University of Virginia Library



Come our hame, laddie,
Laddie, I'm wearie:
Jock o' Glen Moristane,
Jockie, my dearie!”
“Mither, where's Jockie gane?
Ken ye, my mither?
Gin I tyne Jockie,
I'll ne'er find anither.”
“Jock's gane a hawking, lass,
Doun by Loch Lomond:
Jock's no be back to thee,
Lassie, this twa' mond.


“Jockie's no true to ye
Mair than to twenty;
Mithers ye hae but ane,
Wooers by plenty.”
“Tell me nae mair, mither,
Mither, I'm wearie:
Jockie's my ain true love,
Jockie's my dearie.”
“Jock's i' the well, Lizzie,
Lizzie Mac Taggart!
Speir where your mither gat
Bluid on her shoe-girt?
“Toom is your father's ha',
Jock o' Glen Mor'stane!
Toom is your bridal bed,
Cauld is your hear'stane!


“Cauld is your hand, Jockie,
Doun i' the water:
Caulder the heart that leed
Till her ain dochter!
“Cauld is the wide warld
To hearts that are wearie.
Come to my arms, Jockie,
Jockie, my dearie!”