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The Book of Psalms in English Metre

The Newest Version Fitted to the Common Tunes. By Charles Darby

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Psalm LXVI.


Sing to the Lord, ye nations all,
With sweet and joyful sound:
Sing forth the honour of his name,
And make his praise renown'd.


Say unto him, in all thy works,
How dreadful, Lord, art thou?
For through the greatness of thy power,
Thy foes to thee shall bow.


Yea all the earth shall worship thee,
And thus thy praise declare,
Come, see the mighty works of God,
How terrible they are.


He turn'd the channels of the sea
To firm and beaten ways:
We passed through the flood on foot,
And there we sung his praise.


He by his power forever rules,
His eyes the world behold:
Then let not the rebellious men
Grow insolent and bold.


O bless and magnifie our God,
Sing praise, ye people all,


Who suffers not our life to fade.
Nor yet our feet to fall.


As silver thou hast proved us,
On us thy net was thrown:
And with a load of misery,
Our loins were bowed down.


Men rode upon our heads: and we
Through fire and water past:
But thou into a wealthy place
Didst bring us out at last.


Therefore my offerings and my vows,
Shall in thy house be paid,
Which in the day of my distress,
My lips to thee have made.


The best of all my flocks and herds,
I will present to thee:
The choicest bullocks, goats, and rams
My sacrifice shall be.


Come near to me, I then will say,
All ye the Lord that fear:
And what he for my soul has done,
I will to you declare.


To him my tongue did cry aloud,
And did extol his name:
And had my heart regarded sin,
He had not heard the same.


But surely God has heard my prayer,
And granted my request:
O let this good and gracious God,
For evermore be blest.