University of Virginia Library



A Song.


Whatever sorrow cloud my lot,
On distant day or near,
The darkness shall dismay me not
—I have no cause to fear.
No gloom upon my soul can light
If Stella's face I see,
O my heart and all the heavens are bright
When Stella shines on me!


The world is full of noisy strife
And selfish tumult all,
And into every ordered life
Some jarring notes will fall;
But all the discord of the fray
In vain invades my ear,
O my heart and all the world is gay
When Stella's voice I hear!



The beauty of the summer air
Is round about her thrown,
The music of the woodlands fair
Is in her every tone.
She speaks, she smiles, and fear and care
Like mists of morning flee;
O Heaven is bright and Earth is fair,
And Stella smiles on me!