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To an old Friend with friendly Spirit came
A brave old Seaman, Fletcher was his Name;
Late from Madras, and eager to behold
The Place he knew, the Scenes he loved of old.
Two days had past, since he that friend had seen,
And heard and told of what had acted been,
Or what befallen, in that favourite Town
Which the sea washed, in fact had half-washed down.
When all pertaining to themselves had End,
The Captain spake of what concerned a Friend—
A wealthy Man, whom he had left behind,
And hoped again an healthy Man to find.
“Well, my dear Jonas, you have heard of all
“That you or I concern of Ours can call;
“Now for my Friend! 'Tis thirty years at least
“Since he began adventuring in the East;
“And, after labouring much with much Success,
“He now is worth—but think a bit and guess!
“He married early, but his Wife was weak;
“And his Boys died before they learn'd to speak.
“Still he went on, though free from all the Itch
“Of living grandly or of dying rich.
“Parting, he said—for our Concerns in Trade
“Had us fast Friend of slight Acquaintance made—
“‘Fletcher, there are, not distant from the Place
“‘Which you will visit, Remnants of our Race.
“‘I left an elder Brother, only one
“‘Of all our Kin, and he an only Son.
“‘Ben had small sense, but yet had, [as] they tell—
“‘For I have made Enquiry—acted well;
“‘Married a Dame with Money, and began,
“‘As Burgess told, to be a noted Man.
“‘But the Wife died, who was his Stay and Prop;
“‘Then Fortune varied, and he made a stop.
“‘She left one Boy—and never Boy betrayed
“‘Less Wit than Ben; who married with his Maid,
“‘A close young Shrew—yet, do her right, she kept
“‘Together closely all that could be swept
“‘From his half-wasted Substance. Children more
“‘Than I can name she to the Blockhead bore,
“‘To share his Pittance with the former Son;
“‘And he survived not long, when this was done.
“‘Years pass'd with them, I need not tell you how,
“‘For they are gone and are forgotten now;
“‘But [how] the Children, Men and Women, they,
“‘Were placed, how fed, is more than I can say.


“‘Yet near the Place I may suppose they dwell,
“‘And some the state in which they live may tell;
“‘When your Report shall be to me a Guide
“‘How I my little scraping may divide. [OMITTED]