The University of Virginia record January 1, 1917 | ||
Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.
William Minor Lile, LL.D.
William Minor Lile, LL.D. | East Lawn |
James Madison Professor of Law. | |
Charles Alfred Graves, M.A., LL.D. | East Lawn |
Professor of Law. | |
Raleigh Colston Minor, M.A., LL.B. | West Lawn |
James Monroe Professor of Law. | |
Armistead Mason Dobie, M.A., LL.B. | Monroe Hill |
Professor of Law. | |
George Boardman Eager, Jr., B.A., LL.B. | Minor's Cottage |
Professor of Law. | |
Charles Wakefield Paul | McCormick Road |
Adjunct Professor of Public Speaking. |
Forrest Jesse Hyde, Jr., LL.B. | Assistant |
John Lewis Abbot | Student Assistant |
Robert Wellford Bell, B.A. | Student Assistant |
Frank Camm | Student Assistant |
Wirt Peebles Marks, Jr. | Student Assistant |
Charles Hansford Sheild, Jr. | Student Assistant |
Catherine Rebecca Lipop | Law Librarian |
Walter Wyatt | Assistant Law Librarian |
Inquiries with reference to Entrance Requirements should be addressed
to the Dean of the University.
For information as to lodgings, board, expenses, etc., and for catalogues
and other printed matter, address the Registrar.
For other information address the Dean of the Law School.
Historical.—Among the original Schools contemplated in Mr. Jefferson's
plan for the organization of the University of Virginia was "Law: Municipal
and Foreign; Embracing the General Principles, Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence,
together with the Theory and Principles of Constitutional Government."
Accordingly the School of Law was established in 1826, and has been
in continuous operation since.
From the establishment of the Law School until 1894, the course comprised
the work of a single year. With the session of 1894-95, a two years'
course was inaugurated, which continued up to the session of 1809-10, when
the course was extended to three years.
The aim of the Department of Law has always been to maintain a high
standard as a requirement for graduation—the degree being conferred only
upon such students as are thorough masters of the prescribed course of
study. This policy has been rigorously enforced, and its wisdom has been
vindicated by the high position which the graduates of the Law School are
accustomed to attain at the bar or in public life. The course of instruction
has been extended from time to time to conform to changing conditions and
to meet the increasing needs of the profession.
Minor Hall.—By action of the Visitors, the new home of the Law
School has been named Minor Hall, in honor of the late John B. Minor,
whose distinguished service of fifty years as a professor in the Law School,
the University thus commemorates. The building is located between Dawson's
Row and the southern end of West Range. The architecture is on
classic lines, in keeping with the general design of the other university buildings.
It contains on the first floor four large lecture halls, with convenient
offices, lavatories, etc., and on the second floor a stack room, with ample
space for books, two commodious reading rooms, and a number of offices
for the use of the librarian and the teaching staff. Liberal provision has
been made for heat, light, and ventilation. Special care has been taken to
provide comfortable seats and desks in the lecture halls.
Law Library.—The Library contains about fourteen thousand volumes.
Its financial resources, from appropriations by the Visitors, and from an
endowment of ten thousand dollars by Mr. W. W. Fuller ('78) of New
York City, make possible the addition of several hundred volumes annually.
The Library contains the English Reports, from and including the Year
Books to date; the United States Supreme Court Reports; reports of all
the American States; the National Reporter System, complete; modern
selected and annotated reports, such as the American Decisions, Reports and
State Reports, Lawyers' Reports Annotated, American and English Annotated
Cases, English Ruling Cases, etc., together with modern search-books
in the form of general Digests (including the Century and Decennial
editions), and the leading Encyclopedias, besides a large collection of textbooks,
bound volumes of law magazines, etc. Law students have all the
privileges of the general University Library, containing more than ninety
thousand volumes, without extra charge.
The Virginia Law Review.—Under the title of The Virginia Law Review,
the undergraduate students of the Law School conduct a law journal
devoted to the discussion of general questions of American jurisprudence.
Eight numbers are issued annually, from October to May inclusive. The
Review is now in its fourth volume. From its inception it has maintained
a high standard of excellence, and a worthy rank among the leading law
journals of the country.
