University of Virginia Library



God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved.”— 1 Tim. ii. 3, 4.

Hope lifts us out of petty ruts,
And opens wide the heavenly gate
Which earthly care so blindly shuts,
And makes us masters of our fate;
It shows the larger view of things,
And looks before and after both,
Until we stand as crownèd kings
And beat down Bel and Ashtaroth.
It raiseth, Father, men to Thee
As peers in Thine own glorious pride,
With its enfranchisements as free
And partners seated at Thy side.
Whence we may mark the orbèd end
Obscured by many a shade and shoal,
And see how Thy creations tend
To their predestined happy goal.
Behold all creatures gathered in
Out of a thousand thousand lands
In other distant worlds, to win
The benediction of Thy Hand;
And at the supreme final close
One family in bliss to be,
If some at first but darkly chose
A path that dimly led to Thee.