The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
Psalme. XLVI.
The Argument.
In this Christes spouse elect (full well)Her thankes to God extendth:
For that he dyd her foes debell,
And that he her defendth.
Our hope is God and strength (at eye)he guidth wyth hys good hand:
A present helpe: in trouble nye,
hys grace therby doth stand.
For this we neede: not care (and feare)though world be cast in stowne:
Though hils to sea: were thrown (euen there)
though all turne vpside downe.
The waters though: they rage (in streme)how euer they do swell:
Though mountayns quake: at noyse of them,
yet iust man hopth full wel.
For why sweete brookes: and floudes (full nye)Gods Citie glad shall steepe:
Hys holy place: and sanctuarye,
God strongly it doth keepe.
God dwelth in myds: of her (alone)no man shall her remoue:
Ryght early God: shall helpe her sone,
hys church I meane aboue.
The heathen though: they rage (to fonde)and realmes resist I say:
God raysde hys voyce: and so in londe,
our foes dyd melt away.
The Lord of hostes: so strong (euen he)Wyth vs he standth to fyght:
So Iacobs God: our refuge be,
we feare no humayne myght.
Lo come and see: how God (in wrath)great meruayles aye hath wrought:
What landes to nought: he scatred hath,
how low theyr Idols brought.
He put down warrs: and stryfe (in feare)the whole world where they went:
He knapth the bow: and breakth the speare,
wyth fire he charets brent.
Be still and know: I say (all ye)that God I am aryght:
To heathen all: knowne will I be,
the world shall see my myght.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||