astounded at this speech, and spoke
freely out his thought at the youth's insolence; but Melchior
looked upon him gravely, without uttering a syllable
in reply.

“Thy business should be my business, my father,”
persisted the wilful youth, “and I will remain to hear it.”

“But thou canst not claim, Amri, that the business of
Melchior and of others is also thine,” said Adoniakim,
who, though greatly surprised and grieved at his son's
presumption, yet lacked the proper decision to control it.

“If it concerns thee also—yes,” replied Amri, without
hesitation; “and if it did not, it might yet be my
business, as it may be that of the tribe and of the nation.”

The two turned upon the speaker in redoubled surprise
at this language; but, conscious of the secret in
his possession, and believing that it gave him power
which enabled him to set them both at defiance, the foolish
youth allowed himself no pause in what he had to
say, but proceeded thus—


Page 24

“Thinkest thou I know not the business that brings
ye here, and which makes ye desirous of the absence of
one whom ye both wrong by your suspicions, and in
whom your true interests, were ye wise, would have ye
confide? Did I not save ye before from Edacer the
Goth, and his soldiers, when he sought you, Melchior,
at midnight, in the dwelling of Namur? Was not that
proof of my fidelity enough? Wherefore did you still
refuse me your confidence? Wherefore do ye withhold
it now? I tell you, the business of Adoniakim is mine—
I will remain and share in your conference. Perhaps I
may help you more than you imagine in its progress.
Perhaps I may counsel you with a knowledge that shall
keep equal footing with your own. I can tell you—but
no! I will spare your business to the last. I have
some of my own, which it is more fitting that I see to
first. Let me speak of that to you, and then, if ye deny
me part in your performances, I will leave ye to them
and to yourselves.”

“What business, my son?” answered the pliant Adoniakim,
who had been as much astounded by the audacity
of Amri as he was wilfully blinded, by his attachment
to the youth, to the sad deficiencies and prevailing
faults of his character. Melchior only regarded
the two with a grave and melancholy silence.

Throwing himself once more at length upon the cushion
from which he had risen at the suggestion of his father,
and which Melchior had refused to occupy, the
youth, who seemed to have acquired double assurance
from the pliability of Adoniakim, now addressed the former—

“And now, Melchior, it is with thee—”

The outlaw interrupted him sternly—

“Thy speech should be with thy father, Amri. I
have no business, no concern with thee, that I wot of—
I would have none with thee, at least!”

“But I will have with thee!” was the cool and confident


Page 25
reply. “I have much concern with thee, and for
thee, Melchior, as thou wilt readily acknowledge when
thou hast heard me through. It is true that much of my
business with thee doth seriously affect myself—with
that I would fain begin, if thou wilt deign to hear me.
May I speak to thee of that?”

The tone which he employed was somewhat modified
when the youth addressed Melchior, probably because
he felt the obvious difference, which he could not but
see existed, between the differing characters of the outlaw
and his own father. To the latter, his mode of
speech was not often respectful, and it was only when he
needed supplies of money, or some special indulgence,
that he condescended to employ the language and manner
of conciliation. The superior character of Melchior
awed somewhat the audacity of the youth. The stern,
calm, unruffled brow of the outlaw had in it an expression
which rebuked, if it did not entirely silence, the insolent;
and, though flattering himself with the possession
of a secret which he fondly imagined would extort
his own terms and his entire wishes from the apprehensions
of Melchior, he did not dare meet directly the
glance of the old man, even when his speech was most
daringly addressed to him. The reply of Melchior was
calmly uttered, and without hesitation—

“Speak out, Amri—I will hear thee, as thou art the
son of thy beloved father; though what thou canst have
to say concerning thyself and me, which might not wait
for a time of more leisure to us all, I am yet to learn.”

“Thou shalt learn,” was the ready reply. “The
matter might wait, indeed, but that I am impatient; and
thou wilt see good reason for my impatience when thou
hearest it.”

“Speak on,” said the old man, contemplating him
with a sorrowful countenance for a moment, and then
turning his eyes, with a still greater sorrow in them, upon


Page 26
the face of the venerable and unhappy father of so degenerate
a son.

“Thou hast a daughter, Melchior,” said the youth.
Melchior regarded him sternly as he replied—

“And what is my daughter to thee, Amri?”

“Every thing,” was the response. “I have seen

“I know it! I know that thou didst penetrate unbidden
to the apartments of my child, where thy presence
was ungrateful, and thy conduct was ungracious,”
said Melchior.

“She has told you, then,” replied the youth, nothing
abashed at the manner and words of Melchior.

“She is a child who forgets not her duties—who
shrinks from disobedience as from a deadly sin—painful
in the sight of man, and detestable in that of Heaven.
Would that thou, Adoniakim, had obedience often from
thy child such as I have ever had from mine.”

“It were a God's blessing—the dearest to my old
heart were it as thou desirest, my brother,” was the response
of Adoniakim; but the depraved youth laughed
contemptuously at the prayer of both, as thus he continued—

“She has told you, then, and that spares me the difficulty
of making thee comprehend a thing unknown. She
has told you that I loved—that I love her!—that I sought
her love, and offered her my affections in marriage.”

“Thy affections!” was the involuntary exclamation
of Melchior.

“Ay—my affections! What wonder is there in that?
Thou dost not doubt that I have affections, Melchior—
thou believest that I love Thyrza? I—”

“No!” was the almost fierce reply of the old man.
“Thou dost not—thou canst not. Thou lovest nothing
but thy own base passions—thy foul lusts—and thy continual
self-indulgences. Thou canst not understand the
nature—the purity—the religion of my child's heart—


Page 27
and thou canst not, therefore, have a love for her in

“Thou errest in thy judgment, Melchior, and therefore
thou dost me a grievous wrong,” was the reply of
the youth, somewhat subdued in its tone, as the fierce
manner of the old father seemed to have had its influence
upon him. “I do love Thyrza,” he continued,
“as never before did I love woman. I feel that never
again can I fancy woman as my spirit has fancied her.
Wilt thou not let me to see her—to know her—to make
myself an object of thought in her mind, that so she may
come to love me with a regard like mine for her?”


“And wherefore?”

“She is not for thee.”

“What! thou meanest her, then, for another?”

“No! I have no such purpose. Thyrza shall choose
for herself when the choice is to be made. My will
shall in no respect control her. It should guide her
erring judgment, should her heart mislead her; but this
misfortune I do not fear.”

“Yet thou sayest I shall not see her—that I shall not
know her; how, then, may it be that one may move her
will, or enliven her thought towards him?”

“Thou shalt not have this chance, Amri, nor any who
may resemble thee. Let the good and the worthy approach
to Thyrza, and the doors of my dwelling shall fly
open of themselves at their approach; but they shall remain
fastened at the coming of the base and selfish, even
as if the seal of Solomon lay upon them, pressed with
his own immortal hands.”

“And thou art really thus resolved?” said the youth,
inquiringly; and a suspicious smile rested upon his lips,
which was displeasing to Melchior, who instantly replied,
in a manner which was intended to subdue and silence
the impertinent—

“Ay, Amri—as firmly as if the oath were written on


Page 28
the eternal register of heaven. Never, with my will,
shalt thou have sight of, or speech with, my beloved
daughter. I will guard her from thy approach as fondly
and sleeplessly as if thou wert the spirit of evil himself.”

“Be not hasty in thy resolve, old man!” responded
the youth, with a manner, the insolence of which was
heightened duly in accordance with the provocation
which his spirit had received from the ready and adverse
decision of Melchior. “Be not hasty in thy resolve—
be not rash! Thy oath broken will have a heavy penalty,
and I have that argument with me which will make
thee rejoice in its revocation.”

“What argument, Amri?” demanded Adoniakim.
But Melchior looked on calmly, and seemed to give no
heed either to the threatening remark of Amri, or the
trembling inquiry of his father.

“Think not, Melchior,” continued Amri—“think not
that I asked of thee the gift of thy daughter, yet brought
nothing in lieu of what I took from thee. Give me thy
daughter, and I will give a secret into thy keeping which
will more than repay thee for the boon which thou wilt
then bestow upon me.”

“What secret?” asked Adoniakim, in manifest alarm.

“It is one which concerns thee, too, my father,” said
Amri, in reply.

“What meanest thou, my son?” inquired the old
man; but Amri heeded not the question, and again addressed
himself to Melchior.

“And now come I to thy business, Melchior—thou
wilt give thine ear to that, though thou seemest resolved
to withhold it from all consideration of mine.”

Melchior waved his hand to him to speak, but gave
him no further recognition.

“I would have taken thy daughter from thy hands as
a free gift to my affections. Now I propose to buy her
from thee, even as the Goth buys, in the slave-market,
the creature of his lust.”


Page 29

A sudden and startling change came over the hitherto
inflexible countenance of Melchior as he heard these

“Wretch!” exclaimed the fierce old warrior, drawing
a poniard from his girdle as he spoke, and in the same
instant rushing towards the infatuated youth. The aged
Adoniakim, with a cry of entreaty, tottered forward to
arrest the weapon; but, before he could interpose, Melchior
of himself had stayed his hand and progress; yet
the fury in his soul, though checked in its exercise, could
no longer be concealed. His eyes flashed all the fire
of indignation and of youth, and the long white beard
that depended from his chin curled and quivered as if
endued with a spirit and vitality of its own.

“Speak out what thou hast to say!” cried Melchior,
as he contracted his hand and returned his dagger to the
folds of his garment where it had lain concealed—
“speak out the whole of thy foul thoughts and insolent
spirit, and let there be an end of this. But hear me,
Amri, if, in what thou hast to say, thou dost utter word
or thought to which a father's ear might not listen, that
instant will my hand grapple with thy throat. I spare
thee now, not in consideration of thy deservings, but
simply as thou art the son of Adoniakim.”

“Let Adoniakim thank thee as he ought,” was the
insolent reply of the youth; “but, for my part, I fear
thee not. I have thee in my power, Melchior; and,
since thou hast proved thyself so rude and violent, I will
be less heedful of the words which I shall choose out for
thy hearing.”

“Beware!” exclaimed Melchior, and his finger was
uplifted in warning—“beware! Not a word, Amri, that
shall graze upon the purity of my blessed child, or the
presence of Adoniakim, and my own scorn of thee, will
not suffice to save thee from the weapon which thou deservest,
but which thy base blood would most certainly


Page 30

“Speak not—say not, Amri—I implore thee, my son
—be silent. Say nothing to offend the father.”

“Peace, Adoniakim—I will say. I have been too
long silent—too long kept in bondage and base subjection
by his teachings and thine. I will be so no longer,
and ye shall both learn to heed what I command, as ye
shall both learn, and quickly, how much ye are in my

The father would have longer solicited, for he was in
terror lest his son should use more audacity, and well he
knew that Melchior was one ever prompt to strike where
an injury was offered to his honour and his child.
Though affecting to defy his threats, yet, in his farther
speech, Amri adopted the safest policy, and was more
cautious, though still insolent enough, in the language
which he made use of.

“I must have thy daughter, Melchior—I will have
her; and I offer to thee to have her in honour as my
wife,” said Amri, renewing the dialogue.

“I have said,” was the simple reply of Melchior.

“Yet I ask her not as a free gift—I will give thee an
equivalent for the maiden.”

“An equivalent for Thyrza!” exclaimed Melchior.
“What equivalent?”

“Thy own life!” was the unhesitating response.
Before either his father or Melchior could utter any reply
to a speech so daring, and which so much astounded
them, the youth proceeded—

“Thy own life, Melchior—nor thine alone. What
sayest thou to the life of Pelayo, the son of Witiza—
ha! Have I touched thee now—have I not thy secret
—have I not thee, and thine, and Thyrza at my mercy?”

But the countenance of Melchior was unmoved,
though Adoniakim trembled all over with his apprehensions.
The former looked calmly upon the face of
Amri, and his tones and language were milder as he replied
to the audacious youth.


Page 31

“Thou speakest to me a mystery, Amri,” was his
quiet answer; “I know not what thou meanest. If
thou wouldst say that as Melchior is outlawed by the
Goth, and at the mercy of the base informer who may
happen to fall upon his hiding-place, this is no new thing,
or new thought, or fear with me. I am that outlaw, I
well know; and I am not blind to the dangers which I
risk and encounter during my sojourn in Cordova. Of
this secret thou hast long been in possession—with the
knowledge of this truth I have long since intrusted

“Perforce — perforce!” cried the other, bitterly.
“Thou didst not trust me with this because thou wert
glad or willing to trust, but because the trust was unavoidable.”

“Perhaps—perhaps,” said Melchior, calmly. His
inflexibility chafed the insolent Amri into fury.

“Perhaps! perhaps! And dost thou receive what I
say so indifferently? Is it thy own life which thou valuest
so lightly? And hast thou not heard—did I not
tell thee that I had, not thy secret only, but the secret of
the tribe—of Pelayo, the Iberian rebel—he who now
toils, with a foolish hope, against the Gothic monarch,
King Roderick? What! thou knowest not that Abimelech
leads the Hebrew discontents—that they gather
even now along the Pass of Wallia—thy secret, forsooth
—thy secret! It is the secret of the tribe, of the nation,
which I have, Melchior—not thy secret—not thy one
life, but the lives of many, and the hopes of all. Dost
thou wonder now that I am boastful—dost thou marvel
now that Amri claims thy daughter for his bride, and will
not be bought to silence by any smaller or less worthy
boon? Art thou not at my mercy? Wilt thou not
hear—art thou not ready to bargain with me now?”

“But, my son—Amri—thou wilt not—”

The aged Adoniakim was full of trepidation, and
would at once have implored the youth in such a fashion


Page 32
as would have made him infinitely more insolent in his
language and more extravagant in his demands—but
Melchior interrupted him.

“Thou hast indeed spoken strange and grave matters,
Amri; but I believe not that thou hast any such secret.
Whence comes thy intelligence—who is thy authority?”

The words of Melchior were artfully mild. He was
an aged politician, and at once understood the necessity
of the utmost coolness. Nothing could have seemed
more quiet and pacific than his spirit in the moment of
his speech. It completely deceived the person he addressed,
who now believed that he was in a fair way to
achieve his purposes, and that he had properly alarmed
the conspirators.

“Dost thou deny it?” he asked, in answer to the inquiry
of Melchior.

“If I do, Amri, and defy thee to the proof, will thy
mere declaration, thinkest thou, go to overthrow thy father,
upon whose means and good-will so many powerful
Gothic nobles depend? Will thy word prove his conviction?
Thou art not so mad as to think it.”

“I have the proof—clear, unquestionable, and utterly
apart from my own words. It will not need that I
should speak. It will only be necessary that I should
point with my finger to guide the Gothic Lord Edacer,
who is now governor of Cordova, to the proof which
shall make all that I say a thing to be seen, not heard.”

“Ha!” exclaimed Melchior, with a deep feeling,
which he yet contrived to suppress. “May I believe
what thou sayest, Amri?”

“By the beard of Samuel! It is true—I swear it,”
was the immediate reply of Amri; who saw in the inquiry
of Melchior nothing less than his apprehension of
detection, and a relenting of his determination on the
subject of his daughter.

“And thou knowest—what?” was the further inquiry
of the outlaw.


Page 33

“Thy plan of meeting at the cave of Wamba three
nights hence, with Abimelech and other Hebrews, where
thou art pledged to join arms with certain Gothic and
Iberian chiefs, the princes Pelayo and Egiza, the lords
Eudon and Aylor, the Count of Garaynos, and certain
others. This, and much more, touching gold, arms, and
movement, is compassed in the secret I propose to barter
with thee for thy daughter.”

“And thou wilt treat for no less an object? Remember,
Amri, thou too art a Hebrew. The aim which is
thy father's and mine is not less thine. It is a blow
for the emancipation of the Hebrew. It is thy freedom
not less than ours.”

“Ha! it is thus, now, that thou art willing to think;
but when I urged to thee this argument in the hope to
bespeak thy confidence, thou didst deny me—thou didst
disdain me. I reject the argument now, as thou didst
reject it then. If I was then unworthy of thy trust, I
am not less so now. We will speak of it no more.”

“And for my daughter only wilt thou be bound to us
in secresy?” said Melchior, in a question, the manner
of which was one rather of intense musing than of direct

“For nothing less, Melchior,” was the reply; “and,
indeed,” said the youth, continuing with but a moment's
pause, “I think even to exclude from this guarantee of
safety the insolent and proud Abimelech—”

“Ah!” was the exclamation of Melchior, and his
thoughts seemed busy elsewhere while he spoke.

“Ay!” continued the youth, whom the manner of
Melchior continued to deceive; “I hate him for his
scorn of me. You shall be safe. To you, and all beside,
I will stand bound; but for Abimelech—you shall
give me counsel where to find him, so that I may prompt
the Lord Edacer—”

“I believe not that you have this proof, Amri,” said
Melchior, quickly, without seeming to regard the last


Page 34
words of Amri. “I deny—I doubt that you can show
the evidence you speak of. No! You do but boast,
Amri—the thing is not in your power!”

It was in these words that Melchior hastily interrupted
the youth while he was proceeding in his requisitions.
Without reflection, and completely misled by the earnest
manner of the aged man—

“I swear it by the seal of Solomon, by the beard of
Samuel, by the bosom of Abraham, by the shadow and
the pillar, by the burning bush—I swear I have these
proofs!” responded the youth, readily and with solemnity.

“Good oaths enough, if true. And thou wilt swear
by these?” said Melchior, with a bitter smile.

“I do swear!”

Melchior paused for an instant—then, hastily advancing
a few paces towards the youth, proceeded thus—

“And what if I consent? What if I say to thee that
Thyrza shall be thine if thou wilt keep this secret? Wilt
thou be free to tell me in what these proofs consist, and
how thou gottest them? Speak—who is the traitor to
our cause—who hath betrayed us?”

The youth simply pointed to his father. The two recoiled
in horror and astonishment.

“Thou dost not mean?” said Melchior.

“Ay!” and the depraved youth laughed aloud as he
beheld the consternation of Adoniakim.

“Liar and wretch!” exclaimed the indignant old man,
now too much aroused longer to contain himself from
speech, though pliant and indulgent to the youth previously,
until his pliancy became a shameful and dangerous
weakness. He would have exclaimed much further
had not Melchior interrupted him; and Amri himself, at
that moment, explained away his own charge by telling
the truth.

“He was the traitor, though unwittingly. He left his
papers where mine eye beheld them—”


Page 35

“But only thine?” said Melchior, inquiringly.

“Only mine,” was the reply of Amri.

The old man, his father, when he heard this development,
hastened, as fast as his infirmities would permit,
to the secret chamber in search of the documents; and,
as he went, Melchior cried out to him to destroy them.
The youth laughed aloud as he heard this direction, and,
smiting his bosom unwittingly, exclaimed—

“He cannot—I have seen to that.”

The speech had scarcely left his lips, when, with a
bound that dashed the youth to the floor, Melchior of the
Desert sprang upon his bosom. The suddenness and
severity of his blow would have stunned a much stronger
person than Amri, and it was all in vain that the latter
struggled with his gigantic though aged assailant. He
was but a child in the hands of the venerable Hebrew.
Yet he drew his dagger from his girdle, and aimed a
fierce blow at the bosom of Melchior, which, had he directed
it more cautiously, and at his side or back, must
have proved fatal; but the stroke was aimed full in the
sight of his enemy. Grasping the upraised arm of the
assassin, Melchior easily wrested the weapon from his
hold, and he would, such was his anger, in another moment,
have buried it in the youth's throat, but for the
timely return of Adoniakim, who seized him from behind,
and arrested the down-descending blow.