Suggestions as to Preliminary Education.—Students, and their parents
or guardians, are warned that the law is peculiarly an intellectual profession,
and demands for its successful prosecution, whether in a law school
or in the broader fields of professional life, a well-trained mind. If it be
true that untrained recruits, in rare instances, under diligent and persistent
effort, develop into successful practitioners after entrance upon the practice,
such exceptional cases but serve to illustrate the rule that out of a given
number of young men entering upon the study of law, those with sound
preliminary training will have incomparable advantages, while those without
such training are likely never to rise above mediocrity in their profession.
The experience of the Law Faculty—indeed, of all law teachers—is, that
the standing and progress of law students may, in general, be measured by
their academic preparation. Young gentlemen are therefore advised not to
begin their legal studies until they have completed an academic course approximating
that required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. So high a
standard, however, is not exacted as a condition of entrance into the Law
School. These conditions are shown in the following sections.
Regular Students.—Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Laws must
have attained the age of eighteen years before entering the department, must
produce a certificate of good character from the school or college last attended,
or from other satisfactory source, and must conform to the general
requirements following:
For Admission to the Department of Law the candidate must offer
fifteen units, of which three must be in English and one in History.
Notice is given that an additional requirement of one year of work in a
standard college will become effective with the beginning of the session of
The Subjects accepted for Admission and their values in units are given
in tabulated form on page 7. The applicant for admission may enter
(1) by certificate or (2) by examination.
(1) For Admission by Certificate the candidate must file with the Dean
of the University not later than September 1 a Certificate of Preparation,
made out on the blank form furnished by the University. This certificate
must come from some recognized institution of collegiate rank or from an
high schools in Virginia is extended only to graduates of four-year high
schools. The certificate must bear in all cases the signature of the head of
the school; must specify the character and content of each course offered
for entrance credit; must give the length of time devoted to the course, and
the dates of the examinations; and must give the candidate's grades in percentages.
Each unit in the entrance requirements is the equivalent of one
full year of high-school work, including five periods a week at least forty
minutes each during not less than thirty-six weeks. For schools in which
the number of periods given to any study, or the length of the period, is
below the standard here specified, the credit for such study will be reduced
pro rata. In the scientific subjects two hours of laboratory instruction will
be counted as the equivalent of one hour of recitation. High-school courses
in physics and chemistry, otherwise adequate, will be allowed half credit,
when individual laboratory work is not done by the student or is not attested
by proper note-books filed with the certificate. Certificates of preparation
from private tutors will in no case be accepted; students thus prepared
must, in all cases, take the entrance examinations.
(2) For Admission by Examination the candidate must present himself
for test at the University in June or September, according to the dates
given in the Programme of Entrance Examinations, which may be had by
applying to the Registrar. The examinations are held under the honor system,
no paper being accepted unless accompanied by the usual pledge. All
candidates who take their examinations at the times appointed are tested
free of charge. In case of delayed entrance, where the grounds of postponement
are good, the President of the University may admit the candidate
to a special examination, for which an additional fee of five dollars is
charged. The fee is payable in advance and is in no case returned. Satisfactory
certificates as to character and age are in all cases required.
