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The Poetical Works of the late Mrs Mary Robinson

including many pieces never before published. In Three Volumes

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Unhappy has the traveller been
Who, where the languid flow'rets wave,
The glitt'ring tears of morn has seen
On beauty's grave!
Who, when the scorching hour of day
Its fiercest lustre bade him brave,
Has shudder'd near the icy clay
Of beauty's grave!
Who, when the tempest yell'd afar,
Has heard the sighing zephyrs wave,
As slowly rose the ev'ning star,
On beauty's grave!
Lorn is the wand'rer who beholds
Near the swift brook's unwearied wave,
The grass-green mantle that enfolds
Beauty's low grave!


And sad, when twilight's shadows close,
To hear the wild affections rave
Around the bed of still repose,
Pale beauty's grave!
There, while the faint moon rises high,
The Parent mourns, who could not save,
Yet sees his hope, his treasures lie
In beauty's grave!
Yet on that turf the sweetest flow'rs,
With daisies, ruby-ey'd, shall wave,
And Spring shall shed its softest show'rs,
On beauty's grave!