“Spare him, Melchior, spare him!” was all that the
old man could say, when he sank down, overpowered by
his deep and conflicting emotions, in a fainting fit upon
the floor. Melchior slowly relaxed his hold, and, rising
from the prostrate Amri, he bade him also rise; but not
before he had torn open his sash and vest, and wrested
the stolen documents from the bosom of the felon.


Page 36

5. V.

Amri rose he was commanded, and stood, sullen
and stupified, in silence before the persons to whom he
had purposed so great an injury. His face was full of
shame and humiliation. Not that shame which springs
from the consciousness of, and is followed by the regret
for, error; but that mortified pride which feels disappointment
and defeat, and regrets nothing of the meditated
crime but its nonperformance. The miserable
youth, who had but a little before exulted in the belief
that Melchior of the Desert was in truth at his mercy,
now dared not look the aged Hebrew in the face. He
felt chagrined that his own weakness and vanity had so
far seduced him from prudence as to allow of his exposure
of his secret, and of its place of keeping, to one so
vigilant, and, as it had been shown, one so infinitely superior
in sagacity to himself. Had he but placed the
papers in a keeping beyond the reach of Melchior, but
still within his own control, he might—so he now thought
—have succeeded in his desires. Reflections like these,
however, only came to increase his mortification. They
were too late to avail him now; and, like a base culprit
as he was, he stood in the presence of the men he had
offended so deeply, having no word by which he might
excuse himself to them, and no thought in his mind from
which his own heart could gather the smallest consolation.
The eyes of Melchior rested upon the face of the
youth with an expression of pity and scorn mingled
evenly in their glance. He surveyed him a few moments
in silence ere he spoke—

“Miserable boy!” he exclaimed, while his hands destroyed
the papers which contained the secrets of the
conspirators—“miserable boy, having the weakness of
vice without any of that cunning which may sometimes
supply the place of strength. Didst thou think thyself


Page 37
one fitted to contend with men—to conceive their plans
—to advise in their counsels—to keep their secrets?
Learn, Amri, false son of a most virtuous and most
abused father—learn that he only is wise who is noble—
he only is fit to counsel who is faithful—he only can
take heed of the hopes, the fortunes, and the fame of
others who is most heedful, yet least selfish, of his own.
When I look upon thee, boy, I know not whether to pity
or to scorn thee most. Thou art stripped of all thy disguises—thou
standest naked in thy shame before us—
and even the pretence of virtue, with which thou wouldst
have deceived me before, and by which thou hast so long
deceived thy father, even that is taken from thee. Thou
hast played for a high stake, but thou hast not played
highly. Know that he whose aim is lofty should be
lofty in soul; for, though the snake may sometimes
reach the nest of the mightiest bird of the mountain, he
still reaches it by crawling, and he still remains a snake.
Wouldst thou win Thyrza, thou shouldst have striven to
be like her—to have in thyself the virtues which thou
didst admire in her. Thou hast erred grievously after
the fashion of that elder born of sin, who would have
wrested the sceptre from Jehovah, having another and
an adverse nature to that which it sought to supersede.”

The hardihood of the youth came back to him as he
listened to this stern and bitter language of the aged man.

“It is well, Melchior—thou hast baffled me in this,
but thou hast baffled me for a season only. I tell thee
now once again, thou shalt yet comply with my demands.
Thy daughter shall yet be mine.”

The fire flashed from the eyes of Melchior as he replied—

“The hour of her wrong by thee, Amri, I swear by
the blessed lamps of the temple, shall be the hour of thy
death, if so be that Heaven denies me not the strength
which should cleave thee to pieces with my weapon.


Page 38

“And I say to thee, `Beware!”' replied the youth,
with a look of insolent defiance; and, as he spoke, he
would have passed to the entrance of the apartment, but
the strong arm of Melchior grasped him firmly by the
throat. The youth gasped and struggled.

“Release me,” he cried; “wherefore dost thou hold
me now? I have no more of thy papers.”

“But thou hast thy tongue,” was the fierce reply of
Melchior—“thou hast thy tongue—a tongue not too
base for falsehood—not too base to betray the just, and
the just cause, even though thy own father perished by
its words. Thou shalt not leave us, Amri.”

“I do but go into the court—I will return,” said the
youth, and he trembled in the unrelaxing grasp of the

“We trust thee not,” said the other. “Thou knowest
too much to go forth. Thou wouldst madden until
thou couldst find some enemy to thy people to whom
thou wouldst give up thy stolen burden. No, no!
Thou hast, of thy own head, made thyself a keeper of
our secrets. Thou shalt be taught to keep them safely.”

“I will keep them—I will not unfold them,” promised
the youth, to whom the grasp of Melchior now became
somewhat painful and oppressive.

“Thou shalt. We shall see to that,” said the other,
still continuing his grasp, but now addressing Adoniakim,
who appeared to surrender all charge of the youth
to his brother. “Speak, Adoniakim—thou hast a close
chamber in thy dwelling, from which the inmate may not
fly? Thou hadst such a one of old—thou hast it now.”

This inquiry aroused the farther apprehensions of
Amri, who also addressed his father—

“Thou wilt not suffer this wrong to me, my father.
Thou wilt command that Melchior free me from this
constraint. I will keep thy secret—I will say nothing
to betray thee.”

“I trust thee not now, Amri, no more than Melchior.


Page 39
I have lost all hope in thee. My heart is shut against
thee—my ear regards not thy prayer. There is a chamber,
Melchior, such as thou demandest.”

“Guide me thither,” was the brief direction of the
latter. Adoniakim led the way into the secret chamber,
and from thence into a narrow apartment, which was entered
through a massive door having a heavy iron bar
across the outside, and holding within but a single window,
grated well with close bars, and looking down upon
a small courtyard, which was formed by the crowding
houses around, many of which were among the very
highest in the Hebrew Quarter. To this chamber Melchior,
with strength which was wonderful to Amri, dragged
the reluctant and still struggling youth; and, thrusting
him in, they both withdrew, and carefully fastened
the bar upon the outside of the door, which secured it
from every effort made from within.

6. VI.

Left to himself, the musings of Amri were of no very
pleasant description. The very novelty of the constraint
was to him annoying in the last degree. The
indulgence of his father had, from his boyhood up, left
him, in a great measure, his own master. To denial
and privation of any kind he had been but little accustomed.
It may not challenge much wonder, therefore,
if, in his new condition of confinement, he found himself
wanting in most of those sources of native strength
which could enable him to endure it with tolerable
patience. As it is only the strong-minded man that
makes the true use of freedom, so it is only the strong-minded
that can best endure constraint and privation.
The mind of Amri had neither strength nor elasticity.
When free—if such a mind can ever be esteemed to
possess, as it certainly never does perfectly appreciate


Page 40
freedom—it never was satisfied until it plunged into
some fettering weakness—some palsying indulgence;
and when denied and deprived of liberty, it was prostrate
and utterly deficient in energy and concentration.
He raved in his prison like a fevered child, when his
father and Melchior had fairly departed. He threw
himself upon the floor, beat the walls, tore his hair, and
yelled aloud in the very impotency of his boyish vexation.
Exhaustion at length effected what thought never
could have achieved with him. It brought him quiet;
and, after some hours of puerile excitement and misdirected
anger, he was at length surprised by sleep, and
slept for some time, until awakened by his father, who
brought him food.

But let us not anticipate. Let us go back to Melchior
and Adoniakim. After leaving the youth to his
prison, they returned to the chamber which they had
left, and there renewed the conference, which the meeting
with Amri, and the subsequent matter which had
taken place between them, had completely interrupted
for the time. Long and serious was their conference.
They discussed the plans of the conspiracy now ripening
to its open development. Every thing depended
upon their secrecy and circumspection until that period.
Their men were gathering along the passes of the
neighbouring mountains. Several of their leaders were
concealed within the walls of Cordova; and though it
was not then the hope of the Bishop Oppas or of Pelayo
to carry the city, yet they fully trusted that with
the first open show of insurrection, many discontents,
now inactive and unknown, would at once declare themselves
under the banner of revolt. The Jews, fully
confirming the promise and prediction of Melchior, had
freely given of their wealth, and pledged their young
men to the cause of the princes, in the hope of overthrowing
that domination which had ground them to the
dust in its unrelaxing and ruinous exactions. Two


Page 41
thousand of them were already volunteered, and it was
hoped, — when the news of the rebellion could reach
Merida and other places where they were numerous,
that the number of Hebrews engaged in the active progress
of the war would not fall short of five thousand
men. These were yet to be disposed of and directed;
and it was one part of the business which Melchior
then had with Adoniakim, to devise certain modes of
bringing thse troops in small bodies from distant places,
to the general co-operation with the native insurgents,
without exposing them to be cut off by the already
armed and active troops which, under various commands,
the usurper Roderick had distributed over the
country. On this point they soon came to a satisfactory
conclusion, and effected all necessary arrangements.
Their final deliberations being now completed among
themselves, preparatory to the great general meeting of
the conspirators, which was to take place at the Cave
of Wamba in a few nights,—the subject of his son's
conduct, and of his own future course with him, was one
natural to the thought of Adoniakim, and as naturally
the subject of his spoken concern to Melchior. The
latter was a stern, though strictly just, arbiter. He did
not scruple to discourage the weaknesses of the father.

“He is now safe, and so far we have nothing to
apprehend at his hands. But our apprehensions would
return with his enlargement, and we must keep him
where he is for a while. We are free only while he remains
our prisoner.”

“What! confined to that narrow cell, my brother?”
demanded the too indulgent father, while his inmost
heart yearned, in spite of all the mean misconduct of the
youth, for his enlargement.

“Ay, there, Adoniakim: what better place to keep
him securely and without question? There he is beyond
all hearing of the stranger. He may not alarm
by his cries the neighbouring dwellings, for the court


Page 42
upon which that chamber only looks is, thou hast said,
confronted by thine own.”

“It is—it is safe, indeed, my brother; but, Melchior,
he will die of that constraint. It is a miserable chamber—the
cell in which the unanswering debtor was restrained.”

“Fear nothing, Adoniakim; thy tenderness makes
thee apprehensive overmuch. He will suffer only in
his mind, which is moody because of its disappointment.
The cell of the poor debtor cannot be too dreadful a
place for the viperous and dishonest criminal; and the
restraint will be of vast benefit to a temper so ill-governed
as that of Amri, while it will be but a moderate
chastisement of his most heinous offence.”

“And how long, my brother, dost thou think that it
will be needful for us to hold him in this confinement?”
demanded the father.

“Till we are safe!” replied Melchior; “till the
meeting is over in the Cave of Wamba—till the first
blow is stricken for the freedom of the Hebrew! That
is the secret which is in his keeping, and which he
would not—he could not—keep were he free. He
would instantly bear it to his dissolute accomplice,
Edacer, whom the rebel Roderick has just made Governor
of Cordova. It would be a glorious stroke for
Edacer, our arrest and that of Pelayo, by which to
commend himself to Roderick. It was this which so
maddened the youth, and prompted his audacious insolence.
It was the assurance that he should find ready
aid from the power of Edacer that led him to defy thee,
his father, and to denounce me, the friend of his father
and of his people, though we both toiled, unselfishly,
for his own and the freedom of that people. We cannot
trust him to go forth until the blow is struck, when
it will be of no avail to our injury that he should speak;
for then, with the aid of Jehovah, we ourselves shall
have spoken, in a language for the whole nation to


Page 43
hear. Let him then be free, and thou wilt then see by
his future bearing whether there be hope that he may
return to the paths of his duty. If he be worthy of thy
thought, he will take arms in our ranks; if he do not
this, forget, Adoniakim, that thou ever hadst a son; and,
in the battle, bid the warriors of the Hebrew not look
to see if the enemy they strike in the bosom wears a
semblance such as thine. Should thy own arm be uplifted
then, thou shouldst strike still, though thy weapon
be driven unerringly into the mouth of one who called
thee father with the blow, and prayed for its forbearance
with his dying breath. In that hour, as in this, having
the cause of thy people to strike for, thou shouldst no
more heed thy son than did Jephthah the daughter of
his love, when the solemn duty was before him for performance,
to which he had pledged himself in the sight
of Heaven and his country. Let him but cross my
path in the battle other than as a friend, and I slay him
as a base hound which hath turned in its madness upon
his owner.”

The stern resolve of Melchior paralyzed the weak
old man. His speech was interrupted by his tears—

“Thou wilt not, Melchior—thou wilt not. Thou
wilt spare him, if it be only for my sake—for the sake
of Adoniakim,” he implored.

“Were it only for thy sake, Adoniakim, I should
slay him; and, for his own sake—to save him from
a worse doom and a more open disgrace—thou too
shouldst slay him. But let us speak no more of this.
It may be that he will grow wise when he beholds the
whole of his nation in arms, and join heartily and with
an honest feeling in our cause. Let us hope for this,
and think farther upon no evil things. For the present,
thou wilt keep him secure. Bear him his food thyself—
trust no one in his presence—trust him not thyself.
Speak to him kindly; promise him fairly; but I warn
thee, Adoniakim, trust him neither with his own person


Page 44
nor with thine, and beware that he practise not cunningly
upon thee, to thy ruin and his own escape.”

With these words Melchior prepared to depart, and
Adoniakim followed him to the entrance. The eye of
Melchior caught that of Mahlon, who attended them,
scrutinizingly fixed upon him, and he then drew Adoniakim
back into the apartment to repeat the warning
which he had already given him, to allow no one to
have communication with Amri, and to bear his food to
him with his own hands.

“And trust not thyself in the chamber with him, my
brother. Thou canst convey to him the food and water
through the bars above the door. Beware, too, that
thou sufferest not too much of thy person to be within
the control or reach of his; and see, when thou seekest
him, that thou goest armed.”

“Why, thou dost not think, Melchior, that the boy
would seek to do a violence to his own father?” said
Adoniakim, with a sort of horror in his countenance.

“Would he not have betrayed thee to the violence
of others? The traitor, if need be and occasion serve,
will not scruple to become a murderer, and thy son is a
traitor to his father and to his people. Beware of him
—again I counsel thee—beware that thy affection for
thy child mislead thee not, in his indulgence, to thy own
and the grievous undoing of others.”

They separated, Melchior to move other friends to
the cause, and to complete other arrangements prior to
the great meeting of the conspirators; and Adoniakim
to prepare his business generally, against all of the numerous
hazards accumulating about him with the prospect
of that wild change which was so near at hand.


Page 45

7. VII.

But the mind of Adoniakim went not with his present
labour. What to him were the goods of life—the
profits of industry—the successes of his toil? For
whom did he labour? Of what avail were all his
wealth, when the son of his heart, the only child of his
affections and his hopes, had proved so worthless and
unwise? Life itself seemed valueless in his eyes as
he thought of his present sorrow. It brought him little
else than pain; and he felt that it was only fitting that
he should live for the good which he might do in the
approaching struggle for his people, over whom his influence
was so great that he could readily move them to
their just purposes when all other pleading and influence
must fail. He strove to fix his sight upon the collected
folds of closely-written parchment that lay before him,
but he could not. The writing danced confusedly
before his eyes, which grew more and more dim at
every moment; and when he put his hands up to them,
he felt that they were full of tears.

“Unhappy son—unhappy father!” he exclaimed, in
the bitterness of his sorrow. “Would that this toil were
over—this sorrow at the eyes—this deeper suffering at
the heart! Is there a curse, Father Abraham, other
than this and like to this, of a dishonest child, who loves
not where he is beloved, and forgets the duty to that
parent who never forgets him even when least dutiful?
God strengthen me, for I am weak to death!” and the
head of the old man fell heavily, as he spoke, upon the
table before which he sat.

He did not sit in this position long; but suddenly
starting up, he muttered to himself aloud, while he proceeded
to provide some food for the imprisoned youth—

“The boy must not starve, though sinful,” he exclaimed,


Page 46
as he placed some refreshments in a basket.
He added a little flask of wine to the viands, which he
procured from a recess in one corner of the apartment;
then, placing the basket upon the table, he proceeded to
secure the outer door. This done, he opened a little
bureau in the wall, by pressing a hidden spring, and his
eye rested curiously upon certain beautifully-wrought
Damascus poniards, mingled with sundry other weapons
of a strange and Saracenic fashion. Among these,
for a while, his fingers wandered, without possessing
themselves of any one in particular; and his mind
seemed busied elsewhere, and took no heed of their
movements. At length, however, after a few moments
thus spent, he fixed his attention sufficiently to enable
him to make a choice, which he did of one of the
smallest and simplest of the deadly instruments before
him. This was a little dagger, sufficiently short for
concealment in his bosom. Then, having secured it, he
closed carefully the bureau, and prepared to depart for
the prison of the youth; but a sudden paroxysm of grief,
mingled with self-reproach, seized upon him as he
reached the door, and he straight returned to the chamber
and threw himself upon a cushion, burying his face,
as he did so, in its pliant folds.

“Melchior, my brother,” he exclaimed, after the first
effusion of his sorrow was over, “thou art only too
stern of soul—just in thy awards, but too distrustful of
the once guilty. Thou hast counselled me to carry the
deadly weapon against the life of my child, and I have
placed it in my bosom, as if his blessed mother had not
lain there for many long and blessed seasons. Was it
her thought, when she reposed there so long and so
happily, that such counsel as thine, Melchior, should be
heeded by me? No!—no!—such a thought had been
a sleepless misery to her, and I cast the cruel weapon
from me now. I will not believe that the child of my
love should so far err and be wilful as to make its use


Page 47
needful; and if I confide too greatly to his love and
duty—if the fears of Melchior be sooth, then, indeed, it
will be time for Adoniakim to die: I will then bare my
bosom to the knife.”

With averted eye, and a shudder of his whole frame
that spoke for his deep feeling, he threw the weapon
from his bosom, as thus passionately he soliloquized
aloud; then, rising hurriedly from the cushion, he hastily
resumed the little basket of refreshments which he
had previously prepared, and, as if he dreaded that, by
lingering, his resolve should undergo alteration, he hastened
at once, as fleetly as his weight of years would
permit, to the apartment where the vicious youth was

Yet, though in his thought thus indulgent to his son,
and unwilling as he still felt himself, in spite of all the
evidence which he possessed of his guilt, to think that
he was all worthless, he yet resolved that his words
should be those of rebuke and reprehension.

“I will accord him no indulgence—he shall see that
I am firm to withstand his prayers and pleadings. I
will but bid him to his food and leave him.”

It was thus that he muttered his determination to
himself as he reached the chamber in which Amri was
imprisoned. Alas! for the unhappy old man, he overrated
his own strength as much as he did that of his
son's virtue. The result proved his weakness as completely
as it did the viciousness of Amri. He reached
the door, and, tapping gently upon it, he called the
name of the inmate, and bade his attendance. He received
no answer. The youth, at that moment, slept.
He repeated the summons with more emphasis and
earnestness; and though Amri, by this time, had become
conscious of his father's call, he yet obstinately
forbore to answer. With the evil mood of a sullen and
spoiled child, he determined to continue a dogged
silence, having no other object, with the first thought,


Page 48
than the annoyance of his venerable father. This
thought, however, was superseded by another of a more
criminal nature still, as he discovered from the subsequent
words of the old man, and his tremulous utterance,
that Adoniakim was seriously alarmed by his
silence. Cautiously, therefore, he undid the sash from
about his waist, and so quickly and silently did he effect
his movements, that not the most distant sound reached
the senses of the aged listener. This done, he wrapped
the sash about his neck, and turning himself upon his
face, continued to hear, without regard, the reiterated
calls of his father. His subterfuge was not practised
in vain. Paternal affection got the better of all human
and politic caution; and, procuring himself a stool,
which enabled him to rise sufficiently high to look into
the chamber through the iron grating above the door,
Adoniakim saw with horror the position of his son. His
utter immobility—his silence—the sash tightly fixed
about his neck, the ends of which, though now relaxed,
seemed drawn by a desperate and determined hand—
all conspired to impose upon him completely; and, with
a cry of terror, rapidly descending from his elevation,
the old man tore away the bar from the door, threw
wide the entrance, and, rushing forward to his son,
would have cast himself upon him, but that the more
adroit and active youth, watchful of his opportunity, in
that moment hastily eluded his embrace, and leaping to
his feet, stood erect, while the aged sire fell heavily
upon the floor in the place where the son had lain.
Before Adoniakim could recover from his astonishment
at this base deception, and rise from the floor, the elated
youth had already fled the apartment. His exulting
laugh reached his father's ears, and went like a viper's
tooth into his heart. In the next instant the old man
heard the bar fall into the sockets on each side of the
door, and he then knew, even if the audacious youth
had said nothing, that he now filled his place and was


Page 49
the prisoner of his son. But the soul of Amri was too
utterly base to forbear the taunts which now came
thickly and insolently from his lips.