Subject | Topics | Units |
English A | Grammar and Grammatical Analysis | 1 |
English B | Composition and Rhetoric | 1 |
English C | Critical Study of Specimens of English Literature | 1 |
English D | Critical Study of Specimens of English Literature | 1 |
Mathematics A1 | Algebra to Quadratic Equations | 1 |
Mathematics A2 | Quadratics, Progressions and the Binomial Formula | ½ or 1 |
Mathematics B | Plane Geometry | 1 |
Mathematics C | Solid Geometry | ½ |
Mathematics D | Plane Trigonometry | ½ |
History A | Greek and Roman History | 1 |
History B | Mediæval and Modern European History | 1 |
History C | English History | 1 |
History D | American History and Civil Government | 1 |
Latin A | Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Latin B | Cæsar's Gallic War, I-IV; Grammar; Composition | 1 |
Latin C | Cicero's Orations (6); Grammar; Composition | 1 |
Latin D | Virgil's Æneid, I-VI; Grammar; Composition | 1 |
Greek A | Elementary Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Greek B | Xenophon's Anabasis, I-IV; Grammar; Composition | 1 |
Greek C | Homer's Iliad I-III; Grammar; Composition | 1 |
German A | Elementary Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
German B | Intermediate Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
German C | Third-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
German D | Fourth-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
French A | Elementary Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
French B | Intermediate Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
French C | Third-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
French D | Fourth-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Spanish A | Elementary Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Spanish B | Intermediate Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Spanish C | Third-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Spanish D | Fourth-Year Grammar, Composition, and Translation | 1 |
Science A | Physical Geography | 1 |
Science B | Inorganic Chemistry | 1 |
Science C | Experimental Physics | 1 |
Science D | Botany | ½ |
Science E | Zoölogy | ½ |
Science F | Agricultural (special schools) | 2 |
Drawing | Mechanical and Projection Drawing | 1 |
Shop-Work | Wood-Work, Forging, and Machine-Work | 1 |
Special Students.—An applicant who is at least 23 years old, and who
presents proper evidence of good character, and of needful maturity and
training, though unable to fulfill the foregoing entrance requirements, may,
by special action of the Law Faculty, in exceptional cases, be admitted as a
special student, and not as a candidate for the degree.
Every applicant for admission as a special student shall make written
application to the Dean of the University, on a blank furnished for the
purpose, with detailed information as to his age, general habits, his educational
and business experience, and his general fitness to undertake the
study of law. Such application, together with such testimonials as may be
required, must be filed with the Dean of the University not later than September
1 of the year in which the applicant desires to enter the Law School.
may be waived.
Every such applicant for admission as a special student must pass a
satisfactory examination, to be held at the University during the registration
days of the session. The examination, which will be conducted by a
committee of the Law Faculty, may include the subjects of English, American
and English History, and Civil Government.
This regulation is subject to the general university regulation as to
delayed entrance examinations.
Special students who fail to complete 60 per cent of the work taken
during any session may be declared ineligible for re-admission the following
Admission to Advanced Standing.—No credit is given for attendance at
another law school, nor for time spent in private reading. The candidate for
graduation must spend three years in residence.
The Session begins on the Thursday preceding the nineteenth of September,
and continues for thirty-nine weeks. The first three days of the
session are given to registration, and all students, both old and new, are
required during that time to place their names upon the books of the University
and the rolls of their respective classes. Lecture courses begin on
the following Monday, and absences will be recorded against any student not
present, from the opening lecture of each course. Students entering after the
first three days, without satisfactory excuse, will be charged a fee for registration.
Late Entrance.—Students are advised that late entrance is a serious
hindrance to progress. The student who enters late must begin his work at
the point to which the several courses have advanced at the time of his
entrance; and credit for three years' attendance cannot be secured unless the
student is in actual residence at least thirty weeks per session. No registration
in absentia is permissible.
Expenses.—The necessary expenses of a student in the Department of
Law may be estimated at $425 per session of nine months. This minimum
estimate includes all university and tuition fees, board, lodging, washing
and books. An average estimate would be $500 per session, reckoning
board, lodging, washing and books at a somewhat higher figure. The university
fee applicable to all law students (including those from Virginia)
is $40; and the tuition fee is $100 for the regular work of each session. For
special students who desire to take selected courses, the tuition fee is estimated
according to the ratio which the work chosen bears to the whole.
Three Years' Course.—The course of study embraces three years of
thirty-six weeks each, exclusive of holidays. Residence, for three years,
with attendance of at least thirty weeks a year, exclusive of holidays, is
essential to graduation.
Plan of Instruction.—The instruction is as thorough as possible, and is
given partly through text-books and lectures, and partly through the study
of cases. While convinced of the value of the combined text-book and
lecture system, which has prevailed for more than half a century in the Law
School, the Law Faculty have long appreciated the value that the study of
cases possesses, in illustrating the practical application of legal principles,
and in forcing the student to extract for himself the doctrine which the
cases establish. The recent enlargement of the course gives opportunity
for more emphasis on this form of instruction, and the case-book will,
therefore, be used more extensively than heretofore—not as supplanting,
but as supplementing, the text-book and lecture.
