University of Virginia Library

56. A Visit from Neptune

IT is a custom as old as sailing, for aught I know, for every armed vessel on passing the equator to receive a visit from his aquatic Godship Neptune, who is supposed to hold his court in that locality, suffering no ship to pass until he has satisfied himself by personal inspection that there are none on board but regularly initiated sailors; that is, 'those who have previously crossed the line and submitted to his initiatory rites. We bad a number of novices among officers and men, and consequently the event was anticipated with even more than ordinary interest.

It was just gone eight bells in the evening, when a rough voice over the bows was heard hailing the ship.

"What's wanting ? "said the officer of the deck.

"Heave to. I want to come on board,"was the surly response.

The requisite orders were given, and a few moments after a gigantic figure was seen ascending the side, dressed in an oilskin coat, and wearing a wig of Manilla yarn, which, at a little distance, had the appearance of yellow curly hair.

He was accompanied by another grotesque figure representing his wife, and the two were followed by a third, who was supposed to be His Majesty's confidential barber, provided with the utensils of his calling, which consisted of a bucket of slush, and a


preposterous razor, about three feet long, manufactured from an iron hoop. His Godship carried an immense speakingtrumpet under his arm, a trident in his right hand, and stepped upon the deck with all the dignity his assumed position warranted.

"What ship is this ? "he said, in an authoritative voice.

"The Confederate Cruiser, Shenandoah,"replied the officer of the deck, touching his hat.

"Are there any of my subjects on board who have never crossed the line before ? "was the next question.

"There are several, I believe."

"Bring them before me! "continued his Godship, and thereupon such of the company as had already passed the ordeal dispersed in search of the novices.

We found them stowed away in every imaginable place of concealment, but they were scented out, and dragged before the Ocean Deity, where they were solemnly lathered from the slush-bucket, and shaved with the iron hoop, according to immemorial usage.

The frolic was kept up till a late hour, and an additional zest was added to the festivities by the fact that two or three of our youngsters actually believed that they had been in the presence of the veritable Neptune, and it was only after the expiration of a considerable time that they discovered that they had been imposed upon by some of their own shipmates.