“Ha! Adoniakim, is it with thee thus? Where is
Melchior now to counsel with and to aid thee? Thou
canst hope for nothing from me. Thou didst look on
tamely, and see me trampled under foot by his brutal
violence; thou didst obey his commands to put thy
own flesh and blood into bondage—where is he now to
help thee forth?”

“Amri, I will curse thee with a heavy curse,” said
the old man, threateningly, as he looked up and beheld
the exulting eyes of his son glaring down upon him
with scorn and laughter.

“Curse on!” was the defiance which the son sent
back in response—“curse on!—I care not. Thou
wilt heed, too, the saying of the Arab—`Curses, like
good chickens, ever come home to roost!' Beware,
then, for so will it be with thee. Thou hast cursed me
already in thy denials—in the ready obedience thou
hast given to the malice of Melchior. Thou hast no
curse in thy mind which I can fear more than those
which thou and he have already made me to suffer.
Now, I defy him and thee! Thee will I keep safe, for
I will keep thee from the Cave of Wamba. But hear
me, Adoniakim—Melchior will I destroy. I go to
Edacer now—I go to the governor of Roderick in
Cordova. I go with thy secret and the secret of Melchior.
Thee will I save—I will keep thee where thou
art; but Melchior of the Desert, and Abimelech the
Mighty, and others whom I hate, will I give up to the
executioner of the Goth. I leave thee with this purpose,
my father; yet thou wilt need food, and the
basket which thou hast brought for my service I leave
to thee for thine. I pray that it be well and choicely
filled, for thou well meritest what thou hast provided.”

He dropped the basket through the grating above the


Page 50
door, and was about to descend from his stool, after
saying these words, when the voice of Adoniakim
reached his ears. He paused and listened to his

“Stay but a moment, Amri—I would have thee see
and hear me but for an instant.”

“Speak quickly, then, Adoniakim, for I thirst to see
the armed bands of the Lord Edacer, in preparation for
the quest upon which I shall soon send them.”

“I shall not keep thee long,” was the reply; and, as
he spoke these words, Adoniakim knelt down, folded
his hands and bowed his head, as in prayer, while thus
he appealed to Heaven—

“Hear me, Jehovah—hear me, Father Abraham—
let the doom of the ungrateful and false son be sharp
and sudden: let him feel it; and let it be fatal. I implore
thee for this, God of my fathers, as thou art just
and merciful.”

He rose from his knees, waved his hands, and exclaimed—

“Now, Amri, thou art free to depart. Go!—go
where thou wilt, thou wilt not escape my curse. It will
for ever pursue thee.” He said no more, but turned
away his eyes, and deigned no other word or look.
A cold and strange chill rushed through all the veins of
Amri as he heard this fearful invocation. For a moment
his limbs refused to perform their office; but,
gathering strength at last, he descended and fled hurriedly,
but even as he fled a voice seemed to follow him
into the public ways, saying perpetually in his ears,
with a low and solemn tone—

“Be his doom sharp and sudden—let him feel it, and
let it be fatal!”

He hurried with the speed of fear—he rushed to the
dwelling of the Lord Edacer, and strove with earnest
endeavour, but strove in vain, to lose the sound from
his ready senses of that pursuing voice. For many


Page 51
hours it continued to pursue him, repeating its fearful
penalty, until his own lips at length caught up the words,
and joined also in the repetition of the doom.

8. VIII.

There was but a single mode of escape for Amri
from the terrors of that voice of conscience, and that
was by plunging madly into newer depths of vice and
indulgence. The terror which it inspired only drove
him the more impetuously forward in the prosecution
of his dishonourable purposes; and he hoped, in seeking
his not less vicious but more powerful associate, Edacer,
to quiet, or at least drown in a greater confusion,
the strife which was busy in his mind. Filled with the
toils, not to speak of the “pomp and circumstance,” of
his new condition, the Governor of Cordova was not
so readily accessible to the Jew as the dissolute Edacer,
a coarse and worthless noble of the Goth, had
usually been found; and Amri was compelled to wait
among the crowd of officers, applicants, and offenders,
who desired or needed the presence of authority. Nor,
when he did appear, did Edacer condescend to regard
the Hebrew, until the demands had been satisfied of
the greater number of those persons who were in
attendance. Yet was it evident to the latter that his
eye had been one of the first to catch that of the governor
upon his entrance into the Hall of State. At
another time, and under other circumstances, the impatient
spirit of the Hebrew youth would have been loath
to brook such slight from one who had been his companion
in all manner of vice; but now, thirsting as he
did for vengeance, which he felt could not well be
attained but through the power of Edacer, he was
content to suppress, or at least to conceal, his annoyance.
The novelty of the scene before him had also


Page 52
its effect, as it excited his imagination, in quieting his
discontent. Edacer presided as a judge; and, to the
surprise of Amri, he now observed that the person in
authority was most severe in his judgments upon all
those vices which he, in connexion with Amri, had been
most given to indulge in. It may be that a selfishness
not less singular than narrow prompted the noble to
deny that to others below him which was a source of
gratification to himself. It is not unfrequently the case
that the vicious mind, not through any lurking and
lingering sense of virtue, but through the sheer intemperance
of excess, would punish those very practices in
another which it most earnestly pursues itself. The
problem was one most difficult of solution to the Jew,
but his was not the sleepless spirit which would deny
itself all rest in a search after truth; and even while he
mediated the matter, in an errant mood, the audience
was dismissed, and a private signal from Edacer motioned
him, when the crowd had withdrawn, to an inner
apartment. The Jew followed in silence: the soldiers
remained without, in waiting, and Amri stood alone
with the governor in a private chamber. Here Edacer
threw aside his robes of state, and casting himself at
full length upon a couch, bade the Jew, before he could
speak a syllable of that which he had to say, bring him
a bowl of wine from a vessel which stood in a distant
niche of the chamber, and was hidden from sight by a
falling curtain.

“Drink, Amri,” he cried, as he gave back the half-emptied
bowl to the Hebrew—“drink, and speak
freely. The wine is good—it is a god.”

“Thou hast said not more in its behalf, my Lord
Governor, than it well deserves,” said Amri, as he finished
the draught; “the wine is more than a god—it
is a god-maker. We have both felt its power. This is
old, and of a rich flavour and fragrance. It is worthy
of the lips of the Lord of Cordova. May I congratulate


Page 53
your highness on the justice and extreme felicity
of your decrees to-day. Truly, my lord, I should think
you had heard some homilies, and imbibed some lessons
from the lips of my worthy kinsman, Melchior of the
Desert. There was a holy unction in your rebuke, as
you counselled that citizen in the soiled mantle, charged
with rape upon the daughter of his neighbour, and
doomed him to a loss of half his substance in compensation
to the woman he had defiled, which I looked not
to have heard from your lips.”

“Thou knowest me not, Amri,” responded the noble,
with a laugh of peculiar self-complaisance—“thou
knowest me not, my worthy Amri: my principles have
ever been held most unexceptionable, and the most
sanctified priest in all Iberia could never discourse better
than can I on the vices and ill practices of youth—
with a more holy phraseology, and a more saintlike
horror and aversion. What matters it if my practice do
not accord with the rule of my lips? The mason will
prescribe to the noble a dwelling, whose vastness and
beauty he himself will never compass, nor seek to compass,
in building up his own. The low hovel satisfies
his pride, and he heeds not the lofty symmetry of the
fabric which he designs for his neighbour. It is thus
with all. We teach others—we thus show that our
hearts are free and liberal, since we give, confessedly,
good principles and wholesome laws to our neighbours
which we appropriate not to our own use. The priest
is thus liberal—the learned doctor, and his reverence
the pope—his decrees are wise and holy; though 'tis
most certain that he waxes fat, and wealthy, and powerful,
the more he goes aside from the exercise of his own
teachings. When I counselled and punished the young
citizen, I but followed the practice of our holy father. I
counselled him for his good, and not for my own: my rebuke
was addressed to his necessities, not to those of the
Governor of Cordova. Dost thou conceive me, Amri?”


Page 54

“Do I see the sun to-day, my lord? I shall answer
one question much more readily than the other. The
argument is clear. It was not thy sin that thou hadst
in cognizance, else the case, perchance, had been somewhat
different,” replied the Jew.

“Of a truth it had. We, at least, who have the
power, and can make principles, have no reason to
believe in our own fallibility. Holy church is full of
analogies which give wholesome sanction to the indulgences
of this transitory life. The rules of virtue and
conduct which we lay down and declare to be fixed
laws, are rules only for those who are to obey them.
The maker of the law does his sole duty when he has
made it—the citizen does his when he obeys it. The
path is clear for both; and as he who has made can
unmake, so the ruler may not for himself heed the rule
which is the work of his own head and hands, when it
shall be the desire of his head to undo it.”

“It is light, my lord. Of a truth the great Solomon
never spoke more truly or wisely; though I misdoubt
if Melchior, of whom I came to speak to thee but now,
my Lord Governor—I much misdoubt if he would not
pick me some open place in thy argument.”

“He could not well, Jew, believe me; the truth is
beyond the cunning of any of thy tribe. But what hast
thou to say to me of Melchior? Hast thou tidings of
his movements? Get me knowledge of his place of
secret hiding, Amri, so that I may entrap him, Hebrew,
and I make thy fortune, since my own will then be
secure. Such success will give me a stronger hold in
the favour of Roderick, and silence the enemies, some
of whom have striven, though, as thou seest, but vainly,
to keep back my advancement.”

“I will do it—I have the knowledge which thou
desirest, my lord,” replied the Jew.

“Now, wouldst thou wert a Christian,” responded
the Gothic nobleman, half rising from the couch upon


Page 55
which he lay, “for then would I hug thee to my heart
as the best friend and truest servant in Cordova. Speak
out thy knowledge, Amri, that I may rejoice in what
thou promisest.”

“I have a greater knowledge and a more profitable
secret even than that of Melchior's place of hiding. Know
that he designs once more a rising of our people.”

“Ha! but I shall foil him there. I am glad of it,
nevertheless. This will only make greater the good
service which I shall render to Roderick;” and the
governor rubbed his hands together joyfully and confidently
as he uttered these words. He then bade the
Jew relate more fully the intelligence which he brought.

“There is even more matter in this than thou hast
heard, my Lord Edacer, since there are yet others
linked in this rebellion of Melchior, making it one of
more character and import. What sayst thou if I tell
you that the banished prince Pelayo is one of these
conspirators?—what if I tell thee that he is here, even
now, in Cordova?—and if, farther, I say to thee that
thou mayst, at one grasp, take both the rebels, with
others yet unnamed to thee, and place their heads at the
feet of King Roderick. This were good service to thee,
my Lord Edacer, and no less good service to thy lord
the king.”

“Thou stunnest me, Amri, with thy good tidings.
I can scarce believe what thou sayst, Jew—thou mockest
me—thou hadst better not!”

“I do not—I swear it by the beard of Samuel, and
the speaking rod of Moses! It is true as the graven
tables. I mock thee not, unless the sober truth be thy

The governor leaped from his couch, himself proceeded
to the beverage which was hidden in the niche,
and drank freely of its contents; then, turning to the
Jew, he bade him relate at full the extent of his knowledge,
and the manner in which he became possessed


Page 56
of it. But Amri had some scruples, and perhaps it is
not strange to say that these had reference to the safety
of his father. He was careful that in what he said
there should be nothing to commit Adoniakim. Nature
still occupied a spot--a small, a solitary spot--in his
bosom, though driven, in great measure, from that dark
and desecrated abiding-place of guilt.

"I will tell thee, my lord, all that is needful to place
thee in possession of Melchior of the Desert, of Pelayo,
the son of Witiza, of Abimelech the Hebrew leader,
who comes from Merida, and others worthy to go with
these to punishment--such as the Lords Aylor and
Eudon. Will these suffice thee?"

"Hast thou not other secrets, Amri ?" demanded
Edacer, fixing upon him a glance which seemed meant
to pierce through the very bosom of the Hebrew.

"I have!" was the unhesitating and firm reply.

"Thou shalt give me all," said the Gothic noble,

"I will not!" replied the Hebrew, with almost equal
sternness; "thou shalt have the truth in the matter
which I speak of, as it concerns the men I have named
to thee. Thou shalt know where to place thy hands
upon them, and I will name to thee the very hour of
their assembling. Thou canst fail in nothing if thou
wilt heed the counsel which I give thee and the conditions
which I make: deny me, and delay for more,
and even this shalt thou forfeit."

"Beware, Amri — let not thy confidence in our old
friendship persuade thee into a most unwise audacity.
Remember, I am now no longer the poor Edacer, having
base wants which thy father's wealth could feed,
and which made even thee, at moments, the master of
my will. I have now the power to punish thee-ay, to
tear the secret from thy bosom, and extort the speech
from thy lips, even if thou hadst there locked up the
very life of thy father."


Page 57

The Hebrew shivered as he heard this threat; the
ill-directed kindness of Adoniakim came to his mind,
and once more he heard the dreadful sounds of that
pursuing voice which threatened him with a sudden and
fatal doom. But he tasked his utmost energies to the
performance, and replied fearlessly and with but little
hesitation, while he repeated his resolve still to reserve
to himself something of the narrative he was required to

“I fear not, my Lord Edacer, and thy threat is most
unwise, since, without my limbs to lead thee, and my
hand to guide thee, in some matters yet unascertained,
even the words of my mouth would fail to serve thee in
the matter of which we speak. There is something yet
to me unknown which is needful to thy success.
Hearken, then, to what I am willing to unfold to thee,
and content thee with my conditions. Is it not enough
that thou shalt have Melchior and Pelayo, and the very
heads of this rebellion—the hated enemies of King
Roderick—to proffer to his acceptance? What is it to
thee if I would save an old man who has wealth which
I need, or a boy who has suckled at the same breast
which gave milk and nourishment to me? Perhaps a
Jewish maiden is also at risk, whom I would preserve
with a fonder feeling than belongs to either of these—
art thou so greedy that thou wouldst take all? Will not
the part which I assign to thee—the all that is needful
to King Roderick's favour—will that not repay thee for
thy toil and the valour of thy men?”

“It will—it will!” replied the impatient Edacer, who
probably only insisted upon having that portion of his
secret which Amri seemed anxious to reserve, as he was
unwilling to forego the exercise of any portion of his
supposed power over the fears and service of the Hebrew.
“It will!” he continued—“save the old man
whose money thou desirest, and thy foster-brother, who
has drawn milk from the same nipples with thee, and


Page 58
the Jewish girl, too, if she be worth the care which
would save, when so many of the Gothic blood are ready
for any hire and for any service. They demands, if these
be all, are small enough. They are granted thee. Speak
only as it pleases thee, Amri, and I am satisfied.”

After this, the Hebrew framed his story to his own
satisfaction. He simply omitted all those portions of
his intelligence which could effect the safety of his
father, and guide to the present place of Thyrza's concealment—a
discovery which he had also been fortunate
enough to make. The papers which he had read had
apprized him of the place of meeting, of the probable
number of the leaders who would be there assembled—
of what would be the direction of their troops—how
gathered together—how divided—and of the particular
command which should be assigned to Melchior and
Abimelech, as leaders of the Jewish insurgents. The
fond parental care of Melchior had already, meanwhile,
placed his daughter (still disguised in her male attire)
in the secluded and unsuspected dwelling of a Hebrew,
within the walls of the city of Cordova, where she was
required to remain while the success of the rebels continued
doubtful. These portions of his secret excepted,
the traitorous youth revealed all that he knew of the
conspiracy to his dissolute listener, whose ears drank in
greedily every syllable which he uttered. His joy at
the intelligence could scarcely be restrained from the
most wild excesses, and he now—forgetting all differences
of station and religion, both hitherto so much insisted
upon in his intimacy with the Hebrew—actually
embraced the informer, and lavished upon him the most
unqualified praises and caresses. When he became
sufficiently composed, he proceeded to examine Amri
more closely, and required him to recapitulate, that he
might better determine in what manner to proceed in
arresting the insurgents. In this decision the cunning


Page 59
mind of Amri proved a useful auxiliary to the more
purposeless but more daring one of Edacer.

“The leaders only will assemble in the Cave, my
lord: their numbers will be few—some fifty at the most.
To take these the force required will be moderate, yet
it must greatly exceed theirs, since, doubtlessly, they
will fight like desperate men. What guard have you in

“Two hundred men,” replied the governor.

“Enough, if rightly managed, my lord. You need
no more. To go out of Cordova to gather a greater
number would be to make the rebels suspicious of
danger, and they might avoid the meeting. No doubt
they have many emissaries in Cordova, who would convey
to them the knowledge of any addition to your
guards, or any sudden or strange movement which you
might make. There should be no change in your regular
doings; but after nightfall you should steal forth,
with your men, at different routes, sending them under
chosen guides, and they should rendezvous near the
Fountain of the Damsels; from thence, under your own
lead, they could reach the Cave of Wamba in time,
moving silently and with caution, to find all the conspirators
assembled. One sudden blow, and the game
is yours. They cannot save themselves by flight—
they cannot even give you battle, for they will be crowded
together beyond all chance of a free movement, with
necks stiffened only for the better exercise of your

“'Twere a brave fortune, truly, could I but secure
it—could I but succeed!” was the exclamation of Edacer
as he listened to the plan of Amri. The Jew urged
the certainty of his success.

“You must succeed, my lord. It needs only that
you be resolute, and keep your men so. The rebels
cannot hope to fly; and they are quite too few for any
hope from flight with the force which you can array.”


Page 60

“But then their troops, Amri: they have been gathering
along the passes—how far, how near, we know
not. They may press down upon Cordova itself, hearing
of the fate of their leaders, and endanger the city.
What then?”

“This staggers not, my lord. Have you a trusty
captain in your troop?”

“Yes, there is one—Balermin—my lieutenant.”

“Give him command: bid him make alarm in the
city when you shall have been gone five hours from it.
Let him arm the trustiest citizens, as if they stood in
danger from the Saracen; then let him send forth trusty
messengers to the lieutenant of King Roderick, who has
a force of men but five leagues off—off by the west—
I have not the name of the place—”

`Darane—I know the village,” said the governor.

“I know—what then?”

“Bid him quick bring his soldiers to thy aid. Thou
wilt need them to disperse the rebels and clear the
passes, when thou shalt have entrapped their leaders.
What more? The game is before thee!”

“Clear enough! Thy plans are excellent, Amri—
thou shouldst have been a warrior, Amri.”

“No, my lord—the shouting terrifies me. I could
plan out the field, and say well enough when and where
the blow should be stricken, but the shouting of many
men has a dreadful sound which appals me. My heart
trembles when I hear it even in the peaceful walls of a
city, and when they shout with joyfulness and glee; but
when they shout in anger, and with the fierce rapture
of an angry beast, who scents the carnage with a keen
nostril coming down the wind—then I shiver with convulsion,
and I sicken even to faintness. I cannot fight
—I cannot even fly—my knees give way from beneath
me, and a child might slay me then.”