The daily oral quiz has long been a marked and, as experience has
proved, a most valuable feature of the system of instruction. As cross-examination
exposes error and develops truth, so the daily quiz enables the
instructor to discover and rectify misconception of legal principles on the
part of the student.
This oral quiz is supplemented by frequent written tests, the results of
which are carefully recorded, and, in the professor's discretion, are considered
in estimating the final grade of the student.
Practical Work.—In the course on Equity Procedure, Virginia Pleading,
Practice at Law, Code Pleading, Criminal Procedure, and Legal Bibliography
and Brief Making, special stress is laid upon practical work. In
the Pleading and Procedure courses, every student is required to draw, and
submit for correction and criticism, all of the principal pleadings, orders,
decrees, and other forms encountered in actual litigation. In the course
on Legal Bibliography and Brief Making, an intimate acquaintance with
law books and skill in their use are secured by oral and written quizzes, and
finally by practical tests; and briefs on assigned topics are required to be
prepared according to rigorous standards. Much practical work is done in
the headnoting of cases on scientific principles.
Required for Graduation.—The degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.)
is conferred upon such students as have attained the age of twenty-one
years; have satisfied the entrance requirements; have attended three full
sessions of the Law School; and have successfully passed the required examinations,
with satisfactory performance of assigned practical work.
More specifically, the candidate for graduation must have completed all
of the obligatory courses (see Outline of Courses, below), and at least two
elective courses, one of which must be either the course in Virginia Pleading
or that in Code Pleading.
It follows that of the courses termed "elective," a required minimum is
in fact obligatory—the candidate being permitted to exercise an election
among them.
The course, as outlined below, contemplates an average of ten lecture
periods (or 15 hours) per week.
Each session is divided into three terms. See table, p. 16.
Written examinations are held during the final week of each term, on
the subjects completed during the term, with the exception of the examination
in Forensic Debating, which is held at the end of the session. See
Schedule of Examinations, p. 18.
The following outline indicates the extent of the courses offered.
[Asterisks indicate elective courses.—Lecture periods are one and a half hours
Course No. |
Periods per week |
Total periods |
1. | Study of Cases—Legal Bibliography—Brief Making— Statutes |
2 | 26 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Cooley's Brief Making; Wambaugh's Study of Cases; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
2. | Contracts | 4 | 52 |
Professor Graves. | |||
(Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
Clark on Contracts; Huffcut and Woodruff's Cases on Contracts; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
3. | Criminal Law | 2 | 26 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Mikell's Cases on Criminal Law. | |||
12. | Domestic Relations | 2 | 26 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Long on Domestic Relations. | |||
4. | Forensic Debating | 2 | 26 |
Adjunct Professor Paul. | |||
(Section 1: Mon., and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
(Section 2: Mon., 12:30 to 2, and Wed., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
(Section 3: Tues. and Thurs., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
6. | Torts—including Master and Servant | 4 | 40 |
Professor Graves. | |||
(Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
Cooley on Torts; Chase's Cases on Torts; the Professor's Printed Notes; Burks' Printed Notes. |
7. | Bailments and Carriers | 3 | 30 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Tues., Thurs. and Sat., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Dobie on Bailments and Carriers; Dobie's Cases on Bailments and Carriers. |
8. | Agency | 2 | 20 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Mechem's Principles of Agency. | |||
4a. | Forensic Debating | 3 | 30 |
Adjunct Professor Paul. | |||
(Section 4: Mon., Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
(Section 5: Mon., Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
9. | Negotiable Paper | 2 | 20 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Bigelow on Bills, Notes and Cheques; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
