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Sec. 494(2). Fire limits—congested fire limits.

The following shall and are hereby declared to be the Fire

(a) Congested Fire Limits.—Beginning at a point on Ninth
Street, N. E., one hundred and fifty feet north of High Street,
thence by a line one hundred and fifty feet north of and parallel
to High Street westerly to a point one hundred and fifty feet
west of Second Street, N. W., thence in a southerly direction


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parallel to Second Street, N. W., to a point one hundred and
fifty feet north of Main Street, thence in a westerly course one
hundred and fifty feet north of and parallel to Main Street to
the west side of Fourteenth Street, thence south along the west
side of Fourteenth Street to a point where the C. & O. Railroad
crosses Main Street, thence along the north side of the C. & O.
Railroad in a westerly direction to where Madison Lane, if extended,
would cross said Railroad, thence along Madison Lane in
a southerly direction to Main Street (University Avenue), thence
along Main Street in an easterly direction to the C. & O. Railroad,
thence along said Railroad to Ridge Street, thence leaving said
Railroad in a south-easterly direction along Ridge Street to Garrett
Street, thence along Garrett Street in an easterly direction
to Fifth Street, S. E., hence in a northeasterly direction along
Fifth Street, S. E., to a point one hundred feet south of the C.
& O. Railroad, thence in an easterly direction parallel to and one
hundred feet south of said Railroad to a point on Seventh Street
East, thence northerly along Seventh Street, East to Market
Street, thence east along Market Street to Ninth Street, East,
thence following Ninth Street to the point of beginning.

(b) Fire Limits.—The following shall be and are hereby declared
to be the fire limits:

Beginning on the Ivy Road at the western end of the limits of
the City of Charlottesville, thence following the limits of the City
of Charlottesville by a broken line in a general northeasterly direction
to the old Barracks Road, also called Preston Avenue,
thence in a southerly direction along the old Barracks Road or
Preston Avenue, to a point where Charlton Avenue, if extended
would meet the old Barracks Road, thence in a southeasterly direction
along Charlton Avenue to the new double track line of
the Southern Railroad, thence following the line along where
Charlton Avenue would run if it were extended in a straight
line to the old line of the Southern Railroad, thence in a northeasterly
direction along center line of the old Southern Railroad
to the line of the corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville,
before the extension of 1916, thence following said old Corporate
line to Park Street, thence in a straight line in a northeasterly
direction to the northwestern end of Hazel Street, thence along
Hazel Street to the Free Bridge Road, thence up the Free Bridge


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Road in a westerly direction to Meade Avenue, thence along
Meade Avenue to Market Street, thence in a straight line to
where Carlton Road crosses the C. & O. Railroad, thence along
Carlton Road to Carlton Avenue, thence east along Carlton Avenue
to the Corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville, thence
along the corporate line to Elliott Avenue, thence along Elliott
Avenue, to the Scottsville Road, thence in a straight line to the
eastern end of Lankford Avenue, thence following Lankford
Avenue to Ridge Street, thence along an unnamed alley in the
line of the extension of Lankford Avenue, to 5th Street, S. W.,
thence along 5th Street, S. W., in a westerly direction to Apple
Street, thence in a straight line to Elm Street, and along Elm
Street to 9th Street, S. W., thence in a northerly direction along
9th Street, S. W. to Cherry Street, thence along Cherry Street
to the Corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville, thence following
the Corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville as established
in 1916 by the annexation to the point of the beginning.