“'Tis very wonderful!” exclaimed the Goth, looking
upon the Jew with a pitying surprise as he listened—


Page 61
“I have no such terrors. The cry which appals thee,
to me is like the blood-scent to the angry beast of which
thou speakest. It is then that I shout also, and I hear
my own voice with a rapturous sense, as it thrills and
rises louder than any of those who shout around me.
My blood leaps then in my bosom, and my eyes glow
red and burningly, and my hand grasps my sword, and
twitches with a pleasure of its own, as if it tugged at the
throat of my enemy.”

“I know it—I have seen thee angry. I saw thee
once take Astigia by the throat, even as thou sayst,
until he grew black in the face under thy grasp,” and,
as he spoke, the Hebrew gazed upon Edacer with a
simple expression of admiration in his countenance,
while the other, as if to secure the respect he had
already excited, now bared his muscular arm, upon
which the veins were swelling in heaped-up ridges, and
the brawn stood out in hills and knots that seemed fearfully
to deform it, and demanded no less admiration for
the exhibition which he made of his strength than he
had before elicited from his admirer by his display of
courage. Not satisfied by the acknowledgments thus
extorted from his companion, the dissolute nobleman,
who had his vanity also, himself sneered at the incident
to which the Hebrew had referred when he sought to
convince him that his valour had not been unobserved
by him.

“That affair with Astigia,” said Edacer, “of which
thou speakest, was only a child's affair. He was but
an infant in my grasp. I could tell thee, Amri, of other
strifes and struggles which laugh at this. What sayst
thou to the fight which I had with two strong and subtle-minded
Saracens, both of whom I slew without succour,
and both striving against me at the same moment; and
yet that was boyish valour only. I could do better now.
It would not be so easy now for any Saracen to make
his mark upon my bosom, as did one of those in that


Page 62
same combat. Look, Amri, at the scar—the cimeter
went keenly there, as thou seest, though not deeply.
In the same moment my mace dug deeply into the
scull of the infidel, and the other, as he beheld the fate
of his companion, sought, but in vain, to escape his
doom by flight. They lay not far apart from each other
when the fight was done, and a like blow had slain the

“Both slain by thy hands?” demanded Amri, while
beholding the scarred bosom which Edacer bared to his

“Have I not said? They both perished by my
hand; and thou shalt see what blows that same hand
will bestow upon the limbs of the rebels to whose hiding-place
thou shalt guide me. The strife with Astigia
will no longer have a place in thy memory, in the thought
of the blows which thou shalt then behold. Thou shalt

The idle boaster, who, nevertheless, was brave
enough in battle, would have farther gone in his self-eulogistic
strain, had not the apprehensions of the Jew
here interrupted him—

“I will believe what thou tellest me, my lord—but I
would not see it. There will be no need that I should
be present when the strife comes on—”

“Fool!—timid fool that thou art!” responded the
other, scornfully—“what hast thou to fear? Thou
shalt look on the strife as one upon the eminence, who
beholds the spectacle below. The danger shall be beneath
thee, if there be danger; but I warrant thee there
shall be none, though the force of the rebels were thrice
what thou hast said it to be.”

“Freely do I believe thee, my lord,” said the other;
“but what need that I be there? I should not be able
to help thee with a single blow, or, when the fight was
done, to rejoice in thy victory, since the clamour would
appal me, and I should not even see the heavy strokes


Page 63
or the brave men who give them. Besides, I have
cares at the hour when thou shalt strike which shall call
me elsewhere; and I would have thee assign to me a
badge of thy service, and one of thy attendants also
wearing the habit of thy soldiers. These, with a written
order under thy hand as Governor of Cordova, commanding
for me free entrance into any house in Cordova
in the keeping of the Hebrew, under pain of death to
those who may deny me, I would have thee intrust to
my use and good discretion.”

“What wouldst thou with them?” was the demand
of Edacer.

“There is a page kept bound in Melchior's service—
a tender, timid boy, that has my blood—him would I
challenge as my right. I would take him from those
who keep him back from me—”

“What sort of boy is he—he is thy blood?”

“From the same heart with mine,” replied the Jew;
“but kept from me unjustly. 'Tis a boy—a simple,
sad, and very timid boy, having the spirit of a shrinking
girl, and needing kindest tendance. Melchior keeps
him under pretence of right, but mere pretence; for I
will show thee, when I have him safe, that I am his best
guardian. The power I ask from thee will draw the
bolts and make the doors open which now are shut.”

“This all?” demanded the governor.

“All, my lord.”

“It shall be thine. When the time comes thou'lt
have it, not before, and for that night alone. Now
bring the bowl. Let us drink, Amri—then speed to
the Lady Urraca. When didst thou see her last?”

The Jew shrank from this subject, but he replied
quickly, and with as little show of hesitation or annoyance
in his manner as possible, for he feared to awaken
suspicion. The consciousness of his purposed crime
was in his mind, and there is no foe like guilt. It pursues
us wherever we fly, and, unlike other enemies, it is


Page 64
found in all forms and all places, and we have no moment
secure from its obtrusion. The Jew felt its presence
as he replied to Edacer, stating the time at which
he had left the ill-starred lady of whom he had been
questioned. But Edacer drank, and did not heed the
confusion which Amri could not altogether suppress or

“Thou shalt meet me there to-night,” said the noble.
“She has bidden me to supper, and I make bold to take
thee with me. She hath a kindness for thee, Amri,
which shall well excuse me, and call for no words of
mine. We shall have other toils upon the morrow
which shall keep us both from such indulgence.”

“Thou wilt have thy enemies in the toils, my lord.
King Roderick will do well already to look around him
for thy reward. Thy success in this will make thee a
favourite with the Goth. It may be—”

“What, Amri?”

“Ah! my Lord Edacer, when thou becomest a royal
prince, thou wouldst have no eye for the poor Hebrew.”

“By Heaven, thou wrongest me, Amri. Let the
power but be mine, and thou shalt be—what matters it
to promise? I tell thee, Amri, thou shalt rejoice that I
have had thee in my service. Thou shalt glory to have
been faithful to me. No more. Leave me now; we
meet at Urraca's.”

The Jew left him, as he was commanded; and the
smiling scorn he did not seek to hide which rose involuntarily
upon his countenance as he listened to the
speech of the vain, thoughtless, and dreaming Edacer.

9. IX.

Let us now seek the Prince Pelayo, whom we left
about to proceed in search of his truant brother. Assured
that Egiza haunted the dwelling of the maiden


Page 65
Cava, it was thither that he bent his steps. Yet he did
not dare now, as before, to present himself openly before
Count Julian. That nobleman, since his last interview
with the princes and the Archbishop Oppas, had received
instructions, as the king's lieutenant, to arrest the young
princes as traitors to the realm; for they had forborne
to appear before the usurper, as had been especially
commanded them, and profess their obedience. They
were now outlawed men. The practices of Oppas had
been conducted with too much secrecy to provoke the
suspicions of Roderick, and—such had been his address—he
was then actually in the royal palace at Toledo,
in council with the usurper on the condition of the
kingdom. The visits of Egiza were addressed, therefore,
to Cava, in despite, and without the knowledge of
Count Julian, who was rigidly faithful in the assertion
of his loyalty. The heart of the maiden had been too
deeply impressed with the reards and the person of
Egiza to heed altogether the commands and counsels
of her sire; and the two met in secret when opportunity
allowed, in the neighbouring grounds and garden of
Count Julian's castle. It was beneath the twinkling
olive-leaves at evening, or in sweet and haunted dells
among the neighbouring mountains, that they enjoyed
their stolen moments of delight; and the eyes of Pelayo,
as he wandered in search of his brother, beheld the mutually
devoted pair seated in a little hollow of the hills,
which gave them a fitting shelter from the keen eye of
observation, though scarce a stone's throw distant from
the castle, and in the immediate grounds of its noble
owner. The thought of Pelayo grew softened, though
still indignant, as his eye took in the loveliness of the
scene. The sun was just then setting, and his yellow
robes rested upon the summits of the brown and distant
hills. The leaves were died in his light, and the dark,
topmost towers of the castle still kept some few but fleeting
glances of his smile. The silence that rested upon


Page 66
the scene was like the whispering spell that seems to
follow the thrilling music of some wizzard instrument,
and a haunting glory seemed to gather and to grow with
the increasing march of the twilight up the swelling and
increasing mountains. The love of the two sitting at
their feet, though a love injurious, if not fatal, to the
cause in which the whole soul of Pelayo was interested,
seemed fitly to mingle in and harmonize with the scene;
and the prince, as he approached the unconscious pair,
half paused, and the thought came to his mind to leave
his brother to his idle but winning dream, and pursue
the strife for empire alone. He would have done so,
but that no one stood nearer to the seat of royalty, after
Egiza, than himself; and his was a spirit that would not
only be pure in performance, but would seem pure also
in intention. As he moved towards them, his eye discerned
the shadow of a third person, also approaching
from the western rock—a shadow not perceptible to the
lovers, but readily so to himself. Apprehending some
treachery—for the strifes in which he had been for so
long a time engaged had taught him to look for treachery
as one of the attributes of warfare, if not of life—he sank
behind a projecting ledge of rock, which gave him a perfect
shelter, determined to await the approach or action
of the new comer. In the mean while Egiza, in the
arms of the maiden of his desire, indulged in those visions
of the heart and youthful fancy which conceal the
gloom and the tempest, and array earth in those features
of perfect and true beauty which only belong to heaven.
And, as he surveyed the pair, Pelayo muttered thus to
himself while throwing his form at ease behind the

“It was a true saying of our dam, that, at his birth,
Egiza had all the ballad minstrelsy, and would better,
in future years, desire the music of the shepherd's reed
than the clamorous ringings of the trumpet. I would
she had spoken less truth in this. He hath grown utterly


Page 67
sinewless, hath no purpose, and would seem better
pleased to pipe away, than to command, existence. It
were less than folly to look to him for manly endeavour
in our sharp controversy with Roderick. He can strike
well, but what avails the muscle of the arm when the
heart lacks, when the soul is sluggard? There he sits
as he were dreaming, with a head that drops upon his
palms—with half shut eye, and words which, when they
flow, break into murmurs that speak for his sad unconsciousness
only, and have little meaning else. What a
thing were this to rescue a people from their tyrant, to
revenge the wrong of a sire, to set the times right which
are now so turbulent! And she, too, the witless damsel
who sits beside him, with a beauty that must blaze only
to be extinguished—bloom only for the blast—its own
worst victim. They deem themselves happy now, as if
they were secure. Could they see the clouds—the storm
that hangs upon the hill—would they dream thus idly?
'Tis well for them, perchance, that their eyes are with
their thoughts, and either turn within or hang upon each
other. They live, and are conscious only in the mutual
sighs and smiles, which is love's idle barter.”

While he spoke thus to himself his eye caught a
glimpse of two persons approaching cautiously towards
the unconscious lovers from an opposite hill, clinging
carefully to its shadow as they came, and having an air of
premeditation in their movements, which was visible to
the prince even at the distant eminence from which he

“Ha! some treachery awaits the turtles. Their
commerce is like to have interruption. Two men steal
along the ledges — both armed. I see the shine of
steel. Now, by Hercules, but Egiza deserves not that
I should help him in this strife; and the enemy, who
now steals on him thus, may save me the stroke of
justice. I am sworn to slay him should he deny our
people, should he refuse to seek them with me; and


Page 68
will he not refuse? Hath not this woman defrauded
him of his better purpose? is he not already a traitor?
And what hope is there that he will be true in time to
come? But no! I will not think it. He will—he shall
go with me, and I will save him yet. A bound will
bring me to his help; there are but two, I will manage
the one, and he—he hath not surely forgotten the use of
the weapon he would seem to have forsworn—if he
cannot keep the other harmless, he will well deserve
the harm. He will surely battle for his mate, if not
for his people. Soh! they speak together—their loving
words come up to me at moments with the wind. They
dream not of the danger while they prate of their delights;

He paused, and the words of Egiza, sitting with the
Lady Cava upon a little table of the rock below, came
distinctly to his ears.

“Thou dost, indeed, distrust me wrongfully, sweetest
Cava. I have no such purpose as thou fearest. Freely
will I forego the crown which, heretofore, I've sought—
refuse the hope which would have me toil for it.”

“Ha!” exclaimed Pelayo, “then may the assassin, if
such he be, do his work.”

Egiza continued—

“To be a quiet cottager with thee, sweetest Cava,
would be my best ambition. Thou shalt teach me to
forget that I was born to high estate—thou hast taught
me so already—and in some deep wood, some quiet
glen like this, sweetest Cava, I will content me to be
only happy, and share my happiness only with thee.”

“Well said—well promised! Shall he perform it
well?” were the muttered words of Pelayo. The reply
of Cava, though doubtful also, was uttered in far other

“Ah, my lord, this is thy promise now; but when
thou hearest the tidings of the fight; when it is told thee
how this brave warrior battled, and how this; and, perchance,


Page 69
when it is said to thee that the fight went against
thy friends—thy brother—ah, then! then will thy heart
burn and chafe to mingle with them.”

“Would it were so!” exclaimed Pelayo, with a sigh.
The next words of Egiza almost vexed him into open
rage, and it was with difficulty he restrained himself from
shouting his scorn to him aloud.

“Believe it not, Cava; let the warriors strike as they
may, I shall not envy them. Let the fight turn as it
will, it shall be no fight of mine. As for my friends and
brother, they will be but the happier at my absence.”

“Perchance the better for thy loss, thou craven!”
was the bitter speech of Pelayo, which broke through
his clinched teeth.

“Ah, my lord, but when thine eyes look upon thy
sword,” said the maiden.

“They shall not, sweet lady. I will straight turn it
to a reaping-hook.”

“Ah, but thy pride, my lord—”

“I am proud no more, dearest Cava, unless it be of
the blessed love thou hast given me. Believe me, I do
not thirst now for glory as I have thirsted, and the hope
is gone from me for ever that promised to make me
famous. I care no longer for the dazzling shows, the
thick array, and the clamour that belongs to princely
eminence. Ambition works no longer in my heart.
The trumpet moves me not; but, in place of it, a
softer, a sweeter note of music comes from thy lips,
and I know not that I have had a loss. Thou hast
blessed me with sweeter joys than all that I yield. I
think only of thee, my Cava, and my dream is only and
ever of some far solitude, where the quiet love broods
for ever over its own visions, and lacks none other.
Thither could we fly, my beloved—ah, wilt thou not?
I feel that I should be no less happy, than it would be
my happiest labour to make thee. My glories then
should be in those bright sweet eyes; in those dear lips


Page 70
that mock the redness of the rose; and in those words
of music which thou breathest into a speech of the
heart that goes with every utterance into mine. Oh,
we shall be most happy, dearest Cava, thus to fly to
each other and from the living world beside.”

“Could I believe thee, my lord; but the heart of
man, it is said, soon tires of the love of woman, and
needs better employment than tending its devotions.”

“The girl's no fool,” said Pelayo, above.

She continued—

“In a little while, when thou hast seen the eyes of
the poor Cava until thou tirest with the gaze, and
hearest the words of her lips until they sink into a forgotten
sound, then will thy hope strain for empire—for
the brave toils which thou now profferest to lay down
for the poor Cava.”

“No, sweet lady, no! My hope has been subdued
to suit the desires of my heart, and that lives only in thy
smile. Believe me, I seek no higher throne than thy
bosom; no sweeter toils than those taken in thy service.
Once more will I resume with thee, in our woodland
home, those labours of our nation's father, when he roved
along the hills a fearless peasant, having no greater victory
than to tame the wild steed of the desert, or contend
with some neighbouring hunter touching the common

“Could I think it,” said Cava, with a happy smile
overspreading her yet girlish features, which freely declared,
by their expression, the pliant yielding of her
heart to the desires of her lover—“could I think it, my
lord—but no! Thou smilest—it is in a pleasant scorn
that thou speakst to me as to a child too willing to believe
what she wishes. I am foolish to think that thou
shouldst love so weak a maiden as I.”

“By Heaven, I swear to thee—”

“Nay, do not, I pray thee—do not swear. It is not
well; and yet thou mayst tell me thy thought without


Page 71
thy oath. It is so sweet to hear that we are loved from
the lips we love, we may not even chide, if there be a
gentle falsehood—a trick of speech too beguiling to the
fond ear, and the ready believer in the words they utter.”

“Not from mine, Cava, shalt thou hear the trick thou
speakst of. Believe me true, dearest lady, though I
swear it not. Dost thou not believe me, sweet?”

“Oh, indeed, I wish it, my lord,” was the unsophisticated
answer of the damsel.

“I bless thee for the word, dear lady. Thou mayst
believe me. 'Tis my soul that speaks to thee, and not
my lips only. My love is no idle wanton to go abroad
in fair disguises seeking but to blind fond belief, and
deceive gentle faith to its undoing. Mine is not the
false mood so current with the world.”

“It joys me to believe thee, my lord,” replied the untutored
damsel; “and yet I doubt—”

She paused. The hand of her lover clasped hers
as he demanded—

“What is thy doubt, dear lady?—doubt me not.”

“I doubt—I fear, my lord, that thou art fashioned
like the rest of men. Hath not the world taught thee
its erring practices. Art thou not one of the youth of
the court, of whom it is told me, that they give but refreshment
to a weary mood, and come not with any
love when they come abroad into these mountains.
Thou wilt return soon—wilt forget thy promise to the
too believing Cava, and in the crowd—”

“The crowd!” exclaimed Egiza, interrupting the
fond reproaches of the maiden—“oh, keep me from the
crowd, I pray. Thou little knowst how thou wrongst
me, dear lady, by that thought. Even though I loved
not thee, I should still pray for protection from the
crowd—the coarse, the base, the wild, the clamorous—
the beings most inhuman that prey upon their fellows,
and lose humanity in the possession of themselves. I
have no wish, no desire for life in their communion,


Page 72
and, loving thee, the very thought of the crowd is loathsome
to my soul. The pomps of state, the pride of
place, the noisy strifes and pleasures of the court—if,
indeed, they be pleasures—are hateful to my thoughts
since I have known thee, and their presence would but
trouble me and torture. No, dearest lady, sweet were
the doom of exile, perpetual exile from the court and
the crowd, wert thou doomed to share it with me.
With thee, in some distant wilderness, having no hope
but in ourselves, no joy but that which springs from
our fond communion, how sweet would glide away the
hours—how happy, could we hope that the world would
leave us thus to ourselves and one another, as two poor
idlers, who, having nothing but their own loves, which
the world seeks not, are unworthy its observance!”

The quick eyes of Pelayo from above beheld the
shadows in motion of those persons whose cautious advance
before had controlled his attention.

“Patience, good dreamer,” he exclaimed, “patience!
The world, or a portion of it, is not over heedful of your
prayer; and, if I greatly err not, you are soon to have
more of its heed than is altogether grateful. They
move again. One seeks the western path, the other
stoops; he crawls aside. I see him not—ah! there he
moves; he seeks a fissure to the right, through which he
glides. Well, let them come. Meanwhile, I must
beg my uncle's boon of patience, and keep quiet as I

Thus spoke Pelayo to himself, while the amorous
Egiza, unconscious of all matters but his newborn admiration
for Cava, was discoursing to her of that sweet
and selfish seclusion which forms no small part of the
dreams of young lovers in general. The reply of the
maiden to his declamation showed a spirit no less willing
than his own for such seclusion.

