University of Virginia Library


[With the Omniscient Spirit fill'd]

Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled, &c. —xiii. 9.

With the Omniscient Spirit fill'd
Who knows what is in man,
Paul perceives the fiend conceal'd
From mortal view in vain;
Looks with Jesus' flaming eyes,
Which sin-consuming virtue dart,
Sees his heart without disguise,
His false infernal heart.
Not with angry passion fired,
But holy fervent zeal,
By his righteous Lord inspired
His judgments to reveal;


Paul rebukes in truth severe,
The power of Jesus to display,
Gives the wizard's character,
And drags him into day.
Sharpness exercised on one
Is mercy shown to all,
Warns them of the pit unknown,
Nor suffers them to fall;
Love of truth and innocence
Are to the Lamb's apostle given,
Justify his vehemence,
And prove his zeal from Heaven.