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Sec. 493(11). Electrical construction in streets.

No electrical conductors, wires, conduits, poles, lamps or other
electrical devices or fixtures shall be constructed, erected, strung,
laid, maintained, changed or altered, above, below or in any
street, avenue, park or public place in any part of the City, nor
shall any extension of the electrical conductors either overhead
or underground be made, without the written consent of the City
Electrician. Provided that for any work contemplated which
will require any disturbance of the streets or excavations in them,
or the placing of any obstruction in said streets, such permit
from the City Electrician shall be approved by the City Manager.

And provided that in every case of refusal of a permit by the
City Electrician, the person, firm or corporation that has been refused
such permit may make application to the City Manager for
said permit, whose decision shall be final.