“'Tis a sweet thought, my lord, and it were a blessed
destiny to have no hope hanging upon the capricious


Page 73
will of the crowd. And yet I would not, when I have
thee to myself—I would not that we should utterly lose
sight of the world. I would that the world should
sometimes see the gifts of my fortune. Methinks
'twould give me pleasure to behold great lords and ladies
watch thee at coming, and follow with a long glance
thy departure. It were but half a blessing could we not
challenge the eyes of others to behold it.”

“Dear lady, if thou speakst to me soothly, then are
thine eyes but traitors to thy heart. Thou holdst me
too high for justice, and wilt cease to love me when
thou comest to better judgment. So long hast thou
been a dweller among these lonely hills; so few have
been the gallant gentlemen thou hast seen among them,
that thou errest when thou deemst me unrivalled in all
estimation as in thine own. When thou seest more of
that world from which I would have thee fly with me,
thou wilt wonder at thy credulous eyes which, with such
favour, have beheld me.”

“Nay, my dear lord, thou wrongst my judgment. I
have seen many gentlemen, and lords of high pretension,
and of claim allowed, who were cried by herald when
the court was at its fullest, and did not shame, by free
comparison, among the proudest for valour and all noble
exercise. I do not fear to have you show with them;
nay, I would have it so. It were my wish to have you
conspicuous with the rest, that I might love yet more,
as I behold the admiration of all yielded up to him I
love. I feel, my lord, I should be the envied of my
sex, calling you mine own.”

The sarcastic Pelayo could not forbear comment
upon the fond eulogium of the maiden.

“Now, had he better die!” he exclaimed; “he shall
not have more lavish eulogy if he live a thousand years.”

With becoming humility, but increased fondness,
Egiza replied—

“Thou art rash, dear lady, in thy unlicensed flattery.


Page 74
By my faith, if thou speakst in such measures often, thou
wilt tempt me to become a very puppet of the court—a
noble fit only to bear the shining ring from the gallery,
join in a sportful fight with home-valiant boys, and take
any pretty labour in the eyes of noteful dames which
shall vex a rival on holydays. If thy pride be of this
fashion, sweetest Cava, I fear me thou wouldst soon
deem me wanton or unworthy.”

“Not so, my lord; my pride would have it as thou
sayst—not always—not often—nor would I have thee
lose in these skirmishings thy truer thought of me.
What though thou shouldst turn thy curious eyes upon
all the gallery, and smile with this fair dame and toy
with another; it were all well if thou wouldst then,
when the game were over, come to me, and press my
hand, and whisper in my ears, and say how tired thou
art, and how much better thou wouldst love to be alone
with me, as thou art now.”

“He were much wiser, and both much safer,” said
Pelayo, “if ye were as far apart as the crowd could
make ye. The enemies are upon ye, and, with eyes not
less keen than mine, watch all your practises. Ye were
better at prayers than kisses, and your coming lessons
will, I doubt not, make ye think so too. But stay—
the minstrel prates anew.”

“Ah, sweetest,” cried Egiza, fondly, “thou persuadest
me to be vain with thy free flatteries and with thy
lip so wooing—nay, do not chide me, dearest, such coy
denial dwells not with the true affection, and is less than
the love deserves which is now hooded and bound down
before you.”

His lips were pressed upon hers as he spoke, and
though she resisted with a maiden's might, he succeeded
in kissing her. Her head hung down in a sweet bashfulness,
and her words trembled as she spoke.

“Love me not less, my lord, that thus I favour you.
It is little that I can deny you when you plead, and the


Page 75
wrong, if it be wrong, is surely yours when you press
so earnestly.”

“It is no wrong, dearest love.”

“And if it be, I forgive you, my lord, so that you
take not from me the esteem in which you hold me now.”

The comment of Pelayo upon this proceeding was
of a different order.

“A goodly smack!” he exclaimed, as Egiza kissed
the struggling maiden—“a goodly smack! and had
this valley the echo of Agarillo, it might have shaken
down yon castle. As it is, the echo hath alarmed other
ears than mine, and you shadow comes from the gorge.”

Then, after a brief pause given to keen observation,
and while the approaching figure came out more distinctly
into the light, he continued—

“By Heaven, it is Julian himself, the stern old father,
and in his hand his bared weapon. Now would I
gather from his words how far he doth approve of this
tenderness. It may be that it shall strengthen our claim
upon Julian if Egiza were allied unto his daughter. He
might gladly desire to give to his son a throne which he
would not toil to bestow upon a stranger. We should
then prosper without the sacrifice of this poor maiden's
fondness. She is a sweet and an innocent, frail, fond,
gentle creature. 'Twere pitiful if she were wanting.
Ha! the doves see the fowler. They are on the wing,
but fly not.”

10. X.

Even as Pelayo had said, at this moment one of the
persons whose shadows he had seen descending the
gorge and cautiously stealing round the hill, at the foot
of which sat Egiza and the maiden, came forward and
stood suddenly before the two. Well might they start
as they beheld him. The person was Count Julian.


Page 76
His sword was bared in his hand—his countenance
stern and threatening. He did not pause for speech;
but, ere Egiza had risen to his feet, the count thus addressed
him—Cava, meanwhile, standing apart, trembling
with maiden bashfulness and the consciousness of
having offended—

“How now, sir—wherefore this? Knowst thou

“Count Julian,” was the reply of Egiza, who answered
fearlessly, though surprised by the sudden appearance
of the count.

“Ay, sir—and this my daughter. What mean you
with her on such terms of secrecy? Who art thou?”

The fierce demand of the count produced no hesitation
in the reply of Egiza; on the contrary, his air became
more resolute and manly with the appearance of a
seeming enemy. His answer was calm, and, but for
the interference of Cava, would have been explicit.

“I am one, Count Julian, who should not be altogether
unknown to you, if justice had its due and I my
rights. I am he, sir, that was—”

The hurried accents of the Lady Cava interposed at
this moment, and silenced those of Egiza.

“Speak it not, my lord—speak it not, I pray thee, if
thou wouldst live—if thou wouldst have me live.”

She paused—she would have said, what she well
knew, that the commission which her father had received
from Roderick directed him to arrest the fugitive princes.
To have said this was to have declared him one. Believing
that, in the dimness of the hour, her lover's
features were undistinguished by, and that he was still
unknown to her father, she fondly thought to prevent
his fatal declaration of the truth. She little dreamed
that all was already well known; that Julian, though
affecting ignorance of the person he addressed, had yet
prepared all things for his capture as a rebel.

Indignantly did her father reproach her for her interference.


Page 77

“Now down, thou wilful maiden,” he exclaimed;
“thou shouldst be in thy chamber, and at thy prayers,
rather than here in thy shamelessness. Why dost thou
break upon his speech? If it be honest, should he fear
to speak it? and yet it does not beseem honesty to lurk
thus in waiting to steal the boon which a brave soldier
had challenged boldly at my castle entrance.”

“Forgive me—hear me, father,” Cava would have

“Nay, do not speak to me. Thou hast deceived
me, Cava—cruelly deceived me. I thought thee one
too ignorant for shame like this. To thy chamber, go
—to thy prayers—and let thy sorrow for thy deceit make
thee more worthy of that love which I gave thee without
stint. Away—speak not. Let thy paramour answer;
he will not surely be base enough to desire thee to take
the danger as well as the duty of defence upon thee,
unless he be dastard as dishonest.”

The language of Count Julian, so bitter as it was in
reference to Egiza, gave great satisfaction to his brother.
It was the hope of Pelayo that it would provoke that
spirit into utterance and action which, though sleeping
and sluggish of late, he yet well knew that Egiza possessed.

“I thank you, sir count,” he exclaimed; “these are
words to strike fire from any bosom not utterly base
and worthless. I trust that they shall work upon my
brother. If thou canst move him to lift the idle weapon
which he seems to have forgotten by his side, my labours
were half done, and there were hope. But I fear me!
Ha! he speaks—speaks when he should strike!”

Though mortified that Egiza did not reply with his
sword rather than his lips, the language of the latter was
encouraging to the hope of Pelayo.

“'Twill but need a few words, Count Julian,” was
his reply, “to declare my feelings towards your daughter
and my purpose here. For your scorn,” he proceeded,


Page 78
and his words grew stern like those of Julian
himself, and his eyes flashed fires of defiance no less
warm than those of the indignation which brightened in
the glance of the latter—“for your scorn, but that you
hold so close a tie with this maiden, I should requite you
with a like scorn, nor limit my anger with such requital.
I should back my speech with steel, and end in punishment
the conference which, with so much insolence, you
have begun.”

“Why, this looks well enough,” said Pelayo, above.
“Now let the other but chafe more loudly and the
maiden but plead more pitifully, and the thing's done.
We shall have blows, and there will be peril, but I'll cry
`cheer' to it.”

The anticipations of Pelayo were not then realized.
The tones and language of Julian were more qualified
than before. He would seem either to temporize with
his adversary in order to gain time, or the boldness of
the latter gave him pleasure. Of the former opinion was

“Thou wouldst seem brave,” said Julian; “why, then,
hast thou feared to seek my daughter in her proper dwelling?
Why hast thou stolen to her thus, if thy purpose
were honourable? Am I a niggard in my entertainment
to the noble gentlemen who seek me? Who, that is
brave and honest, have I chidden from my board? You
have done me wrong, sir—you have done wrong to the
lady of your love, if such is this damsel. You have
taught her a lesson of error in this deceit which she practises
upon the father who has always but too much loved

“Oh, not too much, dear father—say not so, I pray
you. Indeed, indeed, I love you. Forgive me if, in
my thoughtlessness, I have been led aside to error.”

“Away, girl, thou hast not loved me as thou shouldst.

The commentary of Pelayo upon this part of the interview


Page 79
proved him more acute here than Egiza, who
was so much more interested. The latter fondly believed
himself to be yet unknown to Julian. Such was
the belief also of Cava. Not so Pelayo.

“'Twould seem he knew not Egiza from this language,”
he exclaimed; “and yet, is it not art rather to
conceal his knowledge until his followers should come
to his aid, making the captivity of my brother certain?
It must be so. It is strategy; for the shadow approaches
unseen behind the silly youth, and will be upon him
in a little while. But I shall foil his succour, and will be

“Speak, Cava, since thy knight will not!” exclaimed
Julian, to his drooping daughter. “What is he?—wherefore
does he fear to come with a bold summons to the
gate of thy father? or is he of base peasant blood which
shall shame thee in my sight?”

“Oh, no, no!” were the murmured words of the
maiden, as she denied this imputation upon the birth of
her lover.

“What, then, hast thou to fear?” he demanded.
“Have I denied thee to hold affections—to speak the
feeling at thy heart? Have I been a stern father to
thee, locking thee from freedom, and taking from thee
the hope of that love which is in the heart, the vital principle
of all life? Have I not been a gentle father to
thee ever—always yielding to thy wish—making thy
desire a measure for mine own—taking all heed of what
thou lovest, and loving it because thou didst so? Wherefore,
then, this slight which thou has put upon me?”

“Oh, no slight, my father,” faintly replied the maiden.

“Ay, but it is slight,” replied the other. “Have I
not ever sought to give you fondest nurture; to maintain
every ministry about you which should make you happy;
guiding your mind, guarding your state, and with each
gift of culture and accomplishment seeking to make
your thought fitting to the natural graces of your person?


Page 80
and do I merit return like this? Thou hast done me
wrong, Cava.”

“Forgive me—hear me, father—”

“No word—thou art ungrateful—”

“And thou no less unjust than stern, sir count,” was
the fearless interruption which, at that moment, fell from
the lips of Egiza. It chafed him more to hear the severe
language which Julian held to the maiden than
the violent and degrading terms in which the father had
spoken of him.

“Hear me, Count Julian,” he continued.

“'Tis you that I would hear,” said the latter, coolly.
“'Tis you, sir, that I have come to hear. Your boldness
should be at no loss to find excuse for this clandestine
meeting with a girl—a mere child—one, of the world
ignorant, and thoughtless, and, as it seems, but too
ready to hearken to its least honoured representative.
What are you, sir?”

“A man!” was the almost fierce answer of the youth,
aroused by the scornful language of the father. The
hands of Cava were lifted imploringly to her lover; but
the same answer which aroused all her apprehensions
only awakened the hopes of Pelayo.

“Now, that was well spoken; the weapon now—the
weapon of the man, Egiza,” he had almost cried aloud.

“A man!” said Julian, “it may be so; but thou hast
not sought my castle like a man. Why camest thou
here? What wouldst thou?”

“Thou knowst,” was the quick and brief reply.
“Why should I tell thee what thou see'st? I came to
thy daughter.”

“Thou lovest her, thou wouldst say?”

“I have said it. I love her as she should be loved,
with all my soul, with all my strength; with a love devoted
to her best regards, and yielding not with life.”

“Thou'st told her this?”

“Ay, sworn it!”


Page 81

“And she believed thee?”

“I thank her—I bless her that she did believe me.”

The smile of Cava, shining through her tears, rewarded
the enthusiastic lover. A dark scowl gathered
upon the brow of Julian, but, with a tone evidently subdued
to mildness by strong effort, he demanded—

“Dost hold to this?”

“With my whole soul I do!” exclaimed the lover.

“And thou, girl?”

The tears, the smiles, the bowed head, and the tremulous,
unmeaning syllables of the maiden sufficiently answered
for her. Hope rose into her heart anew, joy
into that of Egiza, and both listened impatient for those
words of indulgent blessing from the father's lips which
was to sanction their loves, and which, they nothing
doubted, were soon to be uttered. But if they were
lulled into confidence by the artificial manner of Count
Julian, so was not Pelayo. Made suspicious by the
cautious approach of Julian from the first, and doubly
so from the circuitous course which had been taken by
his follower—who now appeared near at hand—he
readily conceived that the design of Julian was to disarm
the apprehensions of Egiza by gentle and yielding
words until his assistant was within call, when he would
throw off the mask and declare his true purpose.

“This parley,” said he, as he listened from his secluded
perch—“this parley but mocks the ear, and is
most false upon the part of Julian. He waits but for
his comrade, when he will fasten upon the poor youth's
throat, and have him at advantage. Well—well enough,
let him do so. I would have him give the amorous
youth a goodly gripe that shall put dalliance and desire
from his mind. Then will I put in and save him.
What though he may tear the flesh, and take from his
face some of the woman comeliness which it wears, it
will but make him the fitter for the camp, and, perchance,
persuade him of a diminished fitness for a lady's


Page 82
bower. But a truce, the strife must be sure at hand.
The colleague descends, and now glides behind them.
A word will bring him, and—ha! the tone of Julian
changes. I could swear to it now.”

Even as Pelayo said, the language of Julian, or, at
least, his manner, underwent a change in the very next
words which he uttered.

“And how may I trust thee, sir? I am too old a soldier
to reckon words, or even oaths, by young men,
spoken in the ears of willing damsels, to be such solemn
and creditable things. I do not think to trust thee,
young lord; thou shalt give me better proof of thyself
ere thou depart.”

“What mean you, Count Julian?” demanded Egiza.

“To thy chamber, Cava,” said the father to his
daughter, without heeding the speech of the youth.
The tones of his voice struck a chill into her heart,
which had so recently been elated with hope. She lingered,
looked tearfully into his face; but its expression
increased her apprehensions. A sullen frown overspread
it, and her eye shrank in terror from the glance
of his. “Away!” he exclaimed; and with no other
word, but with uplifted hand, he beckoned her off. One
glance to her lover revealed her apprehensions, but she
spoke nothing, as, with trembling and reluctant footsteps,
she left the scene. Egiza would have remonstrated—he
would have followed her, but Julian intercepted
his advance, and bade him “Stay!” in a voice of

“The coast is clear now,” said Pelayo, as he beheld
the departure of Cava, “and the fray may begin. The
poor maiden totters to the castle, looking often behind
her, and dreading the very silence which has followed
all this coil. She is gone now, and it will soon be my
turn to speak in this business. Ha! the count!”

Satisfied that his daughter was out of hearing, and
that his follower was sufficiently nigh for all his purposes,


Page 83
it was now that Julian gave them that utterance
which a sense of policy and a consideration of the maiden's
feelings had induced him to suppress.

“Traitor and rebel,” he exclaimed to Egiza, “didst
thou think I knew thee not? Yield thee, young man,
as I bid thee—thou art my prisoner.”

His sword was uplifted on the instant; but, as the
moment of trial came, that of Egiza was not less prompt.
The opposing blades were crossed ere he replied,

“Thou'rt base to say so, Count Julian; base, like
the master whom thou servest. But I fear thee not;
thou takest no living prisoner in thy prince. Strike—
double traitor as thou art. I defy thee to the trial.”

Pelayo, sitting above and looking composedly, if not
coolly, upon the strife, seemed to lose all consciousness
of its danger to his brother in the increasing pleasure
which this show of spirit produced within him.

“Good!” he exclaimed. “Well said—well countenanced.
'Tis man to man as yet. Let them go on a
while, and bruise each other. I am not wanted to this

“Vainly would you strive, young man,” replied Julian
to the defiance of Egiza. “You are my prisoner, though
your life be safe from any blow of mine. The headsman's
axe demands it, and I am forbidden to rob him
of his victim. Yield you then—I would not strike you.”

“You shall not,” replied Egiza; “not while I can
wield weapon in my defence; and thou shalt strike, if it
be only for thine own safety. Lo! my sword is upon
thy bosom—I will provoke thee to the use of thine.”

The quick weapon of Julian parried the thrust of
Egiza, and contenting himself with doing this, he forbore
assault, as he replied, contemptuously—

“Your boy's weapon can do little here, young man,
even against my own; what can it do against a second?

Count Julian, in that last word, had summoned his


Page 84

“Now goes the other forth,” said Pelayo; “'twill be
for me to round that party soon, or my brother is but a
lame chicken. But—patience, good uncle Oppas; thy
text were scarcely a pleasant one to Egiza, if he knew
that I used it for my own counsel at this moment.”

With the appearance of Odo, Egiza, still presenting a
ready weapon and a fearless front, gave back, and the
two pressed upon him with bared swords.

“Thou see'st,” exclaimed Julian, “there is no hope
for thee. Two weapons are at thy breast.”

A single bound at that instant brought Pelayo to the
scene. In another instant, with a stunning blow of his
sword, he brought the astonished Odo to the ground;
and, ere Julian or Egiza were either of them recovered
from the surprise which his presence had occasioned, he
confronted the former.

“Thou hast erred, Count of Consuegra,” he exclaimed
to Julian, as his sword glittered in the eyes of the count,
“the two weapons are at thy own breast. It is thou that
hast no hope, save in our mercy.”

“Ha! Thou'rt in season, brother,” said Egiza.

“Ay—for the tares,” cried Pelayo; “thou hast had
the fruit to thyself, as usual. But let us not linger here,
we have other tasks; and—thou wilt now let the youth
depart?” was the concluding and derisive inquiry which
Pelayo made to Julian. The wrath of the latter may
not be spoken; but it was tempered by the necessities
of his situation. Though brave, he yet felt how idle it
would be to attempt anything against two well-appointed
warriors; and he contented himself with maintaining a
posture of readiness for assault. But this was not designed
by Pelayo, and, in spite of the indignity to which
Egiza had been subjected, Julian, as the father of Cava,
was still secure from his animosity.

“You have the fortune, young men,” replied the count,
with a bitter coolness, “and I counsel you to make use
of it. You cannot always escape me; and you shall not


Page 85
have fled beyond these hills ere my followers shall be
upon you.”

“Let them come,” replied Pelayo, coldly. “Think
you we fear them? Let them pass in pursuit beyond
these hills, and they return not again. Think you,
most valiant count, that I followed this amorous youth
alone? Pursue us but beyond that eminence, and I will
rejoice your eyes with a sight of war which shall even
warm the heart of an old warrior like yourself.”