10. | International Law | 2 | 20 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Davis' Elements of International Law. | |||
11. | Sales | 2 | 20 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Benjamin's (R. M.) Principles of Sales. | |||
13. | Insurance | 3 | 30 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Mon., Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Vance on Insurance. | |||
4b. | Forensic Debating | 3 | 30 |
Adjunct Professor Paul. | |||
(Section 6: Tues., Thurs. and Sat., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
14. | Equity Jurisprudence | 4 | 52 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Merwin's Principles of Equity; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
15. | Common Law Pleading | 2 | 26 |
Professor Graves. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
Burks on Pleading and Practice; the Professor's Printed Notes and Questions. |
17. | Real Property (begun) | 4 | 52 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Minor on Real Property. | |||
18. | Private Corporations | 4 | 40 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Clark on Corporations; the Virginia Corporation Act; Wormser's Cases on Private Corporations. |
19. | *Pleading in Virginia | 2 | 20 |
Professor Graves. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
Burks on Pleading and Practice; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
17a. | Real Property (concluded) | 3 | 26 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Mon., Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Minor on Real Property. | |||
16. | Constitutional Law (begun) | 3 | 4 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Mon., Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Minor's Notes on Government; Black's Constitutional Law. |
22. | *Code Pleading | 2 | 20 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Bryant on Code Pleading. | |||
20. | *Admiralty | 2 | 20 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Hughes on Admiralty. | |||
21. | Practice at Law, including Extraordinary Remedies | 3 | 30 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 11 to 12:30; Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Burks on Pleading and Practice; Graves' Printed Notes. | |||
16a. | Constitutional Law (concluded) | 4 | 40 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat., 11 to 12:30.) | |||
Minor's Notes on Government; Black's Constitutional Law. |
27. | Taxation | 2 | 20 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Goodnow's Cases on Taxation. | |||
25. | Criminal Procedure | 2 | 26 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Thurs. and Sat., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Beale on Criminal Pleading and Practice; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
26. | Wills and Administration | 2 | 26 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Costigan's Cases on Wills. | |||
38 | *Roman Law | 2 | 26 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Morey's Outlines of Roman Law. | |||
28. | Bankruptcy | 2 | 26 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Mon., 11 to 12:30; Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Remington on Bankruptcy (Students' Edition). | |||
29. | Partnership | 2 | 26 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Tues. and Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Mechem's Elements of Partnership. | |||
31. | Equity Procedure | 2 | 20 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Lile's Equity Pleading and Practice. | |||
32. | Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions | 3 | 30 |
Professor Minor. | |||
(Tues. and Thurs., 9:30 to 11; Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Minor on the Conflict of Laws. | |||
33. | Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure | 3 | 30 |
Professor Dobie. | |||
(Mon., Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Hughes on Federal Procedure. | |||
34. | *Damages | 2 | 20 |
Professor Eager. | |||
(Wed. and Sat., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Hale on Damages. | |||
35. | Public Corporations | 2 | 20 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Wed. and Fri., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Macy's Cases on Municipal Corporations; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
36. | Legal Ethics, Preparation of Cases, and Practice of the Law |
2 | 20 |
Professor Lile. | |||
(Mon. and Sat., 12:30 to 2.) | |||
Archer's Ethical Obligations of the Lawyer; the Code of Ethics of the American Bar Association; Parallel Reading—including Answers to Questions by the Committee of the New York County Bar Association on Professional Ethics; the Professor's Notes. |
