University of Virginia Library

The .lxv. Psalme.

O God , thou only art worthy to haue prayse in Sion:
And that all ye people do paye, theyr vowes to the alone.
For thou hearest ye prayers of thy people in theyr nede:
Wherfore all men resorte to the, wyth full trust for to spede.
The reckenynge of our wyckednes, was more then we coulde paye:

But thou Lorde for thy great mercy haste put our synnes awaye.
The man that is chosen of the, is happy & right sure:
That in thy courte and temple he, shal dwell in greate pleasure.
O God oure health, O the refuge, of all coastes of the land:
And of them that do dwel far of, in the seas & sea sand.
O thou I saye, that by thy power, haste set the hyll so sure:
And art euer gyrded about, wyth strenght that wyll endure.
O thou that doest quiete the seas, and the rude peoples rage:
In thy iustice thou hast sharplye threatned thyne heritage.
So that all they that dwell far of, shall feare when they shall se:
Thy tokens, for thou makeste boeth euen & morne to prayse the.
Thou haste caused the earth to chappe for lacke of hir due rayne:
And haste wyth plentie of water, shotte vp hir chappes agayne.
O God thy riuer is brymme full, wherby thou doest prepare:
All maner grayne for man, whych thou causest the earth to beare.

Thou doeste water hir forowes & causete hir cloddes to fall:
Thou supplest hir wyth water dropes, and geuest encrease wyth all.
Thou doest crowne and set forth the yere of thy passyng goodnes:
And to poure downe dropes of plentie, thy cloudes do neuer sease.
The pastures of the desert are fayre and full of plentie:
And the litle hylles are beset wyth all fertylytie.
The fieldes and valleys of the earth haue for theyr couerynge:
Such flockes of shipe and plottes of grayne, that they reioyce and synge.