The cool and prompt assertion of Pelayo fully convinced
Julian of the truth of what he said, and, under
existing circumstances, he was willing to let the two escape
without farther interruption. At this moment Odo,
the follower whom Pelayo had stricken down and stunned,
began to show signs of returning consciousness, and it
became necessary that the fugitives should take heed of
the counsel of Julian, and urge their flight while yet the
time was allowed them. Even then it was difficult to
move Egiza from the spot. He still had hope to influence
the father of the maiden by entreaty; but the haughty
reply which his exhortations met provoked the indignation
of Pelayo, if it did not move his own.

“Why wilt thou care, my brother, to implore him who
denies you with such scornful speech? For shame!
Let us leave the churl's dwelling, and, if thou hast the
feeling of a prince, as thou shouldst have, thou shouldst
rather rejoice that thou art quit of a damsel who would
bring thee to a knowledge of such connexions. Let us

With a depressed, disconsolate heart, and a slow footstep
which would have lingered still, Egiza was forced
to submit, and sadly turned to follow his brother. The
latter, ere he led the way, thus addressed the mortified
and defeated Julian.

“We have spared you, sir—you are in our power,
but we turn the weapon from your bosom, as our aim is
not your blood. But I warn you not to pursue us.


Page 86
Provoke us in our flight, and we will turn upon and
rend you even as the wild boar rends the flanks of the
forward hunter.”

“And I warn you, Pelayo, that you speed far and
fast; for, as there is a God in heaven and a power on
earth, so surely will I pursue you with a force far beyond
any in your command. Speed while you may—
you are now safe—you will not be so long.”

“You have caught your hands full, and they burn already,
Count Julian—beware you catch not more than
you can carry by a farther trial,” was the reply of Pelayo,
in the language of an ancient proverb of the Goth.
“We are safe—thanks to the good sword that smote
down your myrmidon. We owe no thanks to you that
we are so. Do what you may, sir, we shall keep safe
still, and so let your pursuit begin. Enough—now,
brother, let us on—our men await us—we have much
to do.”

“Lead on, Pelayo,” said Egiza, as he turned mournfully
upon his path; “lead on, lead on! But my soul
sickens as I depart from these blessed hills.”

“Blessed hills!” exclaimed Pelayo, as he ascended
them; “the good count had like to have given you a
blessed mouthful of them. But come on—we must fly
far to-night.”

A few bounds carried the elastic youth to the top of
the crag over which he came, and in a few moments
more they were both lost to sight in the shadows of a
deep and narrow gorge upon the opposite descent.
Vexed with his disappointment, and not satisfied with
the course which he had taken to effect the commands
of his monarch, Julian turned his attention to the
wounded Odo the moment after they had disappeared.
A feeling of delicacy towards his child had persuaded
him to bring to the capture of Egiza but a single and
confidential follower, and the inefficiency of his force
was the defeat of his object.


Page 87

11. XI.

Hurrying his brother away from the spot, Pelayo led
him through the narrow gorge by which he came, and,
with speed that was justly warranted by the danger, they
fled together from the neighbourhood of Count Julian's
castle. The night gave them present shelter, since it
would have been impossible for that nobleman, with all
his retainers, to discover them among the crowding
hills, unless through some fortunate accident. Julian,
foiled and furious, was yet sufficiently aware of this
truth to forego any hopeless pursuit; and he contented
himself with giving aid to the retainer who had been
stricken down and stunned, but not seriously hurt, by
the prompt blow of Pelayo. Him he recovered after a
little while; and, enjoining secrecy upon him as to the
result of the adventure, the count returned to his castle,
where the maiden, his daughter, awaited him in speechless
apprehension. She feared, but unnecessarily, the
rebukes and reproaches of her father. He gave her
counsel against her misplaced regard for Egiza, but it
was given with parental fondness, and not in severity;
and it may be said, in this place, that the hostility of Julian
to the pretensions of the young prince arose not
from any personal dislike to the unfortunate youth, but
from the duty which, as a good subject, he owed to the
reigning monarch, of whose confidence he was in possession,
and whose armies he even then had in command.
Willingly would he have pardoned the error of
his daughter and permitted the advances of the outlawed
prince, could he have done so and escaped without reproof
and punishment, as a kindred traitor, from the vindictive
Roderick. And now, though compelled to seek,
by all possible means, the arrest of the denounced rebel,
Count Julian forbore the most active measures which
might have been deemed essential to that end, and contented


Page 88
himself with just enough of effort to escape all
censure for omission or neglect of duty. This understood,
the escape of Pelayo and Egiza will be readily
conceived. The pursuers despatched by Count Julian
failed to find out their places of retreat; and it was midnight
when the two princes halted for rest, which they
found in a deserted hovel, where they deemed themselves
secure for the time from their enemies. To this
time since their meeting, Pelayo had said but little to his
brother, and that little was in brief sentences, sternly uttered,
and of such matter only as seemed to belong to the
merest circumstances of their flight. But with the belief
that they were now safe from pursuit and beyond
the hearing of others, a change took place in the language
and manner of Pelayo. Stopping short in a little
area formed by the gradual hollowing of the hills
around, the hazy moon giving them a partial light, the
latter turned, and, confronting his brother, thus addressed

“We are now safe, my brother. Our enemy, even
if he have pursued us, which I believe not, has failed to
follow upon our steps. We are alone, and can now
speak to each other, as we might not do if we had other
ears than our own to listen. And now I demand that
you should hear me, Egiza, for I have sought thee out
as brother seldom seeks brother—in a temper that is not
brotherly, and with a feeling of justice in my soul that
cannot be blinded by any ties whether of blood or of

“What mean you?” demanded Egiza, somewhat
surprised by this opening and the stern air and solemn
manner of the speaker. “What mean you by this salutation,
my brother? You have just rescued me from
captivity or death, Pelayo—do not lessen the value of
your service by looks and words of such unkindness.”

Had the tones and language of Egiza been more full
of spirit and defiance, they had most probably been more


Page 89
agreeable to Pelayo. The gentleness and humility of
his reply seemed altogether too feminine for the manly
character required by the times. The address of the
latter was not modified, therefore, when he spoke again.

“I know not that I have done you service by saving
you from Julian. Thou canst better answer that doubt
by thy actions hereafter. I sought you, not to save you
from Julian—I sought you for punishment, Egiza.”

“How! For punishment?”

“Ay, for blows—for death—for shame. Art thou

“What?” demanded Egiza.

“A traitor to thy pledges—a slave to thy wanton
lusts—a coward—deserting from thy people, having no
heart for thy honour, spiritless in thy shame, and heedless
of the scorn of those whom thou hast prompted to
the danger which thou thyself hast been the first to shrink
from? If thou art not this thing, Egiza, then have I
wronged thee in my fears—then have thy people wronged
thee in their thoughts. If thou art, then have I done
thee unkindness to save thee from the stroke of Julian.”

The unhappy Egiza was no less indignant than thunderstruck
by the speech of his brother. He could only
exclaim, while his lips quivered red with anger and his
hands convulsively twitched at the handle of his sword,

“Go on, go on, Pelayo—thy tongue is free of speech
—thou art rich in dainty language. Spare it not—go
on—to the end, I pray thee.”

“Be sure I will,” replied the other, coolly; “thou shalt
hear the truth, Egiza, spoken without favor and without
fear. Thou art my brother, and for my own honour I will
not spare thee—thou art my prince, and for mine own
and thy people's safety thou shalt hear their complaint.”

“Pause not—thy beginning promises too well for
what is to come. Speak on, and spare not.”

“What didst thou at the dwelling of Julian, piping
and puling with his daughter, when thou hadst pledged


Page 90
thyself elsewhere? Why hast thou wasted the precious
hours in this fashion—hours too precious for such keeping
as thine—when thou hadst other work and nobler
duties to perform?”

“And what is thy right, and whence comes it, Pelayo,”
was the reply, “to challenge me with thy free censure

“Thy people's rights are mine. They have a right to
their prince—his life is theirs, and his dishonour is not
only their shame, but their loss. Why camest thou not
to our men when, through me, thou didst solemnly
pledge them? Thou didst ask their service, and they
gave it; thou didst bid them gather to receive thee, and
they came. Where wast thou meanwhile? Had they
seen thee, as I did but late, crouching with curlike fidelity
at the feet of thy mistress, thinkst thou they had put in
to save thee from the blow of Julian? No! they had
shouted to him in applause, and given him all needful
help to thy punishment.”

“Have they set you on this task, Pelayo? Have they
given you commission to play the orator?” said Egiza,
suppressing, though with great effort, his emotions as he

“No! Of my own thought I came to save thee.
'Twas my own spirit that moved me, perchance unwisely,
in thy service. I had staked my honour upon
thine. I have sworn to redeem my pledges; and for
this I came; for this have I saved thee. Their messenger
had better been the headsman—they will hold
thee a traitor if thou heedst not. Thou hast proved one.”

“Traitor, indeed!” exclaimed Egiza, scornfully; “I
see not how that can be, since I owe no service to any
but myself.”

“Thou dost—thy thought is idle. Thou owest me service—them
service—service to thy name, to thy father's
memory, to thy country. Thou owest thy sword, strength,
life, to the people who would strike in thy cause, and for


Page 91
whose rescue from the tyrant thou art doubly pledged,
not less by thy birth than thy own spoken resolve. To
this cause thy whole soul—thy courage—thy virtue—
everything—is due. Thou art born the sovereign of thy
people, but thy rights belong to theirs. If thou claimest
from them obedience, they claim from thee protection.
As the superior, thou art bound to the inferior in a thousand
ways—thou must instruct nad guide, advance the
worthy, counsel the ignorant, punish the unworthy, promote
mind to its true condition, and do all these things
with impartial judgment, having nor fear nor favour. In
thy hands lie the scales of decision, the sceptre of resolve,
the sword of justice, the boon for patient service,
and the reward for noble and unexacted achievement.
For thy award thy subjects wait thee, and these are the
duties which thou owest them in return and requital of
those which their obedience yields to thee. And let me
tell thee, my brother, that the treason of the sovereign
to his people is of all treason the worst, since theirs must
ever be the worst loss. Such were thy treason to them
now. Thy neglect and most complete desertion would
deliver them to a tyrant; nay, it has already done so
in part. They are even now his slaves, his victims,
and with a bondage terrible he fills our father's land.
They groan aloud—they call upon thee for succour—
and thou—thou comest to sing amorous ditties to the
moon, while thou lurkest around a nobleman's castle,
striving at a theft, when, as a brave and valiant prince,
at the head of thy people, thou shouldst come boldly,
and receive a gift with honour. Shame on thee, my
brother, that such should be thy performance.”

The reply of Egiza, though feeble, conveyed his firm

“Alas, my brother, thou wouldst move me to impossible
things. I have taken counsel upon our purpose,
dwelt upon it in earnest thought, and feel that there is
no hope. It is in vain that we would assert our right.


Page 92
The nation too fully owns the sway of Roderick for us
to move him. We have no soldiers, no strength, no
resources. To lead our few followers into arms were but
to bring them to destruction, and yield ourselves up to
no less. No—I have resolved, my brother—I will strive
no more.”

“Do I hear?” was the passionate exclamation of Pelayo,
as he heard this plain avowal from the lips of his
brother; “do I hear? Let not my father's ghost be nigh
us at this moment; such damned salutation would make
him doubt thou art his son. It is not as thou sayst,
Egiza. Nothing is lost to us if we be not lost to ourselves.
Nothing impossible, if we give no heed to base
fears and womanly weakness. All is ours if we bring
but courage and resolve to our cause, and keep the
pledges which we have made to our people. We have
goodly hope if thou wilt but look upon it. A hundred
gallant leaders are sworn in sacramental blood to our
banner; and they will strike for us to the last, till thou
hast thine own, till Roderick is hurled from his bad station,
and our mother-land purged from the pollution
which he has brought upon it.”

Egiza smiled derisively as he heard the enthusiastic
speech of his brother.

“A hundred men!” he exclaimed; “why, what a jest
is this, Pelayo!—how canst thou talk of hope against
Roderick with thy force of a hundred men?”

The indignant reply of Pelayo was no less prompt
than the sarcastic speech of his brother.

“Talk not of hundreds,” he cried; “what are thousands,
millions—of what avail their number, their skill
in fight, their choice of 'vantage ground, and the consciousness
of right, which is best armour to the true
heart, when the leader to whom they look lacks soul for
battle and grows craven at its approach? I tell thee,
my brother, thy poor spirit affrights me, and makes me
to doubt more of our cause than all the strength of Roderick,


Page 93
than all our own weakness else. Do thou but
fight, and I count not the foe.”

“And wherefore should I fight, Pelayo?” replied the
other, mournfully. “For fame—for empire? Alas!
my brother, these are nothing to me now!”

“I do not hear thee!” said Pelayo, chokingly. Egiza

“I tell thee, brother, if but to draw my sword upon
these hills, and trace my worthless name upon their sides,
would win for me this empire thou wouldst have me seek,
I would not stoop to do it. No! Pelayo, I have grown
happier in other hopes. In nameless station, rather than
in strife, would I pass the future hours. I have lost all
the spirit for reckless strife, for the shedding of human
blood, for the grasping at power with hands red and
reeking with the miseries of man. Besides, I am forbidden—I
may not contend with Roderick—I am sworn
not to do so.”

“Brother, say not so!” exclaimed Pelayo, hoarsely,
while the tears gathered in his eyes, and his hand convulsively
grasped the wrist of Egiza.

“Say not so. I call you still my brother. I forbear
all rashness of word or action. Hear me, I am calm—
I am gentle. See—my dagger keeps its sheath. I
will not curse thee. I will not strike thee. I will do
nothing which shall stir thee against our holy cause—
thy cause, our father's cause, and mine. But I pray
thee, brother—I pray thee, unsay thy speech. 'Tis not
becoming in thee. 'Tis against thy mother's fame, thy
father's memory, thy own right; I say naught of my
right, Egiza, though it is my right also which thou dost
set aside in thy relaxed purpose.”

Egiza would have spoken here, availing himself of a
pause in the speech of Pelayo, which the latter seemed
to make rather through hoarseness than lack of topic,
but he continued with his wonted impetuousness.

“Nay, hear me out, my brother—hear me out. I


Page 94
came to chide, to curse thee—to drag thee, if thou
wouldst not, to our people and to thy neglected duties.
I will not chafe thee thus. My words shall have a gentler
meaning. I will implore, entreat, spare nothing of a
softer mood, so thou wilt unsay those foolish—those
base words. Take thy manhood on thee again—let not
the gathering rust upon thy sword reproach thee with
long dishonour. Remember thy father's name, thy own
—once more let us do those deeds which shall keep
them bright with the passage of the years, defying the
effacing breath of time—defying the slanders of our enemies.”

It was for one moment an imposing sight to behold
the big drops gathering in the eye of that otherwise
rough warrior; to see his half-stifled emotion, and the
convulsive clasp of both his hands around the arm
of his brother. But this show of emotion lasted for a
moment only. The reply of Egiza produced another
change no less sudden than those which had already
marked his deportment in this interview.

“I've thought upon this strife, my brother,” said the
elder, “and I see no hope for our cause from the struggle
which we propose. The chances are all against
success. Our men are few, and though they be gallant
all, and well approved in fight, their endeavour were
but fruitless when thousands press upon and bear them
down by the sheer power of numbers.”

“Hear a tale!” exclaimed Pelayo, impatiently, withdrawing
the grasp of his hands upon the arm of his
brother, his eyes flashing the fires of indignation, and
his voice struggling hoarsely in his throat for utterance
like some pent-up mountain torrent—“hear a tale thou
seemst to have forgotten.”

“What tale, my brother?”

“It was a time of terror for the Goth,” resumed Pelayo,
in reply, “when, led by Wallia, he battled first in
the Iberian country. His force diminished to a little


Page 95
band the consul of Rome but laughed at—girt in by the
entire race of the Silingi, full ninety thousand—on his
front their allies, the Alani, a beaten but brave people,
themselves superior to the utmost might brought by
Wallia—to these we add the Vandals and Suevi, all
leagued for his destruction. Did he fly? Did he despair?
Did he talk of the force of numbers, and, in a
coward mood, resolve to give up the struggle, to forfeit
the empire he sought, to retire in shepherd's guise from
the strife, seeking a dastard safety, which neither he
nor thou could have ever found? No, no! he did not
—he dared not. Though on his back rolled the impassable
sea, and on his front a host, to which his front
were but a narrow point, which he looked to see swallowed
up by the side closing ranks of his enemy!—did
Wallia tremble? Did he desert the people who had
trusted him, and fly in hope of safety from a fortune
which he yet decreed to them? You may have your
answer from the old crone who, at the evening, when
the bee first sings in summer, tells it to the hinds assembled
beneath the cottage tree. In one night, with a
courage warmed by danger to be deadly, and with a
sword sharpened for a thousand lives, he smote the barbarians
in their tents, slew with his own hand the gigantic
monarch of the Alani, and hewed his way to freedom
and safety—as thou shouldst do—through the hearts of
his crowding enemies!”

“I know the tale, Pelayo,” was the faint response of
Egiza. “'Twas, indeed, a brave action—'twas gallantly
well done.”

“Thou knowst the tale; 'twas gallantly well done!”
exclaimed Pelayo, repeating contemptuously the words
of his brother. “I cannot think you know it, Egiza;
I cannot think you esteem it gallantly well done, else
wherefore need that I should tell it to you now? and
wherefore not strive, with a kindred spirit such as Wallia
cherished, to win as bright and lasting a renown?


Page 96
Why wake only to whisper `it was was well done,'
when your people, and your own honour, demand that
you do likewise? Satisfied with the word of praise
which you give to Wallia, and which his glory needs
not from any, and, least of all, from you, back you sink
into your soulless and senseless slumbers, making it
double shame for you to have ever awakened.”

“Nay, Pelayo, thou dost me wrong, great wrong,”
replied Egiza. “I do not forget, I would not forget,
the glorious deeds of Wallia—would that they were

“Without the danger, eh?” said Pelayo, harshly,
breaking the unfinished speech.

“No—to have them would I brave all the danger,
even now, such as girded in the desperate monarch.
But such hope were idle. Our game were far more
desperate than his. Our people are not one, as was
the people of Wallia. Scattered and far—few, unarmed,
and without money, we should but call them into
sight for their destruction. To cope with Roderick
were to rush on certain fate. Wherefore, and what the
wisdom of such rashness, without any hope such as
counselled the enterprise of Wallia?”

“Oh, wherefore live, and wherefore strive at any fortune,”
replied Pelayo, bitterly, “unless thy captain
comes to thee with a certain count of thy own and thy
enemies' numbers; shows thee by a certain rule, with a
nice computation, the very movement thou shouldst
make for success, ere thou resolvest upon it; and declarest
the cost in men and horses of every onslaught?
Computes for thee after this fashion: `Here lie three
hundred foes, two hundred friends—clear gain one hundred
here. Here, at this point, we lose—a favourite
horse has here been wounded with an ugly gash that
cleft his neck; his rider lies at hand—he lifts no sword
again. Now on this side—behold! Here's an ugly
pile—we have lost here—two Goths and five Iberians


Page 97
more than our foe; but, on the whole, we are better by
the combat; we have not gained—but our loss is less
than Roderick's.”'

“What is this talk, Pelayo?” demanded Egiza.

“The talk of the captain; his close compt, which thou
needst, of what the fight shall be ere thou goest into it.
It is thus you would have him compute for you the field,
so that you may estimate the game ere you err by rash
battle. By Hercules, brother, but you have grown
marvellous nice upon the sudden. Time was when
you were less prudent, and, men said, more manly; now,
with a keen honour—not keen enough, however, to cut
the hand of its owner—thou art more heedful of thy uncle's
mule than of thy father's kingdom. Thou wouldst
ride his favourite text `Patience' while Roderick rides
thee, and deal in grave homily about life's chances, while
the foe tramples thee with his foot in anger, and spits
upon thy brow in his scorn.”