37. | Evidence | 6 | 60 |
Professor Graves. | |||
(Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat., 9:30 to 11.) | |||
Greenleaf on Evidence (16th edition by Wigmore); Hughes' Illustrations of Evidence; the Professor's Printed Notes. |
First Term—September 15 to December 16—13 Weeks.[1] | |||||||||||
Prof. Lile | Periods per week |
Total periods |
Prof. Lile | Periods per week |
Total periods |
Prof. Minor | Periods per week |
Total periods |
1. | Study of Cases | 2 | 26 | ||||||||
Legal Bibliography | |||||||||||
Brief Making | |||||||||||
Interp. Statutes | 25. | Criminal Procedure | 2 | 26 | |||||||
Prof. Graves | 14. | Equity Jurisprudence | 4 | 52 | Prof. Dobie | ||||||
2. | Contracts | 4 | 52 | Prof. Graves | 26. | Wills and Administration. | 2 | 26 | |||
Prof. Dobie | 15. | Common Law Pleading | 2 | 26 | 38. | [2] Roman Law | 2 | 26 | |||
3. | Criminal Law | 2 | 26 | Prof. Minor | Prof. Eager | ||||||
Prof. Paul | 17. | Real Property (begun) | 4 | 52 | 28. | Bankruptcy | 2 | 26 | |||
4. | Forensic Debating | 2 | 26[3] | 29. | Partnership | 2 | 26 | ||||
Prof. Eager | |||||||||||
12. | Domestic Relations | 2 | 26 | ||||||||
Second Term—January 2 to March 14—10 Weeks.[4] | |||||||||||
Prof. Lile | |||||||||||
18. | Private Corporations | 4 | 40 | Prof. Lile | |||||||
Prof. Graves | Prof. Graves | 31. | Equity Procedure | 2 | 20 | ||||||
6. | Torts, Including Master and Servant |
4 | 40 | 19. | [5] Pleading in Virginia | 2 | 20 | Prof. Minor | |||
Prof. Minor | 32. | Conflict of Laws | 3 | 30 | |||||||
Prof. Dobie | 17a. | Real Property (concluded) | 3 | 26 | Prof. Dobie | ||||||
7. | Bailments and Carriers | 3 | 30 | 16. | Constitutional Law (begun) | 3 | 4 | 33. | Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure |
3 | 30 |
Prof. Eager | Prof. Eager | ||||||||||
8. | Agency | 2 | 20 | 20. | [6] Admiralty | 2 | 20 | Prof. Eager | |||
Prof. Dobie | 34. | [7] Damages | 2 | 20 | |||||||
22 | [8] Code Pleading | 2 | 20 | ||||||||
Third Term—March 22 to May 31—10 Weeks.[9] | |||||||||||
Prof. Lile | Prof. Eager | Prof. Lile | |||||||||
9. | Negotiable Paper | 2 | 20 | 21. | Practice at Law | 3 | 30 | 35. | Public Corporations | 2 | 20 |
Prof. Minor | Prof. Minor | 36. | Legal Ethics, Preparation of Cases and Practice of the Law |
2 | 20 | ||||||
10. | International Law | 2 | 20 | 16a. | Constitional Law (concluded) | 4 | 40 | ||||
Prof. Dobie | |||||||||||
11. | Sales | 2 | 20 | Prof. Dobie | Prof. Graves | ||||||
Prof. Eager | |||||||||||
13. | Insurance | 3 | 30 | 27. | Taxation | 2 | 20 | 37. | Evidence | 6 | 60 |
FIRST TERM | ||||||
Hours | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
9:30 to 11:00 |
Forens. Debating (i) Real Property |
Criminal Law Real Property |
Forens. Debat. (ii) Real Property Roman Law |
Criminal Law Criminal Procedure |
Forens. Debat. (i) Real Property Roman Law |
Criminal Procedure |
11:00 to 12:30 |
Contracts | Forens. Debat. (iii) Com. Law Plead. |
Contracts | Forens. Debat. (iii) Com. Law Plead. |
Contracts | Contracts |
12:30 to 2:00 |
Forens. Debating (ii) Equity Jurisp. Bankruptcy |
Brief Making Partnership |
Domestic Rel. Equity Jurisp. Wills and Admin. |
Brief Making Bankruptcy |
Domestic Rel. Equity Jurisp. Wills and Admin. |
Equity Jurisp. Partnership |
SECOND TERM | ||||||
9:30 to 11:00 |
Forens. Debating (iv) Real Property Constitutional Law |
Bailments & Carriers Admiralty Conflict of Laws |
Forens. Debat. (iv) Real Property Constitutional Law Damages |
Bailments & Carriers Admiralty Conflict of Laws |
Forens. Debat. (iv) Real Property Constitutional Law |
Bailments & Carriers Damages |
11:00 to 12:30 |
Torts | Virginia Pleading | Torts | Virginia Pleading | Torts | Torts |
12:30 to 2:00 |
Forens. Debating (v) Private Corporations Fed. Jurisd. & Proced. |
Agency Equity Procedure Code Pleading |
Forens. Debat. (v) Private Corporations Fed. Jurisd. & Proced. |
Agency Equity Procedure Code Pleading |
Forens. Debat. (v) Private Corporations Fed. Jurisd. & Proced. |
Private Corporations Conflict of Laws |
THIRD TERM | ||||||
9:30 to 11:00 |
Evidence | International Law Evidence |
Sales Evidence |
International Law Evidence |
Sales Evidence |
Evidence |
11:00 to 12:30 |
Forens. Debating (vi) Constitutional Law |
Practice at Law | Forens. Debat. (vi) Constitutional Law |
Practice at Law | Forens. Debat. (vi) Constitutional Law |
Constitutional Law |
12:30 to 2:00 |
Legal Eth. & Pr. of L. Insurance |
Negotiable Paper Taxation |
Insurance Public Corporations |
Negotiable Paper Taxation |
Insurance Public Corporations |
Legal Eth. & Pr. of L. Practice at Law |
For Session 1917-18.
