University of Virginia Library


When Pitt was out of office push'd,
What horror smote the levee mob!
Mad into street of Downing rush'd
His minions, always ready for a job:
A most obsequious stud of hacks,
Who bore him on their humble backs
Through dirty lanes, through thick and thin;
No matter what the object, no;
When Pitt commands—it must be so;
Whether to clothe the naked realm, or skin
Muse, would it be too harsh to say,
The tumult on that kick-out day
Was mob-like at a house on fire;
Where friends, amid the conflagration,
With a kind thief-acceleration,
Whip off the goods they guarded by desire?
Unfeeling as a stone, or harder,
In rush'd Lord G--- to the larder,
Caught up a goose for self and wife;


In ran Dundas with hungry paunch,
Snatch'd up a turbot and a haunch:
In bounc'd Charles Long, and, with his butcher's knife,
(For in the plunder he must also join),
And cut off slices from a fat sirloin.
In scamper'd Wyndham—‘Where's my share?
I must be partner in the spoils:’
Then up he caught an old jack hare,
A proper present for his toils:’
‘I must have something,’ Canning cries,
And fastens on some rich-mince pies,
As dext'rous as the rest to rifle:
Ecod! and he must something do
For mother and for sisters too,
So steals some syllabubs and trifle .
But where was Justice all the while,
That things were going off in style?
Poor gentlewoman! she was gagg'd and bound;
Her even scales, alas! abhorr'd,
In pieces broken with her sword;
Nor were the fasces to be found.


Such were the guardians of the state,
Just like a shoal of sharks who swam in,
With maws as wide as the park gate,
To save (by eating us) from famine!

With a ministerial fortune by matrimony; with sinecures, &c. to a large amount, squeez'd from the vitals of the nation; this modest and generous youth could not afford to yield his poor mother, Mistress Hunn, alias Mistress Reddish, alias Mistress Canning, a pittance.— No! the kingdom must be saddled with five hundred pounds a pear for her support. Such is the laudable distribution of public treasure! Such are the depositaries of the national confidence; and of such we are ordered not to complain, for fear of the impotation of jacobinism!!!