University of Virginia Library



A low ground-mist, the hills between
Measuring their intervals, distends
Ridge beyond ridge, the sylvan scene;
Far off the reddening river bends
From bridge to town. On hueless air
The moon suspends her pearly shell
Above the eastern ledges bare;
But sunset throngs yon western dell
That pants through amethystine mist
And gleams as though the Sons of God
Through golden ether stooped, and kissed
Some Syrian vale the Saviour trod!
The beatific Splendours wane:
The hills, of all that sweetness gone,
A roseate memory still retain:
Thou compline chime, peal on, peal on!
Of Him thou sing'st whose Blood erased
Earth's ancient stain by power divine;
Of them, that second Pair, who paced
That second Eden, Palestine.