Examinations will be held on successive days during the last week of
each term, on all subjects completed during the term, and in order indicated
Examinations in courses marked (a) are held in the afternoon.
First Term | Second Term | Third Term | |
1. | Contracts | Federal Procedure | Constitutional Law |
Bankruptcy (a) | Bailments & Car. (a) | Negotiable Paper (a) | |
2. | Real Property (i) | Real Property (ii) | Evidence |
3. | Roman Law | Conflict of Laws | Legal Ethics, etc. (a) |
Criminal Law (a) | Admiralty (a) | ||
4. | Wills and Adm. | Torts | Sales |
Equity Procedure (a) | Code Pleading (a) | ||
5. | Brief Making, etc. (a) | Private Corporations | Insurance |
Equity Jurisprudence | Damages (a) | Public Corporations (a) | |
6. | Criminal Procedure | Virginia Pleading | Practice at Law |
Domestic Relations (a) | Agency (a) | International Law (a) | |
7. | Common Law Plead. | Taxation (a) | |
Partnership (a) |
The Charles Minor Blackford Prize in the Department of Law was
established through the liberality of Mrs. Susan Colston Blackford, of
Lynchburg, Va., in memory of her husband, the late Charles Minor Blackford,
a distinguished alumnus of the Law School. The prize consists of
fifty dollars in cash, and is awarded each year to a student in the Department
of Law for the best essay on some legal or sociological subject.
Each competitor must file with the Dean of the Department of Law not
later than April 15 his name and the title of his essay, and must file his
completed essay not later than May 1st. All essays must be typewritten,
must contain not more than 15,000 words, and must not be folded. The
award is made by a committee of three competent persons, not locally connected
with the University, to be selected annually by the Law Faculty.
In making the award, literary form as well as subject matter, is taken into
For the session of 1915-16 this prize was awarded to Eugene Silver Williams,
whose essay was entitled Leading Questions on the Examination of Witnesses.
1. Registration of New Students.—Before registration in the Law
School, students who have not before been registered in any department of
the University must produce to the Dean of the Law School (office in
Minor Hall) a certificate from the Dean of the University that entrance
requirements have been fulfilled.
2. Registration Generally.—Students must register in advance at the
office of the Dean of the Law School and with the Registrar for every
course taken, and no credit will be given for work done in any course without
proper registration therefor.
3. Delayed Registration.—Students are not permitted to delay their
registration through carelessness or for inadequate reasons. Any student,
new or old, who fails to present himself for registration during the first
three days of the session, and between the hours of nine a. m. and two p. m.
on the first week-day after the Christmas Recess, will be admitted to registration
only upon the consent of the Dean, and will be charged a special
registration fee of three dollars.
4. Exchange or Omission of Courses.—After registration no course
may be exchanged or omitted except on the written approval of the professor
in charge and of the Dean.
5. Maximum for Which Student May Register.—No student is permitted
to register, in any year, for courses comprising in the aggregate
more than 450 periods—including subjects taken but not completed in a
previous year—nor, in any case, for new courses aggregating more than
350 periods.
6. Minimum for Which Student Must Register.—No student, without
special permission, and for good cause, may register for less than nine
periods per week.
7. Advanced Work.—Students of one year are not permitted to anticipate
the courses of a subsequent year, without urgent reasons satisfactory
to the Dean.
8. Late Entrance Into Classes.—No credit is given for the completion
of any course upon which the student has entered after fifty per centum of
the lectures thereon have been delivered.