“Be it so, then. You are too free of speech, Pelayo.”

“Would I could make you free of action.”

“Chafe not, or thou wilt ere thou wishest it,” was
the reply. “Thy words strike ungently—thy speech is

“My thoughts are no less so at thy weakness—thy
lack of purpose.”

“My purpose is my own, only—you waste your words
by speaking upon it. Since I am your rightful sovereign,
'tis for me that you would war with Roderick. I
yield my right—I will not war with him—'tis I that lose
by this relaxed purpose; not you!”

“Ay, but it is, Egiza. Selfish man, I tell thee thou
dost lose but little. The loss is mine, thy people's, thy
country's. 'Tis the loss of those who have feeling yet
of their country's honour and of their own—of those
who are sore beneath the tyrant, and who demand that
their king shall come to their help and rescue them
from their bondage. What, if thou hast grown heedless


Page 98
of thy own wrong—blunted to the scorn of others—indifferent
to the disgrace in which thou livest? Shall
thy insensibility be thy excuse from serving them in their
suffering? Are there not many, the subjects of my father
and his friends, who break the bread of poverty and
travel the rude hill-paths of exile? Shall they lose by
your desertion? They have lost all in their service to
us and to our cause; can it be that you will deny them
with a careless word to hope for the restoration to their
homes, to the high and honoured places from which our
enemy has driven them? You are doubly sworn to these,
nor to these alone. You owe vengeance to the slain—
to the many who have perished for King Witiza in prison,
on the battle-field, and scaffold; less prudent and
sparing of their blood than the firstborn son of him for
whom they perished. They have sons too—brave,
fearless, noble sons—shall they strive vainly for their
rights—for their goodly names, once honourable, but
now degraded with the worst reproach to honour, the
shame of treason? These suffer loss by your denial—
these lose all by your fickleness and weakness—the
basest features in a sovereign.”

“And are these all? Methinks there are yet others
to be named who suffer loss, as thou sayst, by my weakness.”

“Doubtless! The whole nation suffers by thy defect,
since the uncurbed tyranny of the usurper is a malady
that in time possesses all.”

“Ay, but such was not my thought, Pelayo. Thou
hast spoken nothing of thy own loss, my noble brother.
Dost thou not share in my conquest if I conquer? if I
perish, dost thou not succeed me?”

The fingers of Pelayo grasped the throat of Egiza the
moment he had spoken. The glance of his eye was
fiercely withering.

“Thou art base of blood!” he exclaimed—“a
wretch most ill-begotten!”


Page 99

“Take off thy hand, Pelayo,” gasped the half-suffocated
Egiza; “undo thy hold, or thou wilt strangle me.”

The hold of Pelayo was rather tightened than relaxed
as he muttered in reply—

“A base slave, whose trade were worthy of the

The struggles of Egiza were fruitless in the iron
grasp of his brother. He was compelled to expostulate

“Pelayo, brother, undo—let go thy hold—I choke!”

“Brother—no!” exclaimed the indignant youth, releasing
his hold, and hurling the other from him. “Brother—no!
I sorrow that we are of kindred, though but
for this my dagger had searched thy slavish bosom.
But—come on with me. Brother or no, sovereign or
slave, come on with me to the cavern. Let us delay
for no more speech. I parley with thee no longer—
I hearken no longer to thy base suspicions—I contend
no more with thy base purpose. To the cave; when
there, I break all bond with thee—I know thee no
longer, whether for brother or comrade. To our friends
declare thyself; they wait us there. Say to them what
thou hast said to me, and let them judge of thee as they
may. For my single self, I give thee up for ever.
Hereafter we hold no interest together, whether of blood
or business. Thou wilt meet with the Iberian nobles
in council; they form the only legitimate council of the
nation. They, doubtless, will receive thy declaration
with heedful judgment, and learn to yield the contest
with the tyrant, as thou wouldst do, or discard the hope
that now looks to thee for good guidance and manful
deed. This—if they regard thee with Pelayo's eyes—
they will surely do, and thou mayst then go free—go
free to dream away the hours in thy silly bondage, puling
to woods and flowers, piping to streams, losing the
consciousness, if thou canst, the while, which tells thee
of thy duties left undone, thy father's memory forgotten,
and his cruel murder unavenged.”


Page 100

“I will not go with thee, Pelayo,” said Egiza, quickly.

“Thou shalt!” was the no less prompt and more
resolute response.

“Ha! thou darest not think of violence, Pelayo? and
if thou dost, I fear it not. Who's he shall make me?”

“I—thy brother. By Hercules, I swear it. Hear
me, Egiza; my hand was but a moment since upon thy
throat; my weapon is before it now—bare, ready—and
I am resolute. Thou hast trifled long with our men;
thou shalt not so trifle with me. Thou hast made me
promise them falsely; I will die, and thou shalt die, ere
thou dost so dishonour me again. Thou shalt go, though
I bear thy bleeding carcass upon my shoulders. Thou
shalt go and confirm what I have done for thee, and with
thy own lips shall declare that it is thy defection only
which is to give the deathblow to our cause. They shall
hear from thy own lips thy craven resolve—they shall
look thee in the face while thou relatest thy own shame.
May my father's spirit help thee in that moment, Egiza,
and strengthen thee to a better resolve than now; for,
I tell thee, if thou dost not become their king, as they
will claim thee—ready with thy sword to lead them
against the tyrant—so surely will they doom thee to a
fitting punishment. Thy life is at their bidding.”

“I give them no such power. Thy rude assault
makes thee my foe, Pelayo. Lower thy weapon, or I
swear to thee I will forget our kindred, and strike thee
as freely as I would the fiercest warrior in the ranks of

The threat was lost upon Pelayo.

“Strike as thou wilt—I am too much thy friend to
hearken to thy self-condemning words. I'll hale thee
to the cavern—living or dead, I'm sworn to bring thee
to our friends. They shall hear thy voice, or, in place
of it, they shall behold my reeking dagger, and upon it
I will swear it is thy lifeblood which it has drank.”

Thus speaking, with weapon extended as if for the


Page 101
fulfilment of his threat, Pelayo rushed without scruple
on his brother. In an instant the latter was prepared,
and their swords crossed and clashed in conflict.

“I've borne with thee too long,” cried Egiza, as they
began the fight. “Thou hast grown insolent beyond
endurance even of a brother. Strike now, Pelayo, as
if thou wert none; for, I swear to thee, I shall couple
no such idle memory with the blows I give thee.”

A fierce laugh preceded the reply of Pelayo.

“Let the blows speak for us,” he cried, contemptuously;
“mine will remind thee of no kindred, be sure.
Strike thou with thy best skill, thy most reckless courage—it
will glad me that I can yet provoke in thee
some spirit not unworthy of our father.”

Stung by every uttered word of Pelayo, Egiza pressed
closely upon him. His blows fell fast and thick, and
for a brief space they required all the superior adroitness
of Pelayo in defence to ward and turn them aside.
Yet they gave him no disquietude, and the scornful
manner in which he spoke all the while only added to
the vexation of Egiza.

“What! thou hast life yet!” he cried; “thou canst
still feel anger and strike quickly! Well! it is something
gained, that, in thy woful degeneracy of soul, thou
dost not need that I should spit upon thee or turn thee
with my foot. Look, now, with both eyes to thy guard,
for I trifle no longer.”

“Nor I! nor I!” muttered the roused Egiza through
his closed teeth.

The stars looked down with a calm smile upon their
fearful combat, while the affrighted echoes gave back
the clashing strokes of their weapons from the surrounding
hills—which were so recently silent—until there
was no longer any solitude among them.


Page 102

12. XII.

A feeling of absolute pleasure rose in the bosom
of Pelayo as this conflict proceeded. Yet it was not
that he found a pleasure in the strife itself, or desired
the shedding of a brother's blood; but, regarding the
mental apathy of Egiza as, in great part, the consequence
of his bodily inaction, he supposed it not improbable
that any circumstances which could bring his
blood into exercise, and prompt a return to the wonted
thoughts of his mind, would necessarily have the effect
of bringing him back to the performance of those duties,
his neglect of which he could not but consider as
the foulest treachery and the most bitter dishonour.
This sluggishness, it is true, had been most conspicuous
since his first interview with Cava; but Pelayo, as yet
insensible to the tender emotion himself, was disposed
to regard the passion into which Egiza had fallen for the
damsel as an effect of his apathy rather than its occasion.
Believing this, it was his confident hope that any strong
provocation, which would stimulate him into unmeasured
anger, would break the chains of that apathy which had
so completely fettered his spirit and enfeebled his resolves;
and it was his no less confident hope that the
wily bondage of Cava would also be severed, as a necessary
consequence of the overthrow of that other
domination, which had placed him within her seductive
influence, and made him so susceptible of spells which,
to the mind of Pelayo, were so very unimposing. Once
fairly aroused, he did not dread that his brother would
readily sink back into the lulling and unmanly sluggishness
from which he had been so rudely awakened,


Page 103
and his satisfaction arose much more from this belief
than from any desire to inflict a punishment, however
deserved, upon his brother for his defection and default
hitherto. The night was one of a clear starlight, and
they could behold each other distinctly, and well discern
the movements, not less of their hands and weapons,
than of the muscles of their several faces. That of
Egiza was full of anger: his cheek was flushed with
the glowing and irritated blood; his eye darted forth the
most angry fires, and his lips were fast riveted together
and bound by his compressing teeth, until the blood
started from their pressure. The countenance of Pelayo,
on the other hand, wore quite another expression.
An air of pleasantness and satisfaction overspread it;
and, though full of that decisive character which distinguished
all his actions, it could yet be seen that its resolve
was softened by good-humour, and that nothing
of malice, and but little of anger, was at that moment in
his bosom. Egiza could not help perceiving this, and
the discovery, if possible, increased his own indignation.
His blows were seriously given, and with momently increasing
rapidity. But Pelayo did not seem to heed
the earnestness of his brother's hostility. No movements
could have been more cool and temperate than
those which he made; and Egiza chafed like a caged
animal when he found all his efforts ineffectual to set
aside the guard of his opponent, and win the opportunity
of the stroke. To increase his rage, Pelayo encouraged
him with humorous language to increase his
efforts, even as a strong man trifles with the anger of a
froward boy, and stimulates, by petty taunts, his feeble
and impotent hostility.

“Wilt go with me, Egiza?” said he, in the midst of
the sharp controversy; “'twere better—the same good
blows which thou expendest most idly upon me would
not fall so harmlessly upon the crest of a soldier of


Page 104

“They shall not always prove idle or harmless upon
thee, Pelayo,” responded the other, as he redoubled his
efforts, and renewed the assault with greater energy.

“Thou art rash, my brother, and the time is come
for thy better teaching,” said Pelayo, in reply; and the
smile passed from his face as he spoke, and his lips
were now closed, and such was the stern, strong glare
that then shot forth from his eyes, that Egiza faltered in
his assault.

“I will teach thee thy feebleness, Egiza,” said Pelayo,
“and will trifle with thee no longer. Look now to
thy guard, for, unless thou makest better play than thou
hast done, I will take thy weapon from thy hands in
spite of thee.”

The swords clashed as he spoke, and that of Pelayo
seemed to cling to the opposing blade as if it were
welded upon it. Egiza beheld in an instant the difference
now between his brother's blows and those which
had before been given; but he had very little time for
reflection, for, in another instant, his weapon was twisted
from his hand, and whirled from him as if by the stroke
of an enchanter. He stood with undefended bosom
beneath the sword-point of Pelayo.

“Strike,” he sullenly exclaimed—“thou hast striven
hard to shame me in the eyes of others, and thou hast,
at length, disgraced me in my own. What more
wouldst thou wish, Pelayo, than my life? What more
canst thou take? Strike, and let me suffer no longer
from thy hate and my own humiliation.”

He folded his arms as thus he spoke, and looked
with comparative calm upon his brother, expecting his
instant death. But the mood of Pelayo was subdued,
and the uplifted sword-point fell to the ground. With a
voice full of mournfulness and anguish, quite unlike that
which he commonly employed, he thus replied to the
speech of Egiza:

“Egiza—oh Egiza! wherefore hast thou so far humbled


Page 105
both of us, as to compel me to bestow this so
severe lesson upon thee? Why hast thou fallen from
thy noble thoughts and from thy sacred duties? Why
wouldst thou make our father's memory a thing of
scorn and thy own name a word of infamy? Why degrade
thy own brother to an executioner? for”—and he
concluded solemnly—“even upon this errand have I

“Strike!” was the response of the other, still more
sullenly than before—“do thy errand.”

“Require me not, Egiza, but go with me. Upon
my knees, my brother and my sovereign, I do implore
thee. Go with me—seek our men. Declare thyself
their king—their true and loyal king—ready to lead
them to the enemy; forgetting all the errors of the past,
thy weakness, and thy unresolve—forgiving all the rashness
of Pelayo.”

“What if I tell thee no—and do not go?”

“Then here thou stay'st for ever—here I slay thee.
I've sworn it, brother. Thou shalt go with me and see
our men, or I will smear my weapon with thy blood, and
show thy fate and my own firm resolve writ on the face
of the same sudden messenger in the same letters.”

“If I do go, Pelayo, it will be but to show thy followers
how idle would be the struggle with Roderick,
and to withdraw myself from a strife so hopeless,” said

“I care not what thou tell'st them, so that thou goest,
and will approve all the performances to which, when
thy mood was more valorous and less reluctant, thou
didst set me to. Thy presence before them will acquit
me to them of all that I have said for thee; and they
may then order it as it may seem best to them or to
thee afterward.”

“I will go with thee, Pelayo; yet think not that I go
because of thy threat to slay me: what I resolve, I resolve
in proper reason, and not in fear.”


Page 106

“As thou wilt, for whatever reason may seem best
to thee—I care not, so that thou goest. Thou shalt do
thy duty, and fulfil thy promises to the men who are
doomed as traitors and ready to die for thee. When
thou hast seen them, thou wilt, I think, be willing to
draw sword and lead them; and if not—”

“What then, Pelayo?” demanded the other, finding
that he came to a pause before finishing the sentence.

“Why, then, may God always make thee as ready to
die as I found thee but now, Egiza. Take thy sword,
my brother, it lies before thee.”

13. XIII.

With subdued spirits, quieted, and now without any
show of anger, yet more than ever estranged from each
other, the two brothers proceeded upon their way together
until they came within distant view of a miserable
and unsheltered cabin of a peasant among the hills.
The scene was wild beyond description. The hovel
stood on the side of a ravine, through which, even then,
a mountain torrent, the consequence of late heavy rains,
was rushing with unexampled rapidity. The exceeding
narrowness of the gorge, its broken bed and circuitous
route, caused the torrent to roar in its passage down
like the voice of a labouring tempest. On one hand
rose a dense but small forest, frowning blackly in
unison with the scene, but the rocks beside were bleak
and bald of vegetation. A stunted tree stood at the
entrance of the cabin, which was wrapped in darkness,
and at the first glance of the two young princes it
seemed to them to be entirely uninhabited. Pelayo
stopped short ere he approached the dwelling, and
pointed out the situation of the gorge and the general
features of the country to his unheeding and regardless


Page 107

“Look, Egiza, ere thou movest! See the rude
cerros, that threaten behind, before us, and on every
side—and among them see how many are the ravines
and winding hollows which make passages for flight—
for freedom! To the left, behold yon gorge, the bed
of some great torrent now dried up. The path is black
in its exceeding depth, and a brave army might wind
through its bosom, almost in broad daylight, without
startling the browzing goat or the watchful shepherd
upon the cliffs which overhang it. The true soul and
the fearless spirit might brave Roderick in such a place
as this, even as the Lusitanian Viriatus defied of yore,
and defeated the best consuls of imperial Rome. Would
that the brave savage were living now! Would that we
were worthy of his valour! Dost thou regard the
scene, my brother?—thine eye seems only to survey
the backward path over which we came.”

The melancholy Egiza responded to his brother, but
his words were few and their sense spiritless. His soul
was with his eyes, and they strayed backward ever in
the direction of Count Julian's castle.

“I see the gorge,” said he—“'tis very dark and
deep. 'Twould be a fearful fall from the overhanging
cliff, if the regardless shepherd—”

“'Twould be a glorious passage for brave men seeking
in silence the superior foe. Canst thou not think
with me, Egiza? If Roderick lay upon the opposite
hills with his assembled army, could we not, though
with our hundred knights and their small bands, win on
his camp by night, and, through that gorge to the left,
or even through this that spreads itself before us, smite
them with ruin? By my soul we could, had we but
souls! Come on—thou sleepest, brother.”

The quick eye of Pelayo beheld the stupor of his
brother. His own enthusiasm seemed to awaken no
corresponding impulse within Egiza's bosom; and his
language accordingly became stern as he turned away


Page 108
from the survey of those prospects, the susceptibilities
of which for the purposes of war he had been labouring
so vainly to describe to him.

“Thus,” he muttered, as he led the way, “thus are
we slaves and victims. It is thus that we make the tyrant
who overcomes and chains us. Tyranny is but the
creature of our need—the scourge that whips us for decaying
virtue—that chastens to reform us. The tyrant
never yet sprang to life in any land where virtue presided
among the people. It is the foul, fearful progeny
of our vices—the rank disease of our degeneracy—
born of our baseness, and powerful only in our shame.
Our weakness gives it strength; and he who submits to
injustice but arms tyranny. The slave makes the tyrant,
the coward creates the oppressor. 'Tis a cruel
thought, that one, born, like Egiza, to sway—to noble
purpose—high destiny—the heir of such a mighty heritage—should
so fall off from honour—so forget his
name, his very nature; and move thus, with a soul mingling
with the dust upon which he treads, and a step
like that of a beaten cur that dreads a second punishment.”

The soliloquy came only in part to the ears of Egiza.
He had been musing of things remote—he had been
dreaming of Cava. Thinking that Pelayo had spoken
to him, he started as from slumber.

“What sayst thou, Pelayo? Didst speak to me?”

“I spoke of thee, my brother,” replied Pelayo, continuing
still his forward progress; “I strove to think
how best to bring thee to life—to put blood into thy heart
—to give wings to thy spirit, action to thy sinews, and
exercise to thy strength. I strove to think how best to
make thee once more a man—to give thee freedom,

On a sudden the words of the speaker were arrested,
and Egiza, who came behind, heard strange accents
mingling with those of his brother.


Page 109

14. XIV.

Stand back, before I strike thee to my feet and
beat thee into powder!”

It was thus that a fierce voice arrested the progress
and the speech of Pelayo. A gigantic and wild figure
sprang up in his path even at the entrance of the cottage,
to the threshold of which they had now come, and
brandished a heavy club before their eyes. The foot
of Pelayo had struck upon the cumbrous body of the
man, who lay sleeping at the door of the hovel, and
aroused him into angry consciousness. Egiza started
back, almost in terror, as he beheld the uncouth and
strange figure arising from the earth. But not so Pelayo,
whom nothing could easily daunt or take by surprise.
Yet well might the appearance of the stranger
inspire apprehension, without shame, in any human
bosom. His figure was Herculean—his features dark
—his hair, which was long and deeply black, streamed
wildly from his shoulders, and the thick beard was matted
above his lips and chin in rugged folds, which did
not seem to be lifted often, even to permit of the free
access of food to his wide and swagging lips. His
gesture well accorded with his outward seeming. It
was blustering and fierce, and the voice was that of
one who would seem to have been struggling to out-brave
the tempest in the piercing strength of its shrieks.

“Stand back!” he cried, as he rose and stood before
the princes—“I will not speak again to thee, but strike.”

