University of Virginia Library

Student Enrolment.

Up to Monday morning, September 23,
1907, the number of students who had
completed the process of matriculation
by filling out the blanks in the Registrar's
office was 676. At the same date
the enrolment in the several departments
of the University, as reported by the
deans, was as follows: In the College,
290; in the Law School, 202; in the Medical
Department, 95; in the Engineering
Department, 103; in the Graduate
Schools, 27. The comparatively small
number of students in the Department of
Medicine is doubtless explained chiefly
by the fact that the entrance requirements
have kept out a number of men
who otherwise would have entered. The
reduction in numbers will likely be only
temporary, and will be amply compensated
in the meantime by the higher
grade of work that will be possible with
the classes made up of better prepared

The number of new students enrolled
to September 23 is, as reported by Dean
J. M. Page, 286. On the same date last
session the number was only 269, thus
giving a gain for this year of 17, or over
6 per cent. The average annual gain in
the total enrolment of the University
during the last four or five years has been
about 6 per cent. If the gain this year is
iregular, the enrolment of last session—
784—will be exceeded by some forty or
fifty men. From present indications the
whole number of students this year will
be considerably in excess of 800.

Athletics at the University are receiving
their accustomed share of vigorous
attention. John H. Neff, Jr., is captain
of the football team, while Hammond
Johnson, Oscar Randolph and Herbert
Peck are helping the men up to the winning

The number of Alumni Scholarship
students is large this year, owing doubtless
to the fact that the Board of Visitors
have recently agreed to allow such students
from Virginia remission of the University
entrance fee.