9. Optional Attendance.—A student who has attended the required lectures
upon any subject may, on written application, with the endorsed
approval of the professor in charge, and of the Dean, secure optional attendance
privilege does not reduce his lecture periods below nine per week, nor
infringe Regulation 5.
10. General Requirements.—Every student of the Law School is
required to attend all regular exercises of the classes of which he is a member,
and to perform all the work assigned, including quizzes and examinations,
unless excused for good cause by the faculty.
11. Invalids.—Students whose condition of health is too precarious to
permit regular attendance upon lectures, but not serious enough to admit
them as patients of the hospital, will be required to withdraw from the University
until able to resume their regular work.
12. Conditions of Re-Admission.—Any student who, without satisfactory
cause, has not attained for the session, on his examinations, credit for
courses completed, comprising in the aggregate at least 150 periods, or, in
lieu thereof, a grade of 75 per centum on courses aggregating 200 periods,
will be excluded from the Law School the following session. The result of
one or more special examinations, granted for cause under existing regulations,
may be considered in determining whether this requirement has been
The foregoing provisions do not affect students who have been permitted,
for cause, to take less than two-thirds of a full year's work. Such
students will be subject to exclusion or other conditions as may be prescribed.
In this connection, attention is called to Regulation 5 foregoing.
13. Students Admitted on Terms of Diligence, by reason of previous
unsatisfactory record in the Law School, or other department of the University,
will be held to an average class grade (or examination grade, in
classes in which class grades are not recorded) of 75 per centum, in the
work of the first term. Failure to attain this grade without satisfactory
cause, unless the result of his other examinations shall raise his average
grade to the required standard, will operate to exclude such delinquent
from the Law School for the remainder of the session. An average class
grade of less than 75 per centum, at the end of any term, will be regarded
as evidence of a lack of the diligence required by the terms of this condition.
14. First-Year Students.—Failure on the part of any first-year student,
without just cause, to attain, for the first term, an average grade of seventy-five
per centum on the daily written quizzes, will place such student on probation
for the remainder of the session, and the student and his parent or
guardian will be so notified. Unless, in the opinion of the Law Faculty, a
decided improvement in the character of such student's work is indicated
at the end of the second term, he will be required to withdraw from the
Law School.
15. Absence from the University is permitted upon the written leave
of the Dean of the Law School. But leaves of absence for the purpose of
granted, except to the officers and members of the organizations.
16. Absence from Lectures may be excused by the professors for sickness
or like providential cause. Such excuses must be rendered on the day
of the first lecture attended after the absence. Unexcused absences from
lectures render the student liable to be disciplined.
17. Special Examinations.—No special examinations are granted, save
in cases of sickness on the day of examination (attested by physician's certificate),
or for other imperative cause approved by the Law Faculty. In no
case will such examination be granted, unless prompt application be made
18. Re-Examinations—Third-Year Students.—Candidates for the degree,
who have failed on one or more subjects during their third year, may
return the following session, and stand the regular examinations on such
subjects, without further attendance upon lectures. But this privilege may
be exercised but once—that is to say, after a second failure the candidate
must take the lectures over again, on the subject or subjects on which he
has for a second time proved deficient.
19. Examination Fees.—The fee for standing such examinations as are
mentioned in the preceding regulation is five dollars for each examination
taken. Students who, under such circumstances, return for further lectures,
and who have paid full matriculation and tuition fees for three years, pay a
matriculation fee in proportion to the amount of work taken plus $5 for
each course.
There is no charge for special examinations granted for imperative
20. Honor System.—All examinations are conducted under the Honor
21. Application for Degree.—Candidates for graduation are required to
file a written application with the Dean, not later than November 15th of
their third year, indicating the courses completed, together with a schedule
of the courses to be pursued during their final year. Blanks for this purpose
will be supplied on application to the Dean.
22. Required Withdrawal.—The right is reserved to require the withdrawal
of any student who, in the opinion of the faculty, is not profiting
nor likely to profit, by the instruction offered; or whose neglect or irregular
performance of required duties, after admonition, indicates indifference or
contumacy; or whose habits are a menace to the good order of the Law
The University of Virginia record January 1, 1917 | ||