In an instant the thick short sword of Pelayo waved
in his hand, and, despite of all the entreaty of Egiza,
who would have restrained his progress, he advanced
upon the savage.

“Beware!” cried the stranger, in a threatening voice,
yet receding somewhat from his position.


Page 110

“Urge him not, Pelayo; he will crush thee with his
mace,” cried Egiza.

“Then get thy weapon ready to slay him when he
does so,” responded Pelayo, chiding, with a stern tone,
his laggard brother. “But fear nothing, Egiza—I have
no fear. This burly monster can do nothing with me in
so clear a light; and be sure I shall not deal so tenderly
with him as I did but a little while ago with thee.”

“Back!” cried the savage, seeing the determined
approach of Pelayo—“back! I warn thee.”

But Pelayo laughed scornfully, still advancing, and
Egiza also drew his weapon and came on closely after
his brother. The savage swung the heavy mace about
his head, and in another instant it would have come
fatally down upon that of Pelayo, but that the quick-sighted
and fearless warrior suddenly closed in with
him, and with the hilt of his sword struck the savage
a blow between his eyes which half stunned him, while
it dazzled his vision with the most stupifying glare.
Without falling, he tottered back against the door of his
hovel, under the overhanging eaves of which, in the
open air, he seemed to have been sleeping. His mace,
still in his hand, fell by his side; and though he lifted it
a second time, he seemed confused and objectless, and
did not again aim to strike either of the princes. Pelayo
grasped the huge weapon with a sudden hand,
while Egiza presented his bared weapon at the throat
of its owner.

“Give me room,” cried the man, recovering, and
seeking to push away the princes; but he was checked
as the sharp point of Egiza's weapon pricked his extended

“Be not foolish, man,” said Pelayo, kindly; “we seek
not to do you harm. We are friends, and would only
crave from thee a place of shelter and quiet for the
night, which is already half gone.”

“Who art thou?” demanded the savage, in reply.


Page 111

“Thy master—have I not written my name between
thine eyes?—thy friend, if thou believest in me,” was
the calm but authoritative reply of Pelayo.

“I can fight thee still,” replied the man, fiercely; “I
have no master but Ipsistos—the mightiest God.”

“As thou wilt,” said Pelayo, “though I care not to
fight thee, for I would sleep—my companion and myself
are weary. Give us lodging in thy cabin, and I
will fight thee in the morning, and plague thee with
thine own cudgel; deny us, and I will put my sword
through thee even where thou standest.”

“I like thy speech, and will try thee, as thou sayst,
in the morning,” replied the savage, with a laugh that
was harshly pleasant in the deep, melancholy silence of
those midnight and bleak hills. He continued:

“Thou shalt have the lodging thou requirest, stranger;
and if thou canst strike me 'tween the eyes by daylight,
as thou hast done to-night, I will go with thee for a

“Wilt thou follow me?” demanded Pelayo, eagerly.

“If thy pursuit shall please me—what is that?” replied
the savage.


“Good!—with whom?”

“Mine enemy.”

“Give me the stroke at morning thou hast given me
to-night, and thy enemy shall be mine,” was the promise
of the savage.

“By Hercules the Striker, I will make thy bones
ache!” said Pelayo.

“If thou canst,” said the other.

“What art thou?” asked Pelayo.

“A man—dost doubt me?”

“No! The name of thy nation I would know?”


“Ha!—what dost thou here, then?”



Page 112

“What brought thee to these parts, I mean?”

“I was a warrior, but the King Witiza was a better.
I fought against him, and he made me a prisoner, with
many of my people. I was released by the new king,
and then I fled from Toledo.”

“Wherefore, when he released thee?”

“I feared his tyranny.”

“Why, what hadst thou to fear? What should
tempt him to thy injury? What hadst thou to lose?”

“My freedom!” replied the savage; and as the reply
reached the ears of Pelayo, he grasped convulsively
the arm of Egiza while he replied—

“Comrade, I'll blacken thee with bruises on the
morrow, I so resolve to make thee follow me. But let
us into thy dwelling.”

“It is open to thee,” replied the man—“there's fire,
and thou wilt find acorns upon the hearth. For thy
couch—the dry earth is beneath thee; the turf makes a
good pillow, but I prefer mine here, where the air keeps
it ever fresh. I will watch at the door while ye are

“Watch well!” said Pelayo—“beware the stranger
does not again strike thee between the eyes.”

“We'll wait till day for that,” replied the other, merrily,
while the two young princes, accepting his courtesy—such
as it was—at once entered the miserable
hovel, where they slept without interruption until the
day had fairly dawned and the red sunlight came gliding
in through the thousand decayed openings of the hovel.

15. XV.

Pelayo started to his feet and awakened his brother.

“I must go forth and do battle for my follower,”
said he, gayly.

“Thou wilt not fight with him, Pelayo?” said Egiza.

“And wherefore not, if it needs it?” was the reply;


Page 113
“such good limbs in a soldier are worth fighting for,
and we are too slack of men in our service to stint the
price we pay for them. I will but stand a blow with
the burly Bascone, and I will not shrink from a bruise
or two: he will not do me much evil, for I have a trick
of the hand which shall blind him, and of which he cannot
know. But I think not to bide the buffet. Speak
lower, for still he sleeps, as thou mayst hear by the
heavy breathing from without. Let him but sleep on
till I stand above him, and I make him my follower
without strife.”

“Thou wilt not strike him as he sleeps, Pelayo?”
said Egiza.

“What dost thou take me for, Egiza?” responded
the other, as he turned upon and sternly surveyed his
brother—“hast thou known me so long, from youth, to
think me grown base in my manhood? By Hercules
the Pilot, thy own course must have undergone dreadful
alteration when thou doubtest so of mine!”

Thus speaking, Pelayo grasped his sword in the
middle, and cautiously moved to the door of the hovel,
which, with like caution, he unfastened. The savage
Bascone still slept, with the whole bulk of his frame
stretched at length before the entrance. Pelayo placed
one of his feet over his body, and, thus bestriding him,
with a light hand he struck the hilt of his sword once
more between the eyes of the sleeper, just where he
had stricken him the night before. The Bascone awakened
and gazed round him with astonishment.

“Get up and follow me,” cried Pelayo—“I claim
thy promise.”

“Thou must fight me first,” said the Bascone.

“No!” responded Pelayo, with a laugh, “I have
already won thee. I pledged myself to strike thee
again between thine eyes where before I struck thee:
was not my sword upon the spot when thou awakened?”

“Yes, but I slept then,” said the Bascone.


Page 114

“And the warrior is bound who sleeps. I have won
thee, for I awakened before thee, and this gives me the
game. Arise, then, my follower, and give to me thy

“Thou art wise not less than strong,” said the Bascone,
“and hast fairly outwitted me. Thou art worthy
to be a great leader, for thy head and hand agree. Still
would I like to try thee a buffet, if it were only to repay
thee for that which I suffered at thy hands last night.”

“Thou canst not if thou wouldst, good Bascone,”
said Pelayo—“thine eyes are swollen too greatly with
the blow, and well I know thou couldst not see the
double ends of thy enemy's staff at the same moment.
They would twinkle on both sides of thy crown at once,
and when thou struck'st most heavily at thy foeman's
neck, his legs would be around thine own. Thou art
fairly my follower, good Bascone, and let it content
thee to strike my enemies as thou wouldst have stricken
me. Be satisfied, such desire will more greatly pleasure
me. Tell me thy name.”

“They call me Britarmin among my brethren the
Basques; and name me besides, when I am hungry, the
`Seven Teeth;' and when I am satisfied, the `Nine
Sleepers;' for when I have not eaten long, and find
wherewithal to requite myself at last, they affirm that I
am equal to any seven of my brethren in the business
of the feast—when it is over, I call for the repose of

“I shall know how to provide for thy seven teeth,
Britarmin—but this shall be only when the fight with
my foe is over.”

“If I am to follow thee—as I confess it somehow
pleases me to think so, for I like thy valour, and thy
wit, and thy frank spirit—give me thy name also.”

“Surely—like thyself, I too have my by-names; and
while I have an enemy men call me `The Sleepless;'
and while I have a friend they call me `The Watchful.”'


Page 115

“Good names, my lord,” said Britarmin; “but what
did they name thee at thy birth?”

Pelayo put his hand upon the shoulder of the Bascone,
and looked him sternly in his face as he replied—

“I tell thee the name of one who is an enemy to all
tyrants, and a doubly sworn foe to that tyrant who is
now upon the throne of Iberia—I tell thee this, Britarmin,
as I am willing henceforward to intrust thee with
my life—I am Pelayo.”

“Brother, thou shouldst not,” whispered Egiza, hurriedly,
as he came forward.

The Bascone seemed to understand the motive of
interference and the sense of the expostulation; for,
turning a severe look upon Egiza, he cried enthusiastically
to Pelayo, while he put the hand of the prince
upon his head—

“Britarmin is no traitor. Thou hast done well to
trust me with thy secret, Prince Pelayo—henceforward
I am thine. Lead on—I follow thee.”

16. XVI.

Pelayo and Egiza led the way, and were closely followed
by their new companion, wielding his massive
club. Ere they left the hovel, they broke their fast
upon a few dried acorns and chestnuts, which hitherto
had supplied the desires of the “seven-teethed” Britarmin.
Upon this simple fare had he lived for weeks
before the arrival of Pelayo; and such was his savage
and severe love of liberty, that he infinitely preferred it
to all the refinements and delicacies of the city. There,
as he said, he felt himself still in bondage, though perfectly
unshackled. The walls of the city, of themselves,
annoyed him, for he could not conceive of their object,
unless to hold men in prison. When Pelayo told him
that their use was to prevent the incursions of the foe,


Page 116
he replied that men never yet needed such defences
so long as they possessed the desires and the strength
of freemen.

“Thou shalt be at the pulling down of these walls,
Britarmin,” said Pelayo. The savage shouted till the
hills echoed again, waved his mace in air, but, uttering
no other answer, followed his new guide with all the
thoughtless simplicity and gladness of a child.

17. XVII.

Egiza,” said Pelayo, “to-night we are to meet our
friends at the Cave of Wamba.”

“To-night?” said Egiza.

“Ay, to-night—our friends—the brave, devoted few,
who now risk the doom and the dungeons of the tyrant
in thy behalf—we meet with them to-night! Dost thou
hear me—dost thou understand me, Egiza? Think,
my brother, think well!—to-night (the time is close at
hand)—our friends (can there be a sweeter meeting?)
—we meet them, my brother, in thy cause—in our
common cause—to strike against thy enemy, the tyrant
Roderick—the murderer of our father—the usurper of
our throne—the enslaver of our country.”

“I understand thee well enough, Pelayo,” was the
reply of Egiza, who seemed impatient of the earnest
manner of his brother.

“We meet, too—think, my brother—we meet with
them in the Cave of Wamba!—that cave which was
hallowed as the home of the holy man, when he left the
cares of the empire which he had saved to other hands!
What a prince was he—a prince to emulate—to follow
in all practice! In that cave I think to meet his spirit
with the rest. Let not thine falter there, I pray thee,
brother. The place is holy—haunted. His knees
have pressed its rocks—his prayers have risen from its


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encircling gloom, in the deepest and darkest hour of
midnight, in tribute for his country, to his God. It will
need that thou shouldst speak to our people a language
such as his—'twill need, I say, my brother!”

“Have I not said to thee already, my brother, that I
hold this struggle to be vain, and more like the madness
of the dreamer than the calm reasoning resolve of one
who thinks and knows?” was the reply of Egiza.

“Let me not answer thee, my brother,” said Pelayo,
gently—“I would not be angry with thee now. What
I say to thee this day I would say pleadingly—I would
say humbly—I would bring thee to think and to feel
the truth, even as I feel it; and though my blood bounds
wildly and my heart throbs vexatiously, sometimes,
when thou speakest coldly of these things, the very
thoughts of which do fever me, yet will I so school
blood and heart into subjection this day, as that neither
will have cause to reproach me hereafter when I think
of thee.”

“What meanest thou, Pelayo?” said Egiza.

“Look down!” said Pelayo, without heeding the inquiring
looks and language of his brother—“look down,
my brother!”

They stood a few paces from the edge of the precipice,
to which, following the road, they had been directly
advancing. It was then that the path suddenly
turned aside, and on one hand it took its way down a
deep gorge, partly the work of art and time, and partly
made by the heavy torrents that worked their way down
from the upper hills to the deep valley that lay below.
Where they then stood, however, the deep and sudden
abyss spread itself before them, and the bosom involuntarily
shuddered as the eye surveyed the edge of the
precipice. Egiza looked down, agreeably to the suggestion
of Pelayo.

“What seest thou?” demanded the latter.

“I see the cattle grazing, and now a shepherd looks


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up, and now moves on, with sluggard step, beside

“Seest thou naught else?” asked Pelayo.

“Nothing—what seest thou, brother?”

“I do not see the cattle nor the shepherd,” said

“Why, there they are—there by the rivulet, that toils
and tumbles through yon rocks. Dost thou not hear
the brawl?—its clamour seeks us here.”

“I hear it not,” said Pelayo, while he continued to
gaze, “nor do I seek to hear or to behold it.”

Egiza turned to him with a look of inquiry. The
eye of Pelayo met his gaze, and it was full of a proud
meaning, which the former could not understand, but
which he could not help but feel.

“I do not see the cattle nor the shepherd,” said Pelayo—“it
is not these I look for! but I look once more
to see the bands of Viriatus foiling the Roman consul.
Dost thou remember—thou hast not sure forgotten, oh
Egiza, the last time went we with our father forth, he
pointed out the gorge, made glorious then by Viriatus.
There the Roman came with his dense legions. The
Lusitanian chief stole from behind the hills with a small
band, inviting the assault. The prætor saw, and fell
into the cunning snare he laid: Vitellius fell, and the
Iberians came, clustering like angry bees on every side,
and hemmed the invaders in. Vainly they fought that
day: they fled at last; but with as swift a wing did
hate pursue as ever helped on fear. Not one had then
escaped, had not Nigidius, colleague of Vitellius, come
to the Roman's aid. I think of it, and see once more
the strife begin—there—just below—”

“Why, sure, Pelayo, 'tis a dream thou hast,” exclaimed
Egiza, interrupting his brother, whose eye intently
watched the pass below them, while his finger
rigidly pointed to a distant section of the gorge. Pelayo


Page 119
turned suddenly upon his brother in silence. Egiza

“Thou errest in thy speech—it was not here that
Viriatus fought and slew Vitellius; 'twas in the bloody
defiles near Tribola—”

“'Tis well thy memory lives,” replied Pelayo; “and
sweet to me, Egiza, to discover that all is not forgotten
from thy mind of what our fathers wrought. Full well
I know 'twas at Tribola that Vitellius fell—thou didst
not think that, when my eye was stretched as piercing
yon abyss, I looked to see the legions issuing forth?
No, my fair brother—the sight was in the mind. I
called for thine, and would have given it glorious exercise.
I would have had thee from the distant vision
catch a faint hope of glory for thyself—would show thee
Roderick's legions in some pass, bleak, rugged, deep
like this; and in the fearless chief of Lusitania, with little
band, small chance, but fearless heart, I would have
had thee look upon Egiza, and dare be, what that vision
would have made thee, a patriot and a man! But let
us on: we'll speak no more of this; I leave it to thy
thought. Come on, Britarmin—what matter, Bascone
—thou look'st as thou wert angered?”

“Why, so I am, my prince,” replied Britarmin, “but
the anger is a pleasant one. Only speak when we are
going into battle as thou didst just now, and I will leap
into the enemy's throat. Almost I thought that thou
didst behold them coming quickly around the mountains
below us, and I strained my eyes to behold them also
—thy words were so proud, and thine eye so glorious.”

In silence they descended the pass, each too much
filled with his own thoughts to speak farther for some
time; but, before the day was half over, Pelayo renewed
the subject most active in his mind to his brother Egiza.
Long and earnestly he strove to awaken him, by every
sort of exhortation and argument, to a proper sense of
the duties which he had hitherto neglected. He repeated


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many stories of the olden time—of old Iberian valour—of
their ancestors, and of their immediate family;
and in the prosecution of these efforts he strove studiously
to forbear harsh comment and ungentle word.
One time he soothed, then solicited, then argued; and
at moments, when, in his narratives, he elicited some
spirited response from Egiza, his heart would rejoice
with hope that his brother was beginning to awaken
from the apathy which had possessed him. But such
hopes lingered not long; and he saw with the deepest
sorrow, as, towards nightfall, they reached the neighbourhood
of the Cave of Wamba, that his brother maintained
his former unresolve, and still thought discouragingly
of the enterprise which was before them. Pelayo
said but little after this; yet one sentence, which he
uttered in a cold and solemn manner when they came
in sight of the cave, fell on the ears of Egiza with a
deathlike emphasis.

“Here is the place, Egiza—here we meet all our
friends. I have now done with thee. Whatever they
resolve shall be my law. I'll say no word against it—
lift no hand save in support of what they decree.
Beware of what thou dost—thou knowest their power—
they are the National Council of Iberia, sole sovereign
in the land. Let's in to them.”

“A moment, brother,” said Egiza, in a whisper, while
he grasped the arm of Pelayo, who was about to go

“What wouldst thou now?” he asked.

“Such is not their power?”

“Unless you hold the usurper Roderick to be the
truer sovereign, yes!” was the reply of Pelayo.

“And what if I declare myself against their plans—
if I withhold myself?” demanded Egiza.

“A shaven crown or death!—the monk's stone cell
and rosary, or else the sharp stroke of the axeman,” was
the stern reply of Pelayo.


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“I will not enter with thee,” was the sudden resolve
of Egiza as he heard these words, and he drew back
from the mouth of the cavern.

“Too late, Egiza, now,” replied Pelayo, grasping his
arm and dragging him into the throat of the cavern—
“too late!—show not the coward now, but say out thy
firm resolve, whatever it be, to our people, and meet thy
fate like a man, whatever they decree it,—follow me
close, Britarmin.”

The Bascone did as he was commanded, and Egiza
was forced to advance, for Pelayo and his follower were
now between him and the entrance. With a deep sigh
he went onward, bitterly regretting that he had not preferred
to brave the sword-point of his brother, which
threatened him in the night, rather than the trial and
possible doom which were before him now. When he
had fairly entered within the recess, Pelayo lingered
behind and spoke thus to Britarmin—

“Keep thou here concealed, Britarmin—hide thee
behind this ledge of the rock—thou wilt be unseen, and
thy presence unsuspected. Watch well that none leave
the cavern till thou hearest my signal—admit all to
enter that seek to do so; and show thyself only to those
who would depart before the business of our meeting is
over. Remember—strike down, with a sudden and
sweeping blow, him who would leave us until permission
is given to him to do so. I do not except from
this command my own self, nor the person of my brother
who but now preceded us. Remember, Bascone, I
trust thee as my soldier. Be faithful as thou wouldst
have success—do as I bid thee in this, if thou wouldst
have employment for thy seven teeth.”

The Bascone placed the hand of Pelayo upon his
head while he swore—

“By the god Ipsistos, whose wrath I fear, I swear,
Prince Pelayo, to do even as thou hast commanded!”

“It is well—I trust thee, Britarmin. Remember, I


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except not myself from thy blow, should I seek, ere the
proper time, to depart from the cavern. Egiza, my
brother, who came with us—remember, also, thou wilt
slay him as if he were a stranger and a Saracen, with
as little pause or sorrow, should he seek to fly.”

“I will slay him—I will do even as thou commandest!”
was the reply; and Pelayo then followed his
brother into the recesses of the cavern, leaving the Bascone
safely hidden behind the projecting ledge of the
rock which he had shown to him as a place for shelter
and concealment.