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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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When the son of man comes in his glory anew
& all holy angels surrounding him too
Then shall he sit upon glory his throne
& before him all nations be gathered as one
The one from the other he'll seperate then
The wise & the good from lascevious men
The sheep from the goats the good shepherds divide
As gold in the furnace is heated & tried
When his sheep are no longer of comfort bereft
Shall be placed on his right hand & the goats on his left
Come ye blessed of God bid to troubles adieu
& inherit the kingdom prepared for you
From the foundation of earth—the beginning of time
Come of every colour from every clime
For when I was hungered ye offered me meat
& when I was thirsty your water was sweet
Ye lodged me a stranger—forsaken of all
When naked ye cloathed me nor left me in thrall
I was in prison ye came to me there
& your talk made my bonds unconfined as the air
Then shall the righteous say when did we Lord
See then an hungered & offer thee food
Or thirsty to give thee of drink as a guest
A stranger to find thee a welcome & rest


Or naked & cloathed thee in part of our wealth
When saw we thee sick & restored thee to health
Or in prison came to thee to make thy bonds free
& the king shall make answer—ye did it to me
For verily I say unto you in as much
As ye've done it to the least of my brothers twas such
Ye have done it to me in the mind & the heart—
He shall say to the left now ye cursed depart
From me into hell everlasting & fire
With the devils own tortures & never expire
For I was an hungered & ye gave me no meat
& athirst but ye brought me no drink in my heat
I was a stranger ye offered no rest
Naked ye cloathed me not—sick & distrest
Ye visited not to give health or set free
Then shall they say Lord—whenever did we
See then an hungered or sick or athirst
Or naked or stranger or in bonds from the first
& did not administer comfort to thee
Then shall he answer them saying—as ye
Did it not to the poorest & least of my fold
Your friendship to me was as barren & cold
& these shall go away to the punishment due
But the righteous shall find joys eternity true