University of Virginia Library


THE INSURGENTS, a new American and Historical Novel,
2 vols. 12mo.

“This story is founded upon the insurrection in Massachusetts,
during the year 1786, known more generally as `Shay's
War,' which was similar, in some of its features at least, to the
rising of the `Whisky Boys,' in Pennsylvania.

“The Yankee author, (for that he is a Yankee no one can
doubt, who observes with what vraisemblance he uses the vernacular
idiom of that people,) has given a very amusing detail of
the facts connected with that struggle, which cannot fail to
prove entertaining.”

Sat. Evening Post.

“The characters are extremely well drawn—the Yankee talk
and manner well-preserved—and the historical narrative faithfully
followed. It is evidently the work of a full and well-disciplined

N. Y. American.