University of Virginia Library



A new years welcome lovely maid
Awakes the poets song
Be not of moral truths afraid
Nor deem the lesson wrong
Though newyears still their welcomes bring
& hails thy blooming hour
& on the green lap of the spring
Leaves thee its fairest flower
The withered year had youth & pride
As thy unclouded joy
But the today though deified
To morrow shall destroy
& sweet as is thy lovely bloom
Of mingled white & red
A days in waiting yet to come
Shall find that beauty fled
Bind not thy heart to things so frail
A worshipher of pride
Let choice of better things prevail
& meaner ones deride
As fair as is that lovely bloom
Thy witching youth puts on
A frowning year is yet to come
Shall find its blossom gone
The withered year saw many flowers
As fair as thou art seen
That now are lost to suns & showers
With blossoms that have been
Then live from pride & folly free
& wear an angels bosom
& when the last new year shall be
Live an unfading blossom